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Speed bumps :mad:

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There are two entrance/exit roads from my house...


At one side (see pics) i can not get the car over at all :mad: absolutely rediculous! :evil:


And this morning ive found that the speed bumps at the other end have been raised!!! :evil:


Gonna get pics of these too,and make a serious complaint...every time im going over them its damaging the car and eventually they will have to pay for the damage.Oh and ill mention the fact that i cant even friggin get out of the other end of the road!!! see pics!









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Ouch!! I know your pain though mate, i have to go over a mahoosive speed bump every day at work and it scrapes like a b*tch!! :x

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Tis a joke :x


You cant really see the enourmasity? of the thing in the pics... :shock: it actually sits higher than the curb in the middle!


Theres no way the rado would ever go over it :roll:


Have spoken to some monkey at the council "someone will be measuring the speed bumps" but i bet they dont take into account cars such as the lotus elise etc that run low as standard :mad:

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Yeah it's pretty crap that, would like to hear about the outcome.


They might tell you to raise the car up though if they know it's been lowered? :(

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Aye...have thought about that one.


Ill tell them that the lotus elise i have somewhere? :wink: :lol: runs lower as standard! 8)

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find someone who owns a zonda or a elise and get them to go over it and see what the council have to say when they are given a £20k bill for a new front bumper!! :lol:

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i think they'd rather come along with a big stick of dynamite and blow the speedbump up than pay for a new bumper!!


**brainwave--invite a load of people from the zonda owners club over to your house for a BBQ, think you could bankrupt the council in an hour!! either that or you will end up paying stupid amounts of council tax!!**

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Not suprised yr pisse* off looking at the pics!! look like mountains theyve dropped on yr doorstep!!!

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I had to give my little bro a lift to football yesterday morning and i hadnt been that way since i were younger, definately not since driving. They have put up some exactl same speed bumps outside the school on that road, i was in the exact same boat as you. I made it over the first one with a LOT of scraping to the chin spoiler but the second was even bloody higher :mad: luckily there was a side road i could go down and bypassed them. But if that wasnt there i probably would of ripped off my chin spoiler or had to get a bunch of cars to back up :lol:


And i hate people who shake their heads and say that i shouldnt have the car so low and i ALWAYS reply with the elise or a supercar of some sort saying that they are probably even lower than mine standard!! :mad:

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i feel your pain! the worst that ever happened to me was in my mk3 golf, i got half way over a speed bump, and there was NO way i was gonna make it so i reversed and the bumper somehow got caught and ripped straight off the front of the car, no jokes! not good!

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traffic calming lol , they took some of those away near me because the emergency services said it was wrecking the fire engines ... honestly and it hampered their response time

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There are fecking hundereds around here and they are all mahoosive!

I love paying my road tax when the local council makes speed humps so big that they wreck my car!!

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There was an article in the paper yesterday about a town in Holland which has taken away all the nonsense associated with town driving-and how it's benefited the area.No traffic lights/speed-bumps/railings etc. and all of a sudden this is the thing to do.Not before time.There is so much today that is unneccesary;traffic lights every 50 yards,round-a-bouts all over the place etc.It absolutely does my head in when I'm stopped at lights on a dead road at 3 in the morning constantly.

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It absolutely does my head in when I'm stopped at lights on a dead road at 3 in the morning constantly.


An average person spends 2 weeks of their life wating for traffic lights to change!!! That was probably figured out 10 years ago where as nowadays its 2 weeks each traffic light!!! :lol:

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Oh mate what a p*ss take, i'd be pretty cheesed too. It has made me think actually cause they've just put a new spead bump at my work and i struggle in my peugeot, so there would be no chance getting over it in a rado, i would need air ride. Maybe that's something you should think about if you don't get anywhere with the council :idea: or move :?:

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How did you guess m8!? :lol:


Mrsbeige,aye...will hopefully be moving away from this sh|t hole soon :D this area has had it tbh...



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U have my sympathies with the speed bumps. Unfortunately my driveway is our speed bump - I grind the G60's front spoiler and zorst every morning and evening pulling in and out of the drive. Naff all can be done either! Arse!

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U have my sympathies with the speed bumps. Unfortunately my driveway is our speed bump - I grind the G60's front spoiler and zorst every morning and evening pulling in and out of the drive. Naff all can be done either! Arse!

Small bit of wood to make the transition easier?

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Thanks for the idea but don't think it'd work.


My driveway is on a slope with the peak at the top, where it joins the pavement, the pavement then drops away and then the camber of the road gets in the way!

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I scrape my chin spoiler driving off my driveway, only a small amount though. But the best bit is there is a nursery school opposite so there are shed loads of mums standing around and they all turn and look when they hear it :lol: I see loads of shaking heads but i just laugh :lol:

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I scrape my chin spoiler driving off my driveway, only a small amount though. But the best bit is there is a nursery school opposite so there are shed loads of mums standing around and they all turn and look when they hear it :lol: I see loads of shaking heads but i just laugh :lol:


mines the same, and mine is only a 50mm spoiler. catches on a drop curb as well!!! speed bumps i dont do!! :lol:

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Crowthorne high street; scrape spolier and cat sheild on all except one of the speedbumps which was pulled up to allow an entrance to car park of lidl that was built, the repalcement was done by german contractors and theres a much longer gradual slope (still do the same damage if you hit speedhump fast in normal car), but nothing scrapes...

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