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Modern cars, too much electronics and stuff

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Just read the monthly ADAC mag, that I as a member get.


It contains a recall section, taken from this month's section (VAG):


100 Passats recalled (Type B6 with 2 litre FSI, built in the period 11/05 till 1/06) because of a software error (typical ... :lol:). Software on the ECU needs re-programming as - wait for this, almost sounds like Windows - during WOT the fuel pump could immediately shut off :shock:


Modern balloon rubbish anyone, sorry airbags? Here you go:


200 Audi A3 (model 2006, type 8P) recalled, as due to a slow gas leak in the head airbag they can fail. Gas cartridges are changed during the recall.


12000 Audi A8 recalled (model D3, built in period from 3/02 till 3/04) it could happen that the driver airbag doesn't fully inflate (hmm, inflatables - told you, I don't rate this stuff other than taking the mickey - will get flamed no doubt :lol:), needs to be inspected and where necessary exchanged.


All I want is a road-legal go-kart (no fluffiness, no creature comforts), all other cars removed from roads (except type 53s), hence no accidents :lol:



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It would be nice to think that the Scirocco R20 will be stripped of unnecessary electronics but somehow I doubt it - legislation and marketing departments will see to that.


On a similar note I'm currently having problems with my employer. I opted out of the company car scheme and drive the G60 on an everyday basis. They now want me to drive something newer because of legal advice they have received. Apparently I could sue the company if I had an accident because they allowed to drive a 15 year old car!!!!!! - the world is going mad

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It would be nice to think that the Scirocco R20 will be stripped of unnecessary electronics but somehow I doubt it - legislation and marketing departments will see to that.


On a similar note I'm currently having problems with my employer. I opted out of the company car scheme and drive the G60 on an everyday basis. They now want me to drive something newer because of legal advice they have received. Apparently I could sue the company if I had an accident because they allowed to drive a 15 year old car!!!!!! - the world is going mad


That is to put it mildly fucking nuts!


If you really want to freak out about 'modern' electronics on cars just have a read up on the horror that is GM's 'On Star' system.


Really good article about 'On Star' and the failings of ABS etc have a read here: http://www.chris-longhurst.com/speakingaboutnannycars.html

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Just sign something that says you take responsibility for your own safety when driving on company business. Or sign stating that you intend to use a hire car (or the TRAIN fgs!) for ALL business miles. If they're not actually providing a vehicle, they can't dictate how you travel to business appointments.

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