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sub popped! whats this though??

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my sub blew today, which i thought was a bit strange seen as its RMS is way above what i was putting in to it, however when i took it out of the box i found this little blighter...


correct my if i'm wrong, but isnt that a transformer? I got it second hand off ebay, and I have a feeling the guy's tried to boost the power from a headunit/amp by using that thing, hense it blowing on me! GRRRR! :mad:


off to halfords for a new one then :(

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They look like capictors or something to cut out the music frequncies (bad spelling) :lol: work like crossovers..


I think he's sold you some dud stuff mate :(

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Yup, looks like capacitors! Just looks like he's made his own low pass filter and stick it inside the box. As for the windings of the transformer being there, well, that don't look like it should be doing anything to me. Theres no connctions to the coils (is there?) and nothing passing though the centre, so i can't see it working as a transformer anyway! Think it's just a home made filter. Personally, i'd get a new sub (get it off the net though, mine was loads cheaper) and run new cables through from the terminals to the sub just in case! 8)

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From the photo it's difficult to see how many wires the coil has got going in/coming out of it. If it's got 4 it's a transformer, if it's only got 2 it's just a coil that's being used as a cheap low pass filter and shouldn't be causing any problems...


Main answer is to count the wires... 1in + 1out it's a coil that's being used as a filter, 2in + 2 out it's a transformer and probably should be removed. 8)

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Yeah that's the cheapest way to get a 6db 1 way X-over. A naff old ferrite cored winding. Bin it and use the Amp's active filtering.


By the way, you should use an amp MORE powerful than the speaker's RMS rating, not the other way round, otherwise you'll induce speaker destroying clipping.



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It looks like the 2 red/black wires come in to the enclosure, the inductor is in series with the speaker coil, the capacitor in parallel with the speaker coil, to give second order LPF (Not really a great filter at that).

There may be additional problems with having an inductor and a capacitor in an AC network, at a certain frequency their effects will cancel to give very small attenuation. Along with a amplifier that could be sending a clipped signal, I'm not suprised your sub has died!

I know of someone who is selling a Vibe 12" bandpass enclosure and a VP2 (200w rms(i think)) are you interested in a pic or more details?

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if you wont to get your sond sorted propley go and se monty at TVFG next to the discovery center in newcastle he reley nows what he is on about and also loves corrados got all of my stuf there :wink:

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I know of someone who is selling a Vibe 12" bandpass enclosure and a VP2 (200w rms(i think)) are you interested in a pic or more details?


cheers mate, got myself sorted with a 225w RMS maystar jobbie, £45 brand new! ripped the funny filter out of the box and threw it in the bin :lol:


also took the amp out of trimode as the guy int he shop i bought the sub from said it might be another reason the sub blew, and i dont want to risk blowing another one! doesnt sound as good though :( saving for a 4 channel amp now.

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