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can I rally my car?

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So, I went on a rally driving day, and loved it. Managed to spin proper 360 in the subaru impreza, what a clown! But then got the hang of it and got the fastest lap of the day - so now I want to do more, proper competition rallying.


Can I rally my G60? Or is it better to go with something like a mini cooper, which would prob be the other option. But I already own my Corrado, and think it would be a blast to take cross country.


What do you think?


Or would I just kill it?

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Mind you, the Impreza would have had everything up-to date, and very expensive parts.


Although a Corrado can go rallying, it won't be able to handle as much thrashing as an Impreza can, and it's still FWD ;)

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Well no, you could rally the corrado but it won't be as good as it would be with being in the scooby, unless you've uprated a lot of things, imprezas are generally great all rounders and more upto date from standard, whereas you'd need to upgrade a fair few things on the corrado to get it to an impreza spec.


I'd like to also hear some more views on this...

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I wouldn't rally the G60 due to how delicate the charger can be. Also really for rallying you want a RWD or 4WD.

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really for rallying you want a RWD or 4WD.

If that was true there wouldn't be a FWD class. It's just a different set of driving challenges to the other classes. The only thing that would stop me using a Corrado is the relative spares shortage compared to something like a Golf.

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there was an american guy prepping a yellow g60 for rallying a while ago... i forget the website address but it looked pretty promising.


If it were me I'd look at something cheaper to repair and run since as blue_joe says, parts aint cheap... something like a old escort or even (dare i say it) a old nova/fiesta/corsa fully stripped with choice engine mods. panels are going to be cheap and redily availible from scrappys should anything go wrong, and the engines are reasonably easy to work on, again with cheap availible parts.


plus you wont cry if you kill it, which i think you might with a corrado!

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I found the American guy when I was searching for info - can't find it now though! He said it went ok, got 6th out of 12 in his class, but the main prob was overheating, tried spraying the radiator and fanning it and all sorts - can't remember what he decided to do in the end. Use a different car probably!


I like front wheel drive, it suits my driving, it seems more connected, less likely to spin out, plus I like the throttle/steering control on the corners with a fwd. Probably because my first car was a mini, and I learned to pull it round.


A mark 2 Escort has been suggested by a couple of people now - and I've always secretly hankered after a Nova - now's my chance!


(Corrado breathes a sigh of relief)

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My rado would fall apart on the first stage!!! ;)


Thats if the tyres hadn't been completely shredded by the bleedin wheel arches :)

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I wouldn't rally the C, as said before get a cheap motor, perhaps a 205 gti? There's nothing wrong with FWD, I think the main problem with the C would be ground clearance - you'd have to raise the suspension and plate the underside - basically making it look crap. Plus if you get something like a nova/corsa, pug etc then many other people rallying will run them too, you could make a few contacts and then get cheaper rallying parts/spares through them?

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I think the main problem with the C would be ground clearance - you'd have to raise the suspension



unless it was a VR on standard suspension! :)

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nd I've always secretly hankered after a Nova - now's my chance!



with a 16v engine would be cool!!1

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