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bottom limit switch for windows

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I think pretty much every C makes a thunk when the windows are put down all the way. There are various remedies but in most other cars there is a limit switch which cuts the power 'just' before the bottom. There's probably also one for when it reaches the top. Any idea how to wire one in? I hate it when you get a passenger who just presses the down button and lets it thump itself senseless on the bottom.

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I agree, it would be nice if the window could stop short of bottoming out. I don't like the clunk at the bottom when I use one touch lower either. You could rig up a contact sensor so that when the window gets to a certain spot, it wouldn't allow power in the down direction anymore. Maybe just some felt on whatever the window hits would go a long way as well.


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I believe that sme people use a rubber pad, but presumably this would risk having the window motor try and compress it at full drop and possibly burn out?

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That's the way they are mate. I have a brand new VAG window regulator in my driver's door and it still thunks when it bottoms out. I'll investigate a way of damping it when I next take the door card off. Don't think it will take much tbh. The motor won't burn out as it has those thermal fuses that cut the power when people trap their fingers.....and I know that from bitter experience as I got my arm trapped when fiddling about, LOL!

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OK thanks. I've got to take the cards off again to put sme sound deadening in so i'll have a look again. In the meantime any good ideas/solutions welcomed.

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Has anyone found a solution to this? Was there a bump stop fitted when new that could have fallen off or just perished with time?

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Had some success with the clunk problem. I fitted a large chunk of rubber (got it from work) to the horizontal runner that the glass is attached to. I cut the length so that the glass now sits about 2 or 3mm above the original height, still below the rubber weather strip height.


Doesn't clunk now, rather just a thud. I forgot to take a pic. Door card is back on now.

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