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Schuy Has Retired then

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Guess it was expected and although not a big fan, even I have to admit a sad one and a Record that will be hard to beat

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I have ultimate respect for the man, I don't think there are many, if any better than him out there.


However it is about time!

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Truly the end of an era. He so quickly rose to the top of the game and stayed there no matter who came along. 7 titles in the bag and a strong chance of an 8th, but it could have been so many more. His genius will always be marred by some of the more questionable incidents in his past, but stupidly he usually came off worst. He could have won another title when he tried punting Hill off, another with Villeneuve (sp?). The year he broke his legs at Silverstone was yet another lost opportunity. The sheer brilliance in the wet against Hill at Barcelona when he stayed on slicks, and in Portugal when he spent lap after lap losing time to clean an area of track in readiness for a bold overtake which gave him the win. There's not much left to watch in F1 now, and without the brilliance, and occasional controversy surrounding Schumey the sport will struggle in his absence. I too would have loved to see him sparring with Kimi, or any other top driver if Ferrari had ever deigned to have two top drivers instead of one and a rear gunner for so many years. The driver of our generation IMHO, and I will miss him. Thanks Michael, and all the best on your retirement.

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totally devastated! Was at Monza last year - wish I was there today. Guy is a legend - F1 will lose so much when he bows out - hopefully as 8times Champion in Brazil.

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Does seems a big loss when he is still pretty much unrivalled. I do think Alonso is a great driver capable of dragging a poor car further up the grid than it deserves as only schumi could before him. But also found Alonso to be a bit of a c*ck this year. Fingers crossed Schumi shows him how to be a real champion at the end of the year.

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I've found that too with Alonso - huge loss to Ferrari - can't imagine Raikkonen getting the team to rally around him like Michael did. I'm tempted to put money on Massa winning the title next year!

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Don't be silly, listen to the sun and put all your money on Button...:lol: NOT


End of an era indeed, true legend. Hated F1 though!

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I didn't like much what he did with Jordan (in 91) as I was a big Jordan fan. because of that I did enjoy Hill, Villenuve & Hackinen beating him. Although over the years I could not deny him the respect he deserves. My opinion has changed so much towards him in the past two seasons that, I would love to see him winning his eigth title this year.


He is an excellent role model for any young driver, the essence of motivation, skill, drive & determination... for me, A complete champion


The King is retired... long live the King

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very sad day when he leaves F1 , will take a big man to fill his place , but im looking forward to the next 3 races to see if he can make it title no 8 and go out with the respect he deserves :notworthy:

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End of an era for sure... love him or loathe him the bloke's a legend in F1, even his 'controversial' moments have kept F1 in the public eye.


Just hope the F1 carnival can take the loss, i rate Raikkonen, Alonso, Fisi and even new boy Rubik's Cube... er, Robert Kubica as racers, but there aren't really any 'characters' left in the paddock which can carry a charisma of (good or bad) off the track.


Either way, I'll always be a Scuderia fan... ever since my arbitrary decision to follow them as a child with the words "Mummy, I like the red cars bestest"...


Come on Schumi, Championship No.8 is only a few laps off!! :salute:

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truth is - he deserves to be acknowledged now - Senna did far worse and was always the bad guy - until he died - then people had only nice things to say about him. They should say the nice stuff to Michael while he's still around. He's the greatest - like Muhammed Ali - we've witnessed something special and it's about to end. Sad time for F1.

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Oh come on!!!


He's a bloody robot! I'm glad he's off - maybe we can actually get someone with a personality in now?


Yeah he's a fookin good driver, but he's also a cheating b*stard who'll do anything to win. I think the sport is better without him. I honestly do.


I think people forget he is only one part of a small team - him, braun, todt, etc. Without them he'd be less of a winner for sure.




Now Senna...... he was the man :)

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Oh come on!!!


He's a bloody robot! I'm glad he's off - maybe we can actually get someone with a personality in now?


Total pish! I was a huge Senna fan but Michael is far from a robot - he's one of the few with a personality. Flamboyant driving style - always shows emotion when on the podium and is always honest and open when talking. Michael is the greatest driver in F1 history and a great guy - has always had a bad deal in Britain due to his fight with Damon Hill which was basically just England vs Germany - the media always portray him badly in this country. He is a HUGE loss to F1!


I actually think he surpassed Senna's ability anyway. Michael got the team around him and that's what was great about him - 90 wins against some of the most dominant cars in F1 - Williams94-97, McLaren 98-2000 - he won in circumstances where he wasn't the fastest. Guy was a genius - gave his heart and soul to the sport too - braking his legs in Silverstone in 99 and racing the day after his mother died. Great driver - great guy - totally irreplacacble.


As regards the "cheating" Senna did a lot worse - hitting Prost at 180mph into turn one in Suzuka deliberately - Michael was made an example of and the first instance that the old ways were shown to be unaccepable.

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Now Senna...... he was the man


In my opinion, if you could have put the two together whilst in their prime and in the same cars, Senna would win everytime.

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Now Senna...... he was the man


In my opinion, if you could have put the two together whilst in their prime and in the same cars, Senna would win everytime.


Totally disagree with that and these what if things are pointless! Senna - amazing driver but was nearing the end of his career before Imola 94 when he died with Michael already ahead in the championship. I believe Michael surpassed Ayrton's ability and was more of a complete driver. People glorify Senna as he's dead. When he was alive he was more villified than Schuey.

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Bad move by Michael but if Hill hadn't stormed in - he'd have been champ. Remember Michael got a 3 race ban in 94 for passing Hill on the parade lap at the British GP and ignoring the black flag yet still took the title to the last race.

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In my opinion, if you could have put the two together whilst in their prime and in the same cars, Senna would win everytime.


Totally disagree with that and these what if things are pointless! Senna - amazing driver but was nearing the end of his career before Imola 94 when he died with Michael already ahead in the championship. I believe Michael surpassed Ayrton's ability and was more of a complete driver. People glorify Senna as he's dead. When he was alive he was more villified than Schuey.


It was the third race of the season when he died, Senna had to retire from the first two races with technical problems so a lot of drivers were in front in the championship.


No way has Schumacher surpassed Senna's ability, many people agree that wet weather is the great leveller and no-one could ever match Senna in the wet. Have a look at this website which has a clip of and describes donnington 1993, regarded by many as the best opening lap of any f1 race. In that race he also lapped virtually everyone else that day in a car that was inferior to the williams and bennetton.


Also, for most of his career Schumacher has never really had any other great drivers to compete against, throughout his career Senna was up against true greats like Mansell and Prost, often in inferior cars.


Don't get me wrong I think Schumacher is one of the true greats, but people like Ecclestone and Stirling Moss regard Ayrton as the best driver ever for a reason.

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well your entitled to your rather ill informed opinion. The old Schumacher cobblers thing - very witty! :roll:



My rather ill-informed opinion? Yes I am entitled to it. Very big of you I must say!


My opinion isn't ill-informed at all, its just different to yours pal. And to be fair I've been watching F1 for way longer than you, so stop being so patronising cos someone disagrees with you!


IMO Senna beats the gay german chin-meister. No competition :)

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As regards the "cheating" Senna did a lot worse - hitting Prost at 180mph into turn one in Suzuka deliberately


Ah but to be fair - Ayrton did give him fair warning before the start!

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