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The TV from US thread

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Love NYPD Blue.


Also watch B Galactica, 24, Lost, Scrubs and ER. Think all these are vastly better than their British equivalents.

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I'm completely addicted to these things at the moment!


I've just started watching heroes after VR6 suggested it, looks quite good so far.

24 is always gonna be my favorite, can't wait to watch season 6 in one big wasted weekend :lol: , lost and prison break in close second though!

CSI is always good for an in between show, as they don't have many cliffhangers, but it's clever.


I started watching the 4400 a while ago, though there's only a few episodes in the 1st series and i've not started the 2nd yet. It's quite good, but it's a bit too much on the X files side of things for my liking.

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Well, hearing some of this... I can't stand 24, don't know why, just never managed to get into it... My friend persuaded me to do the "watch 24 in 24 hours" thing (series 1) a couple of years ago... I fell asleep after 6 hours...


Scrubs is pure class - been watching it for about 18 months now.


Lost - I'm halfway through series 2 at the moment, as I only get to watch it occasionally, as I have to wait until both me and the Mrs can sit down and watch it because she gets really annoyed when I get ahead with a series and know what's going on before her :)


I was watching an interesting one on More4 (I think it was) called Reunion, which was about a bunch of 6 schoolpals who were great pals in 1986, each episode was a specific year, and told their intertwining stories in flashback, whilst coming back to the present day (2006) when one of their number had been murdered... it took 6 episodes to find out who had even been murdered, with a clever twist on the 6th episode which kept you going until the last minutes. Anyway, got hooked on it... only to find that they cancelled the second series after 12 episodes had been made, so you never actually found out who murdered the bitch! AAARRRGGGHHHH!


In defence of the UK's production, I have been watching Torchwood, which I found pretty good, also watching Five Days - which is proving quite interesting and intricate :) Can't wait for Life on Mars to start again (march I believe), also liking Hustle loads.


Apart from that, not watching a lot of TV really at the moment, as I'm way too busy :( I've got a stack of about 30 DVDs, still sealed, waiting to be watched... just haven't had the time.

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Jonny_L, we have very similar tastes. I found 4400 a bit to conspiracy/x-files.


I don't tink Lost is as good as Prison Break which, at its best, is as good as a poor episode of 24. Season 1 of Prison Break was very good.


CazzaVR, what do you think of Battlestar Galactica?

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The office, Little Britain, Top Gear, > most American shows. Heroes is great, BSG has it's moments. Prison Break is horrible, but entertaining. I see Dexter got a 2nd season. I want to see where they take it. The best American tv show is actually "The Wire". Riveting writing, story lines and character development.

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Trig, think Galactica is brilliant! Really strong characters, plot etc, nice and gritty, excellent SFX. My wife likes it and she can't stand most Sci-Fi.

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My current shows that I really like:



Veronica Mars


Prison Break




Would recommend any of them.


Started watching The Shield which was pretty good but never quite got into it.


Going to move this to General to stop it being deleted. Seems to be a popular subject and is the 2nd or 3rd thread we've had now.

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Entourage was also good when that was on. Although it did make you depressed when you saw how some people lived in comparison to yourself!

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I can't stand most TV, but US TV shows take the biscuit IMO. It pretty much all started off with Friends ( even typing the name of the show makes me want to scratch my own eyes out ) and got worse from there :lol:


Still, it takes all sorts :)

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'Heroes' is great so far (starts in Sci-Fi in the UK next month and then BBC2 - likely in a cut-to-ribbons edit - by June/July) and you gotta bow to the legend that is William Shatner in 'Boston Legal'... plus 'House' gets a vote from me!


Still watch 'CSI' every so often (new season starts on Tues), but it's not as compelling as it used to be...


'Scrubs' is still worth watching, but like someone mentioned earlier it's stagnated a bit recently - esp. when virtually the entire cast were pregnant / making people pregnant (with Zach Braff leaving at the end of the season it's likely to get canned anyway)...


watched 'ER' since it started in the 90's, but it jumped the shark a while back when the entire cast ended up as sub-25yr olds... it's never been as good since they had a helicopter fall off a building on fire and land on Paul McCrane's character ;-P

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My 2p:


American Chopper : Used to be good. Now it's rubbish

American Hotrod : Still decent even if Boyd keeps sacking everyone

Great Biker Build Off : Still fabulous after 4 seasons, still my favourite

Prison Break : New discovery for me last week - think I will keep watching

Deadliest Catch : Absolutely gripping. Never gets dull although it should when you consider the simplicity of the story

Battlestar Galactica : The best sci-fi on TV right now. Accept no substitute.

Mythbusters : Crazy pair of brothers keep destroying stuff!


I agree the Americans are kinda on a roll these past 3-4 years/ Of course one of the reasons thier stuff is so good is because UK television is so completely and utterly crap. The yanks get scrubs and we get shyte like Casualty

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