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the chap from karmann's motorshow corrado

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Not quite sure what the deal with the numberplates were to be honest! We never did find out!


The car was rough, make no mistake.. the tow bar, the jag badge on the back, the paperweight on the bonnet, the totally screwed bonnet (was sourced from another Corrado and painted badly), those alloy wheels, etc - the more you looked round it the more you realised what needed to be done. But it was a car with history - arguably more than the Storms have!


I have those interior shots at about double the size chris - and a few more but some are a bit blurry...

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Ah - apparently Etienne Aigner 'special edition' cabrio's were available in the early 90's - given Brefords penchant for stick on tat on this car, I wonder if he just put that logo on the back himself or if it really was a possible test special edition that never really happened...?


The mysteries of Corrado's that we'll never know. I'm going to make a point of asking Eric to ask him at the meet this year!

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yeah was a real shame about the car, but if you're offered ex amount to PX your car and cant get the same amount to arrange to transfer it to some random guy in england, what are you gonna do?!

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the more I look at the pictures, the more sertain i become that he should never have been allowed to own not just that corrado, but possibly any car.....ever.

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Well, if he was offered a good price by the dealer then fair play. It's true that he did try long and hard to sell the car on here last year. To be quite honest, the only part worth saving was the interior.

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I would have killed for that interior. Planning on doing a tan retrim at the end of the year... But a one off Karmann interior would have been nice. :(

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Folks, I have tried 3 times on this forum, and once on a German forum (only once, as I wanted to get this car over to the UK as a stunt) to sell this car, alas to no avail :-(


As soon as I've got a bit of spare time again (busy at work and at home, MOTs on all 3 toys looming again, hence spending a lot of time in the garages every evening and weekends) I was planning on calling a mate of mine in Germany, who knows Breford very well, to find out more.



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Good news: This Corrado still exists, and is potentially still for sale!!!!!


Anyone intyerested? PM me!



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Cue the comments about how overpriced it is, yatta yatta...

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if its still about.......then im interested....if its been crushed then hes a bit of a winky....



potential buyer here by the sounds of it :wink:

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Yeah he won't let it go to be broken.. he really wants it to go to someone who's gonna ship shape it and keep it original!

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I know its an ancient thread, but does anyone know what happened to this in the end?


DId someone buy it and save it or has it died?

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