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Stan 24v

To sell or not to sell - Dilemma

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Well, Im going through that stage that everyone goes through at some point - should I sell my car?


I love my car, and it puts a smile on my face whenever I drive it. However, I just sometimes long for something a bit newer, more modern, and that (hopefully) wont have to spend a small fortune on when things go wrong.


Im currently not in the position to change things and add things to the car that I'd like to, financially ie wheel etc. Also, should jobs need doing on the running gear/bodywork etc then things start to get a bit pricey. The engine should be fine however.


Theres also the other costs associated with a modified car like insurance.


The other cars Ive been toying with are Passats B5/5.5 4Motion/Syncro or a Golf 1.8T/4Mo. Now before you go shouting off about the difference in ride quality and fun etc, i already know that, hence the reason Im asking this.


I could however pick up a fairly decent 1.8T for circa £4k and have some money to spend on it.


Theres also the other problem that would someone want to buy my car with the modifications? ie for insurance purposes etc. then theres the question of value. I know what Ive spent on it, and I have a price that I think its worth, but others may not agree.


Its all dilemma's really, and I may get in it later and decide Im keeping it! Or I may not??


What do I do??????? :cry:

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i looked at getting a golf 1.8t or A3 1.8t etc before i got corrado, but for £4k they weren't the best examples and deffo not as good as a £4k corrado


depends how much you invested in corrado,

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I love my car, and it puts a smile on my face whenever I drive it. However, I just sometimes long for something a bit newer, more modern, and that (hopefully) wont have to spend a small fortune on when things go wrong.


Im currently not in the position to change things and add things to the car that I'd like to, financially ie wheel etc. Also, should jobs need doing on the running gear/bodywork etc then things start to get a bit pricey. The engine should be fine however.

Every car is going to cost money to maintain. My mate has a 2001 S3, and he has just had to replace a xenon bulb (110 quid), the light level sensor (60 quid) and he also got his cam belt done ( 380 quid)

Add on top that the depreciation his car is experiencing per month and all of a sudden your repair bills are not so big.


Theres also the other costs associated with a modified car like insurance.

That wont be an issue as of next year for you should you keep the car. HIC are going to do me a classic policy with all mods declared and zero NCD for 490 quid, so it will come down as I build my NCD again. My mate pays 600 quid on his S3. The only hassle is filling in those bloody modification forms!!!


The other cars Ive been toying with are Passats B5/5.5 4Motion/Syncro or a Golf 1.8T/4Mo. Now before you go shouting off about the difference in ride quality and fun etc, i already know that, hence the reason Im asking this.


I could however pick up a fairly decent 1.8T for circa £4k and have some money to spend on it.


For 4K the cars of that sort of age will start having problems just as much as the corrado imo.


Your just bored and fancy a change dont you? :)

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Coxylaad is exactly right. I've recounted my woes of other cars in the past so I won't bother again.


At the end of the day, the Corrado has lost most of the money its going to lose now.. so ofset that against a more modern car which is still depreciating, and factor in your repair bills (because you'll still get em.. no car is perfect!) and you'll soon realise that the Corrado isn't so costly.


The only car that was really cheap for me was my Saxo VTR.. that was perfectly reliable for the year I owned it but then it had only done 17k! My high miler Golf TDI certainly was not! Was glad to be shut of it, but did miss the economy!

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Your just bored and fancy a change dont you? :)


Maybe mate. Just want something more modern I think.


I know there are costs associated with other cars, and I know they can also cost a lot of money, but I think its more the fact of a newer car with the newer feel etc. I dont know really what it is.


Ive been thinking about it for a while now, but not sure what to do, its not an overnight thing.


Id like to do a fair amount of stuff to my C, and maybe thats the problem?? maybe I dont need something newer, but just to be able to make the car how I want it, and currently I cant.


Perhaps I should sell it, buy a standard VR and then personalise it, but keep the 12v engine. But then I know I'd miss the 24v!! Or maybe I could get a valver or G60 and play with one of them??


:mad: :mad: :mad:

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thats just silly talk.

just hold on until you can afford to do the bits you want to do. Buying another corrado is ust a step backwards, and you wont be happy.


Dont be lured by the 'modern car' feel. I drive a bora as a daily and as soon as the corrado is finished its going the journey - it completely gets on my tits at times.


If you want to modernise it and give yourself a nice project, get yourself a climatronic box and fit that.

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Aye. I loved my Golf for its modern interior and modern features - and it was more comfortable than the Rado. But it was boring and uninspiring. There were so many occasions where I wished I was in the Rado!


It felt 'odd' driving the same car as so many other people on the road - when you have a Rado you get used to driving something a little bit rare, and attention grabbing! Then you see someone in a Corrado or in a retro dub and think that there is no point nodding or waving as he'll have no idea what you're doing!

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Mate.... I really do know how you feel. Back in the day when I only had 1 car :roll: I purchased a Corrado Storm and it did set me back a few pennies.... Anyhow After living with it for awhile, I couldn't do with living with such an old car and was sick of the petrol I was putting into... So I sold it at a loss and purchased a Golf gti Turbo and loved the car just for the refinements and the fact I was keeping up with the neighbours :lol:


Eventually I missed the Corrado.. I was watching the modding scene and knew I needed a car that I could mess about with... So I purchased a MK2 Golf and although I made suttle mods I just missed the Power of the Vr so I sold that and purchased a Corado G60..... Couldn't gel with that either as its just not as refined as the Vr and sold that too.....


My moto of my story is.... I've now got a Vr and I'm happy.... Ok its not my daily car and I'd never have it as a daily car, but Its nice just to have something that I can pick up and put down when ever it suits me... Sooo.... For me slightly modding is financially feesable, but anything that costs me ££££ to do... then that defy's my original intention, Cheapish Toy!!!!!


Has that made any sense.... Sorry :oops:

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This seems like a common feeling amongst Rado owners, we all seem to go though this phase every once in a while.


Id agree with Jim, modern cars have a lot going for them (obviously) but i know if i sold my Storm the next time i saw one on the road id be gutted id let it go.


Id hold onto it Stan, its an unusual rado and i think getting a G60 wouldnt fill the gap. I think of my car as a long term "relationship". There are a hat full of things id love to do, it will just take some time.

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Mate.... I really do know how you feel. Back in the day when I only had 1 car :roll: I purchased a Corrado Storm and it did set me back a few pennies.... Anyhow After living with it for awhile, I couldn't do with living with such an old car and was sick of the petrol I was putting into... So I sold it at a loss and purchased a Golf gti Turbo and loved the car just for the refinements and the fact I was keeping up with the neighbours :lol:


Eventually I missed the Corrado.. I was watching the modding scene and knew I needed a car that I could mess about with... So I purchased a MK2 Golf and although I made suttle mods I just missed the Power of the Vr so I sold that and purchased a Corado G60..... Couldn't gel with that either as its just not as refined as the Vr and sold that too.....


My moto of my story is.... I've now got a Vr and I'm happy.... Ok its not my daily car and I'd never have it as a daily car, but Its nice just to have something that I can pick up and put down when ever it suits me... Sooo.... For me slightly modding is financially feesable, but anything that costs me ££££ to do... then that defy's my original intention, Cheapish Toy!!!!!


Has that made any sense.... Sorry :oops:


Yes it makes sense mate. I'd like to make mine as nice looking as yours, hence the reason I feel downhearted on occasion as I just cant afford to do all the work to it that I';d like to :(


Maybe if I can get rid of the mrs Beetle soon, and get her a 1.8T then I'll solve the problem, by being able to drive the modern Golf, and keep the C??? Thats starting to sound more like sense actually!!


Anyone want to buy a New Beetle???? :lol:

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Yes it makes sense mate. I'd like to make mine as nice looking as yours, hence the reason I feel downhearted on occasion as I just cant afford to do all the work to it that I';d like to :(


Maybe if I can get rid of the mrs Beetle soon, and get her a 1.8T then I'll solve the problem, by being able to drive the modern Golf, and keep the C??? Thats starting to sound more like sense actually!!


Anyone want to buy a New Beetle???? :lol:


Stan I love your Corrado mate.... I wish I had your car with that engine in it, thats what I would love to do next but it would make the car far too expensive to keep....


how much does it cost matey

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Don't do it Stan, especially after all the work that has gone into your car.


The big problem with modern mass market production cars is that there are some many electronic widgets on them that you, as a driver, are too remote from the driving experience in my opinion. As such new cars are all about A to B travelling and not driving.


As for costs, got to agree with everyone else, you might think your C is expensive but at least you know where you are with it - maintenace wise. A 'new' car is only going to have some gremlins in it somewhere, that may cost you a fortune and a full service history aint worth the paper it is written on - just ask NickVR6 about his 'regular brake fluid changes..

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I swapped my VR6 for a 225 TT, which I then had Revo'd to 265ish, to start with I was sure I'd made the right choice, but now I find myself looking back at pics of my VR6 on track and missing it....especially the noise. *sigh*

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difficult to advise because no one is really in your shoes but if you sell the rado and later decide to get another, its not the end of the world as the prices are low for a decent c

i've got a mk5 golf and the rado, the golf is great , cheap to run and quiet and comfy but i couldnt live with just the golf or the rado really


everyone has different needs and wants and financial limits so it is difficult to advise ... :-(

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Yes it makes sense mate. I'd like to make mine as nice looking as yours, hence the reason I feel downhearted on occasion as I just cant afford to do all the work to it that I';d like to :(


Maybe if I can get rid of the mrs Beetle soon, and get her a 1.8T then I'll solve the problem, by being able to drive the modern Golf, and keep the C??? Thats starting to sound more like sense actually!!


Anyone want to buy a New Beetle???? :lol:


Stan I love your Corrado mate.... I wish I had your car with that engine in it, thats what I would love to do next but it would make the car far too expensive to keep....


how much does it cost matey[/quote:344c1]


circa £3k for the install mate, plus what I paid for the car in the first place.


Maybe Im just being too impatient?? I want it to look like it does in my head now, not in the future, know what I mean?

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Not for what you want for it Stanley!! I'll give you thirty quid and a packet of smarties?


you've blown it now !! you're supposed to start low and work up :-)

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Do what I did and have the best of both worlds - keep the Rado and get a Passat. Maybe I was lucky with my Passat V6 Syncro but I got it for £2400, FSH (and some big recent bills) but could not bring myself to sell the Nugget.


The Passat is a lovely comfy barge BUT it is a barge, but perhaps no more so than a MK4 Golf. Even with (far from cheap) Eibach springs and dampers and 18" rims it still rolls a fair bit. Fantastic car for longer journeys and it grips amazingly well (as the bloke in front of me in the Boxster in the twisties will testify to this morning :D ).


Economy isn't great, I'm averaging 27mpg, God knows what a charged one would tumble to.


You're welcome to have a decent drive of mine if it will help you

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