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my car is NOT ugly!!!!

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I've just been talking to a mate over good old MSN and she has informed me that my Rado is ugly and crap, and that her 1.1 saxo is much nicer!!!


Don't situations like this just make ya wanna jump through the monitor and layeth the smack down!?!?! :mad:

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Why not just ignore the comment from someone who's idea of taste is clearly a burberry cap (peak backwards) with pink shell suit.

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I had a run in with a VTR on the motorway the other day.


It looked very small in the mirror very quickly...

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tbh, i'd rather have a 1.1 hunk of french junk any day - the build quality and electrics will never be faulted, and when they have a body kit, well! :wink:


loving the horny spoiler, not. (does it do anything)

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loving the horny spoiler, not. (does it do anything)


it does actually yes, it knocks at least 15mph off the top speed, thus keeping you to the legal limit of 70 ;-)

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Seriously though, who gives a w*nk what anyone else thinks of your rado, clothes, whatever - did you buy it for you or them?

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loving the horny spoiler, not. (does it do anything)


it does actually yes, it knocks at least 15mph off the top speed, thus keeping you to the legal limit of 70 ;-)


ROFL :lol: surely the K&N air filter and sports exhaust will give him an extra 300hp?

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why don't you ask her for a race? drag and slalom. then you'd see which car was better (as if you didn't already know)

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Opens bag full of cats...


Drove a stock VTR a while back and was actually quite surprised how good it was!


Still wouldn't buy one due to great/Legendary Cheese eating Surrender Monkey's (Clarkson's words not mine!) build quality (maybe it was shedding bits as fast as it was accelerating), and plummeting depreciation...

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3 words for paxos - Spit and Tissue - thats what they are made from, utter w@nk build quality and the interior is the cheapest interior i have ever seen. They are the big rival to my old fiesta zetec-s but i would of chosen the fiesta every day of the week over a saxo!

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In all fairness i used to have a VTR myself. It cost £3.5k, i spent £1.5k keeping it on the road, and sold it for £2k a year later. Which is a large portion of the reasoning behind me being in £5k of debt and driving round in a £2k car!

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each to their own , everyones entitled to an opinion , if we all liked the same thing it would be boring .... and rado prices would be sky high :-)

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It seems to have a hatch for dwarf access via the roof - its black and open in the pic above....
Surely not, methinks tis the satellite dish by which the latest melodies might be downloaded direct to the mp3 player in the boot...

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my brother in law had a vtr an thought it was quick,till i spanked it in my 1.8 16v clio(yes i know clio just a phase i went through :lol: )

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