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Heater matrix... can it be fixed with rad weld?!

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This may sound like a stupid question but could using rad weld temporarily

fix a broken heater matrix?


my windscreen steamed up the other day but the car didn't fill with water so was thinking it might be a small leak?


I really want to avoid taking the dashboard to pieces!

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This may sound like a stupid question but could using rad weld temporarily

fix a broken heater matrix?


my windscreen steamed up the other day but the car didn't fill with water so was thinking it might be a small leak?


I really want to avoid taking the dashboard to pieces!


I tend to think of rad weld as a temporary bodge for a banger, I'd rather not put that stuff into the cooling system of my Corrado, it's sole intention being to block things up!

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Once it is on its way. it is just a matter of time. the coolant system on a VW runs very hot and under specific pressure. I would expect the radweld to work for about, Oooh 5 minutes, and then it will find its way into your footwells.


Then you have even more nasty chemicals to clean of your carpets. My advice is get it done before it goes properly. because when it does it can be dangerous and painful. and if that happened to be on a motorway then it could be a disaster waiting to happen. I was lucky that when mine went it was a hot day and the windows were already down.

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Better bet for working around a dodgy heater matrix is to bypass it. Get the two pipes that go to the matrix, and connect them to each other. Job done. No hot air in the cabin, but more importantly, no steamy windows. Unless you want them steamy ..

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I think I will bypass it for the time being then...


was just an idea, if rad weld works on the radiator I thought it might work on the heater matrix as this has the same coolant pressure/heat. doesn't it?


anyway i've ordered a new matrix now, gotta find someone to change it, don't fancy it myself looking at the photos i've seen on here!


cheers for your comments.. !

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some photos on here look worse as people have taken out the dash, which dont actually need to do, its about a 4hr job otherwise.


Really. Can it be done without removing the dash? Is there a how 2 for that?

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just need to remove the lower trim from both drivers and passenger side and glovebox needs to come out, only really fiddly bit is putting one of the vent control wires back in.


ive done 4 of these like this without removing dash, a couple on my own but does help if you have 2 sets of hands.

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To be honest i've only seen 3 heater matrix's that have gone and they've all been on the inlet shoulder and the crack has been such that no amount of radweld would fix it, your best bet as mentioned is to bypass it until you have the time to replace it. ENJOY!!

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Had a bit of spare time this afternoon so thought I'd have a look at removing the heater matrix ready for the new one...


I got as far as removing the glove box and centre console, but when it came to removing the bolts in the engine bay and unclipping the hoses I got a bit stuck as I cant find the bolts, just one that is to the left of the hoses! and I can't get the clips of the hoses!


Does anyone know an easy way of getting these clips off?! and does anyone have any pictures of which bolts i need to remove?


This is why I work in an office.

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Does anyone know an easy way of getting these clips off?! and does anyone have any pictures of which bolts i need to remove?


Pay someone to do it??


No, on a more serious note it shouldn't be too difficult. Just get a set of pliers or mole grips and wiggle the clips off. Removing the actual hose is the harder bit.


When I did mine half the old matrix came out with it!!

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had this done a couple of weeks ago in my VR6..Started with steam and then lurvely brown water spitting at the windscreen.

Graham (nemesis360...on here) did it for me.


As he said it looks a worse job than it is which is just as well as part way through my interior looked a bomb had gone off in it!!!! :D


Took about 5 hours in all...many cups of tea and a bacon sarnie!!!

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ive just bought a new rado and ive absolutely no heat in it but the blowers work fine. How much am i looking at for a new matrix and wheres the best place to get one?


Ive heard its a real pig of a job to do, as the whole dash has to come out.


Anyone any guides, preferably with pictures? (im a mechanical noob :) )

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i bought mine from GSF £47 including VAT and postage, they're aobut £115 from VW...


started to take the dash apart then thought better of it, put it back together and booked it into a mates garage!

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Aye, stealers wanted 104 + VAT yesterday, so GSF came up with the goods for less than half that, typical though I forgot to get my 10% CCGB discount from the membership card.

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in Parrot style

'Dash does not need to come out, dash does not need to come out'

goes for both early and facelift cars. and if you take it to a garage to be done and they say it does get in your car and drive off as they'll charge you twice as much doing it that way.

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3hrs max to do a heater matrix. I belive there is also a good write up on the wiki section of this site.

The dash dosent need to come out but the fascia panel does (well it makes it easier.)

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managed to do it with facia in (to lazy to remove it) on all the swaps i've done does make getting the box out and back in easier though.


On Campbells swap he just pulled whole dash back a shade (with his bare hands like an animal) so box popped out easier.


a hoover is also recommended for this as your footwells are likely to be bogging afterwards.

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Is the procedure any different with cars fitted with an aftermarket Diavia Aircon system?

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heres some pics hope they help!!!...lol


Tho will prob cause despair!!


Graham who did mine said it looked a bigger job than it was just caused alot of mess!!

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CAn anyone help???


I'm doing this right now but am stuck at


4/ remove the 3 nuts in the engine bay (2 for the heater box and one for the fan arm), and disconnect the coolant pipes from the matrix.


Where exactly is the third bolt for the fan arm??



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