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Knackered VR6 ECU???

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My blue VR appears to be over-fuelling - massively failed it's mot on emissions by a factor of 30!! :shock:


Anyway, I plugged it into vagcom and the ecu wouldn't communicate with vagcom for about the first 10 or 15 minutes. Then it started communicating fine and no error codes were recorded. The mechanic put it into BS mode and it seemed to be a hell of a lot better. Much better mpg on the MFA. Then the next day it seemed to have the fuel smell on starting and poor mpg again.


Does this sound like an ecu problem? It seemed to only start over-fuelling when i tried another ecu in there. It's now back on its original ecu.


Any thoughts???



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where's the 109 ecu relay mate???


not sure a maf would do that much to the emissions would it?


the fact that the ecu wouldn't communicate with vagcom for a while made me suspect the ecu.

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If the MAF is reading incorrectly then it may well tell your engine to add more fuel!!


I have an ECU and MAF that you can try out mate ;) The ECU is at PSI, and the MAF is in my garage.

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Sorry, bit of a joke with Stan, I nearly bought his MAF.


Have you checked your air temp sensor? Mine was overfueling and thats what PSI tracked it down to? ECU didn't come up with a fault. Less than a tenner for one and pretty common from what I've being told.


Sensor was telling the ecu it was always cold so car was over fuelling.

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PSI did it all, not really sure. :oops:


Give Andy a ring at PSI. Tell him whats wrong and he'll give you good advice. Failing that, just ask him where the temp sensor he replaced on Andy's Corrado is! :)


EDIT: PM'd you the number.

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The relay is at position 3 (top main row, third from the left) on the relay plate and has the number 109 printed on top. The part number of the old relay should be 357 906 381 A, but the current VW number is 1J0 906 381 A. They cost just under £13 from VW. The air temp sensor is on the inlet manifold, 6, just below the servo vacuum take off hose. These can easily be tested using VAG-COM in measuring blocks 08, display group 003, display zone 4 where the figure should be roughly ambient temperature with a cold engine, so about the same as your MFA reading.

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