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The Thieving Little Gits :x :x

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Gutted for you.


I remember when my MK 2 GTi got broken into, was absolutely furious that i punched a wall then went to hospital to get my fingers checked out!


You can't have anything nice these days without some knob wanting to damage or steal it. :mad:

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I really feel for you. I had a similar thing happen a few years ago. I had been out of the country for eight months. Went out for a drive and parked the C. I returned a couple of hours lates to hear the alarm going off and the rear window smashed. A great welcome back to the UK!

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at least those recycling bags come in handy for something :lol: it's exactly what I used when my car was done over a couple of weeks back.


This sort of stuff really makes my blood boil - honestly, I'd have rather given em the £30 they'd have got for the speakers, just to save the expense of the windows!!


gutted for you mate, hope the insurance sorts/covers it with no worries.

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this sort of thing makes me soooooooo angry. why do some ppl think it's within their rights to take something that belongs to someone else esp when doing so much damage in the process? total ignorance, jealousy and lack of respect.


I'd be gutted if that was my c - I was mad enough when some little sod nicked my valve caps (about 5 times - got boring in the end) and my rear VW badge. gd luck with yr insurers.

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I think we should fit some plastic explosives to the car at night - if the glass is broken and the cabin sensor triggered then the car explodes and takes out the thieves! Hell of a price to pay - but you'd see a fall in car crime very quickly!

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very unpleasant, really feel for you. ive had it before, just not on the C yet!


trouble is even if you catch them in the act i think you are surposed to ask them politely to stop and offer them a cup of tea. Not sure thats what would really happen though ;-)


keep us posted on sorting it. sorry to see it

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boj, lol. that reminds me of the finaly in 51st state the other night in the footy box ;-)


i like the advert in robocop 2 for the car security device, spot on

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gutted, presume the amp wasn't cheap either? See they didnt bother with the headunit though. As above, Im sure the glass wont cost much; just lots of time to hoover - it gets everywhere. For somereason I've been lucky in the dodgy places I've parked, yet in the nicer parts of the country, the C often gets damaged/dinged - just like recently; these idiot ponces in 4x4's.


ps - wouldn't bother with that noddy steeringwheel lock, they've shown those come off in a matter of seconds. A proper imobiliser would be best.

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really sorry about that fella, hope you can get it sorted with not too much grief.


don't know how long you've been in your area but i think its always worth mentioning stuff like that to people you see on your street - surprising how much people will say about little ****ers that they know are destroying the area when they're sick of it themselves...

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really bad pics there, reminds me of when I got back to mine one morning and some f*cks had pulled the grill off, popped the bonnet, and tried to make off with him :(

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i don't know what i'd do if i returned to my car and found it like that :!


i dread to think, am gutted for you

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wouldn't bother with that noddy steeringwheel lock, they've shown those come off in a matter of seconds. A proper imobiliser would be best.

yeah, its still more of a deterrent than nothing, at least they didn't nick the whole car. ironically i have a cat 1 alarm from my old car on my floor, but haven't put it in the C due to funding issues. :oops:

Rang the insurers today and can't say i'm too happy with the outcome. Either i don't claim for my speakers, etc and pay £50 excess, or claim, pay £150 excess and lose 2 years no claims bonus (i didn't get a protected ncb - you always think its going to happen to someone else!).

Left my car with the RAC in Sydenham today, they have got the parts they need but they're in Birmingham. Very useful. So now I have to wait till wednesday to get my car back.


I guess what really hacks me off is that i was meant to be going out on saturday night, but fell asleep on the sofa, and so stayed in. if i hadn't been sleeping then i would have used my car, parked somewhere else and probably not had all this stress.



I'm still absolutley steaming about this, 2 days on and the rage hasn't subsided. And i found out this morning the MOT ran out last month. Does it ever f**king end?

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I guess what really hacks me off is that i was meant to be going out on saturday night, but fell asleep on the sofa, and so stayed in. if i hadn't been sleeping then i would have used my car, parked somewhere else and probably not had all this stress.

Going through the same thing. My wing got dented the weekend before xmas; I didnt use the car all xmas break or much before. So the only time it could have got whacked was in Tesco car park, at stupid o-clock at night, in Kenilworth of all places -- just to get some M&M's !! Presume, by Sydenham, you're local.

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Going through the same thing. My wing got dented the weekend before xmas; I didnt use the car all xmas break or much before. So the only time it could have got whacked was in Tesco car park, at stupid o-clock at night, in Kenilworth of all places -- just to get some M&M's !! Presume, by Sydenham, you're local.

Sympathies go out to you. Sydenham is 15 mins away, but 40 by bus and a short stroll. suppose thats local for London. More local is Crystal Palace - boo to the Eagles, up the Hammers!

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what a load of little b*****ds...such a mare!! such a horrible sight to see :(


i had a stupid thing happen to me a few weeks ago -


working under the car on a saturday, i had jacked up the back and was fiddeling with the rear brakes. I park just infront of my house on the street, and live about 50m from centre of town in a little side street. so i was lying under the car, and i usually leave my front door open as i'm always popping in for tools, tea etc. it was a sunny afternoon with lots of shoppers just before xmas walking about, and when i had finished i went inside, packed everything up and wanted to make a call. but no moblie?? i was sure i had left it by my wallet on the table inside, but no wallet either..


turns out that as i was under the car, 2 guys came up and one kept watch as the other dashed inside my house - MY HOUSE, into the living room, and snatched my stuff. i remember them walking away as i got up and they even stopped to see what i was doing. It was fairly normal as i have a zxr750 as well and am often taking bits of car / bike apart in the street, and often peeps come over and just chat , everyone from kids to bums to traffic wardens - a friendly street i thought. i was gutted - how can they come into your house in the middle of the day and snatch your stuff..????? F%$£ers!!


now i'm paraniod to even unload the boot by myself without shutting doors and locking everything each time...

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Sorry to hear that bud. I had a Vibe sub with built in amp nicked one time, the stupid feckers broke the connections in the process of ripping the wires off. The all need culling! :mad:


Got a pair of so-so amps laying around not being used if you want them, just pay for the postage tis all mate.

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Sorry to hear that bud. I had a Vibe sub with built in amp nicked one time, the stupid feckers broke the connections in the process of ripping the wires off. The all need culling! :mad:


Got a pair of so-so amps laying around not being used if you want them, just pay for the postage tis all mate.


yes please! will send pm with details once i work out how!

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Just saw this Corradude, gutted for you mate.


I know a lot of us have been in this situation and its w**k!!


Hope it all gets sorted insurance wise, agree with the stealth shelf next time round, dont give the f**kers any ideas!!

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