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Has anyone cut down their 90mm spoiler? - done it

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Just fitted coilovers to my car, however I've only been able to lower it by about 20-25mm because of the speed bumps round my house :( And it still catches the spoiler at that!


Anybody tried lopping a bit off the bottom of their spoiler?


EDIT - I cut the bottom 20 mm off it yesterday, and the results are surprisingly good! Dropped it a bit more on the coilovers, well chuffed now :D

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I cut my 90mm up the other day, just got some tin snips and started cuttin', as long as you cut an even amount off all the way round it's fine. You can get the 50mm ones from GPC can't remember how much tho.

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there's normally always someone wanting to swap a 50mm for a 90mm one on here tho


but GPC charge £35+VAT+PnP for the 50mm one

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It's not flimsy at all, i must have cut off a good 40mm - you have to have a good set of cutters mind it's quite tough.

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Just live with it :lol: Every time you scratch it you realise how low the car is :lol: 8)


I would if I didn't have to be reminded 12 times a day just trying to get from my house to the main road :lol: Bloody speed bumps :mad:

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Have you tried taking it 'slightly' diagonally?


Don't go nuts, but it does make quite a difference!

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I'd love to know what they're made of, I've been going over the same 3 grinding speed humps for 6 months and it still catches the last one just as bad today as the first time!


The only problem I can see with a 50mm one is that it's be too close to the sump height? I like having a "feeler" in front when going over those damned pillow humps.....


Can't go at it diag as it's on a junction and nutters in Chelsea Tractors just hoon over them!


Was thinking small Titanium blocks for that Sparkage effect! :D

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We have a 90mm and because the car is low anyway, it scrapes all the time. But if you think about it, every time you scrape a little bit wears off, so just keep the 90mm and eventually it'll be 70mm :wink:

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I wanted to buy one from GPC and although it was cheaper it works out better to go dealer as you can collect. P&P on something that shape is a killer.


vwdeviant: Just a thought but how slow are you driving to be able to stop when the chin spoiler hits and you think "OH my sump" ??? I want brakes like yours....

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i just put 2 wheels on the pavemement, just have to watch out for kids, lamposts and men in black.


I have a real things about speed humps. they dont need to be that savage and there are plenty of very low standard cars that should be able to get over them. so i go round them as i do pot holes.


we pay so much for our roads, and then they waist money on stuff that doesnt slow down the people killing 4x4s driven by mums on there mobile phone and spend no money on big holes that kill bikers.


make your own rules i say

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about 10mph or less. I lost a chin spoiler on a MkI golf to going too quickly over a speed hump ripped it clean off, and didn't notice till I got home! Also look at how low the notch was I basically had 3 fingers clearance to the lowest point so all speed humps we taken at walking pace (often with a bit of grinage as weel!)


So these days I just ease over them, TBH let the buggers behind you wait, rather than terminally daming your engine.

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there a massive indented drain cover from me that makes the splitter hit, not to mention wamming your suspension. its just after the brow of a hill in a 50 limit, and ive reported it 3 times to the council over the last yr 1/2!!


id been waiting for it to happen and it did a few months back, a copper following me. so stuck to my routine and stopped with my right indicator on waiting for stuff coming towards me to clear. copper nearly rear ended me, but i waited and calmly pulled right round it when it was clear. Got pulled and he went absolutely ape at me.


I explained about writing to the council and that i wasnt going to destroy my car for him or anyone else after the money we give to run out cars in this country. he didnt really have much to say after that.


one of the most enjoyable momments :-)

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Well I've done it, hacked off the bottom 20mm or so off the spoiler. Results are surprisingly good! Dropped the coilies a bit more, well chuffed now :D

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We have a 90mm and because the car is low anyway, it scrapes all the time. But if you think about it, every time you scrape a little bit wears off, so just keep the 90mm and eventually it'll be 70mm :wink:


My thoughts exactly ;)

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