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Mystic Storm

Name?? Help me out.......

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Thought I'd ask something a bit different and not technical at all and some people may get pi**sed off. Anyway, what can I name my Corrado (got her on sat)? It's a Mystic Blue Storm (don't know if that will make a difference) and there's only one condition - it has to be a girls/feminine name?


Any suggestions are welcome and I'll let you all know tomorrow what I've decided on.


P.S Does anyone else name their cars or am I just a sad loser?!?!

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just call mine a her..but on a bad day i call her a biatch


Biatch is pretty good actually (good or bad day). It's added to the list. Would have to be 'The Biatch!' though.

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My mate just calls my C 'The Beast'.


Think this is more a general matter as well ;)

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My friend called my last car, pug 309gti, Emanuelle, French and dirty he said.

Not sure what he's called my C. The other half calls it the bumpiest car she's been in. Haven't told her it's adjustable yet. If I tell her now she'll kill me.

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I tend to base the name of my cars on female names based around the letters on the number plate.


J-DUB (My current G60, pretty bleeding obvious what the letters are! :lol: )

KC (my MKI 16V Golf) FKC###Y

Willow (named by the previous owner of my old MKI golf auto BEFORE Buffy the Vampire Slayer became a series! :roll: ) WLO ##X


I've named all of my cars like this apart from 3...


Hughie, my beetle, which was puke yellow and UEA ## M (say the first 3 letters loudly with an accent like Billy Connely! :lol: )

Ralph (my Porsche engined, wheely'ing camper van :? ) YRA181L

And my 1.4 Astra Merit which was known as "the blue bag o' sh!te" :roll: :lol:


Yeah, it's kind of sad, but I spend more on my cars than I've ever spent on my women, and they've got names!*, and I know that a lot more people name their PCs, which I've never done, other than "Server", "Games", "Music" etc...

(* which could explain why I'm single!) :roll: :lol:

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Good few ideas, I'll put my thinking cap on. Looks like a busy day at work so I'll be back on at lunchtime with my chosen name.


P.S Heidi is in the lead so far, like it.

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Have chosen Claudia for my beloved Corrado. It's along the same lines as Heidi i.e. Claudia Schiffer - German Supermodel.


Just heading out to give Claudia a good wash!

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Corrado's are definately Male, I mean, just look at them :shock:


although, all the high maintainence, and money you have to throw at them to keep them, they might be female afterall



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As my girlfriend keeps calling me a burk, my VR6 is affectionately known as the 'Burkado' :lol:


She's got a red Ford Ka which I call the 'Ladybird'.


I think you should call yours 'Gold digger' cause it'll bleed you dry and feck off to some other bloke a few years later!



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Nah, I'm sticking with Claudia Corrado, sounds more like a porn star though!


I've always called my car female names, especially ones I really like. Wouldn't quite be the same if it had a blokes name if you know what I mean.

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used to call my 1st corrado "the pimp-mobile"


my current one i just call it "the G"


as for your car:


Mystic Meg (or the alternative Septic Peg)

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Doesn't matter what you name it officially, it will eventually be fondly called "That F/&*ing Moneypit"

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I used to call mine the 'Conkyrado' bit unfair as it didn't really ever breakdown, my ex called it 'that fu****g car' or if I had been servicing her instead of the rado and was thus in her good books she called it 'the beast'.

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