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Jim Bowen

Painting Badges and a part no?

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I finally got hold of all the badges for the car, front and rear, i'm thinking of spraying them, does anyone have any recommendations for the paint, i was thinking of going to a model shop and getting some chrome stuff.


also whats the best way to mask them up as not all the lettering is coloured (might be tough to retain the black edge)


and does anyone have the part number for the little blue bits that hold on the "corrado" badge?

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get some plastic primer spray as normal primer and paint dont seem to stick directly to plastic very well,


you should be able to get latex mask from a model shop, just paint it on with a fine brush to all the bits you dont want to be coloured and once you have painted them peel it off before the paint has fully set to avoid flaking the paint off.


the other way to do it is to soak some reasonably dense sponge in the paint you are going to use and gently press the front face of the badge onto the sponge, if it doesnt leave enough paint on it just wait for it to dry and do it again.

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Badge grommets! if you'll pardon the expression.


From Eurocarparts (black) - part no. 855440450 37p + vat each


From VAG (blue) - called a "clip" - part no. 191853615A 36p +vat.


NB - I am only 90% sure of VAG part no. - ask dealer to confirm it is, indeed, the blue badge grommet. I am referring to an invoice of 24/4/06 and bought a few small items at that time, including the grommets.


Both types look exactly the same apart from the colour. Buy a few extra! If you take badges off later for some reason it is easy to drop one or two down into cavities from which you cannot recover 'em.

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Re twin colour badges. Good tips, coolrado. :king:


I have not tried that one - dont mess about with latex much these days!


I tried to make a replica or two of the red/black "Storm" badge a year or two ago. Keeping the black edges and the red face separate was a pain and cost me a lot of materials. I eventually got a couple of replicas by hand painting them. They are not perfect close up but are OK on the car from more than a couple of feet distance, which is all you need really for most days out.


As a penshner , I had intended to make a good few and sell them on here, but could not get a high enough standard and they took many hours of time.

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Oops - forgot.

Chrome paint.


Do not get Simoniz "chrome paint" - I tried it on a small item a few months ago - it dont look like chrome and it cost £7.99! :mad:


Also, the guy in the shop told me the chrome effect weathers and you have to respray from time to time.

Learn from my mistake 3corsameal.

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you simply cant get true chrome paint it just looks like dull aluminium usually, which i personally think looks better than chrome, i allways think that chrome plated plastic looks like the lid from a bottle of cheap perfume :lol:

or the trim from a rover 75, :pukeright: and who the hell would want anything to look like its from a rover 75.

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whats the best way to take the badges off the car before you spray them? Both my corrado and VR6 badge on the back have seen better days and are in need of a new lease of life

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The "Corrado" badge is held in with 4 lugs - carefully lever it off and you'll see. Do be careful tho as you could well snap it between the letters.


The VR6/16v/G60/Storm badges are stuck on, so warm em up with a hair drier and again, carefully prise off.

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i use fishing line and hook it behind the badge and carefully "saw" it off so to speak, being sure not too rub against the car too much


Chrome paint came out crap btw, was £7 for a tiny spray can

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The "Corrado" badge is held in with 4 lugs - carefully lever it off and you'll see. Do be careful tho as you could well snap it between the letters.


The VR6/16v/G60/Storm badges are stuck on, so warm em up with a hair drier and again, carefully prise off.


Like I did when taking them off to clean underneath.. doh!

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Good thread. I've been putting off doing this to my car but it sounds quite easy so I think i'll give it a try

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Just to add to the thread, the rear VW roundel is just held on with two of those blue badge clips.. to remove just simply grab in the middle and pull straight out. Should go without too much of a fight!


Watch your fingers when you're putting new blue badge clips in.. they're pretty stubborn little buggers.. you're better off pushing them in with the plastic handle of a screwdriver, whilst obviously being super careful not to skid off onto the paintwork :)

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i found soaking the blue clips in boiling water first helped no end, at first the whole panel was bending in :! clip seemed way too big for hole.


i got some pics of how my badges came out somewhere, i did them black as chrome paint just came out too silver and too light

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