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new girl - Pic *MAY* not be work safe

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who'd have thought 10 minutes woth of photoshop could cause such a kerfuffle...


i am a 100% actual person, i promise.


here's a pic of the real thing - not quite so exciting, but it'll do for me :)


i actually bought this off bigbluec who told me about this forum, so he can take all credit for it really. it's had new springs with a 40mm drop and lots of other fancy pants things that i don't understand (thanks will!).

needless to say my automotive knowledge is somewhat lacking, but I know a nice looking car when i see one (and they generally don't have 4ft spoilers or funny spade things coming out the front either!!).


it's nice to be here anyhoo.

that bird greasing up the bonnet in the first pic doesn't look much like me at all i'm afraid...


-are there any other girls around here or wot¿



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Finally found the forum then! think i prefer the normal picture of her in my garden!


How much do i get in the way of Guinness vouchers for advertising the forum then Andi?


Anyway welcome and i hope you enjoy her as much as I have.

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L33t photoshop skillz for someone that's a graphic designer! 8)
Photoshop? :lol:


Anyway, welcome over Miss 'Rado :)

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Finally found the forum then! think i prefer the normal picture of her in my garden!


How much do i get in the way of Guinness vouchers for advertising the forum then Andi?


Anyway welcome and i hope you enjoy her as much as I have.


why don't you just p!ss on her? :D

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you know what I meant mate ;)



flick key is very nice, although I haven't bought a Clifford to try and tie that into it, but its worth while even if it doesn't do the alarm :)

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Time for my dinner i think, i'll put my words in the microwave and then eat them :-(


Sorry i doubted you being a true new member. Also glad you bought Will's car, he's a great chap and thats a very nice car for the money he was asking!


and watch out for that Bristol Baron bloke, he's a head case!

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Time for my dinner i think, i'll put my words in the microwave and then eat them :-(


Sorry i doubted you being a true new member. Also glad you bought Will's car, he's a great chap and thats a very nice car for the money he was asking!


and watch out for that Bristol Baron bloke, he's a head case!


i heard that! sadly, its probbly true.

you'll be please to know you're not the only female from bristol on here, blackcat and butterfly are both 'local' 8)

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Welcome to the house of fun sorry forum - I'm with the baron "Good to see another person from BRISTOL up in here" {I've been told a few times that we're all ment to be mental} :salute:

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Welcome to the forum, madam.

You have just seen a demonstration of how basic the masculine line of thought is.

Watch the number of viewers of this post soar just because there is the possibility it might contain something to do with the female of the species.


Caught me, too, and I am too old to fully remember why we chase women.

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yes, yes you all are that bad!!! it always amuses me how quickly a thread with a girl introducing herself on here grows - this has already hit 3 pages, would it be that big if it were a young bloke...?


at the end of the day its harmless fun, and human nature..... :)


your all pretty harmless... most of you.....

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squiggleH3R4POR wrote

we're not that bad are we craigowl?


Normal, rather than bad.

Despite your lowering sperm counts it is interesting to see that the modern young male is still interested. :wink:

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Yeah apart from Dave that is :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink: only jokein pet :)

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it always amuses me how quickly a thread with a girl introducing herself on here grows - this has already hit 3 pages, would it be that big if it were a young bloke...?


Maybe if the young blokes included some scantily clad pictures of themselves draped over their C's, they might garner a little more interest... no? Or are the gays'n'gals too badly outnumbered? :roll:


Anyhow, welcome to the forum!

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