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mtc R32

Decisions - Decisions, Opinions please

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I'm having a moment of mad thinking......


Ok.. Is it better to look for a replacement engine with low mileage rather than have the chains replaced on a high miler VR ????


Which is most cost effective????


Chains your looking at around £500 - £850 (Dependant on head gasket)


Replacement Vr with lowish miles... say 60k-80k about £650


Some opinions guys....

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aye plus fitting etc, atleast the chains can be donw for x amount rather than worrying about fuuire issues.


If you were to change the engine, you'd be not to go 24v - which your talking 3k+ easily. Makes 800 quid easier to swallow!

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Mmmm.... See my engines on around 145k now, which ok these things do seem to go on forever, Surely I'd be better off with a low mileage Vr???


I think it would be alot easier to take the engine out on the drive than send it somewhere to get the chains done.... I could pull the whole engine and box out from the front ???


I'm not to sure if in the future... I may go down the supercharger route....


Plus If I ever sell it in the future at least it will have lowish miles...



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yeah but lowish engine miles in a car thats done more miles (albeit with a new engine) - not everyones cuppa

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Better the devil you know than the one you don't.


Exactly. You never know what the other engine's been through, and unless you are very careful, it might end up needing new chains too, or worse.


I'd say do the chains, £650 is very cheap for a low miler, I'd expect more around £700-850 TBH, but you need to know it's not been treated badly. I learned the hard way that low milage isn't everything on these cars, mine had big end problems at 80k, it'd probably been treated badly at some point. I had to swap mine for one with 50k on the clock, and while it works, i've still had a few teething problems, as with most 10 year old engines that've been sitting in a scrappy for a while.


It'd probably cost much more to swap the block too, since the work involved is probably about the same hours-wise. If you do the work yourself, it'd be the difference between the price of then chains, or the price of an engine, plus plugs, oil, filters, coolant, P/S fluid, etc., it all starts to mount up very quickly.

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Better the devil you know than the one you don't.


Exactly. You never know what the other engine's been through, and unless you are very careful, it might end up needing new chains too, or worse.


I'd say do the chains, £650 is very cheap for a low miler, I'd expect more around £700-850 TBH, but you need to know it's not been treated badly. I learned the hard way that low milage isn't everything on these cars, mine had big end problems at 80k, it'd probably been treated badly at some point. I had to swap mine for one with 50k on the clock, and while it works, i've still had a few teething problems, as with most 10 year old engines that've been sitting in a scrappy for a while.


It'd probably cost much more to swap the block too, since the work involved is probably about the same hours-wise. If you do the work yourself, it'd be the difference between the price of then chains, or the price of an engine, plus plugs, oil, filters, coolant, P/S fluid, etc., it all starts to mount up very quickly.


Thats a good point there matey..... I think the 1st thing to do is change my oil pump. Again there isn't anything wrong with it, but I have been told if the VR is on high miles...the pumps seem to wear slightly causing oil starvation to the cams.... Then I'll put it in for the chains to be done :)


Once I've got it all sorted, it'll be ready for the next step..... 8)

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