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matt buz

door closing bother

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On cold mornings I have to slam the doors shut with the force of a thousand men just so they stay closed, otherwise they can pop open. I dont have the same problems when its warmer though!

Gonna take a look at the mechs on them this weekend and clean them and lube em up a bit but is this a common problem and a sign that i need to change the door mechs?





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you could try putting something like vaseline on the door seals so soften them up a bit,also try moving the door catch

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is it the same with the window or sunroof open?



Just when it is closed.

Just bobbed out in it and sure enough with the sun in the sky its fine.

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The peg that the door lock locates onto is adjustable, you just put a spanner on the hexagon part and loosen it. What is happening is that on a hot day the rubber seals are soft and will allow the door to close onto the peg. However on cold days the rubber seals are harder to compress and therefore the door is harder to close. what has happened is that over the years the peg has gradually moved inwards by a few mm. all you need to do is to move it back out by a fraction.



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as above but have you checked your door hasn't dropped shouldn't of done, but is a slight chance it may have. also check the nylon ring on the door latch pin. if that is worn or missing then that could explain door closing problems.

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cheers fellas

I did notice that there is a crack on the nylon ring on both sides. I turned this round so the crack was facing the other way and it shut straight away. Any ideas where I can get one from?

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cheers fellas

I did notice that there is a crack on the nylon ring on both sides. I turned this round so the crack was facing the other way and it shut straight away. Any ideas where I can get one from?


You have to buy a new striker pin from VW, which comes with a new nylon sleeve. They must be heat shrunk on at the factory or something.



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