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Can you be done for speeding by a "Camera Partnership&q

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As above, can you be done for speeding by a van marked with "Camera Partnership"? My gf was driving about 35 in a 30 and in the distance we saw an orange van and a guy in front of it with a tripod and a small mobile camera looking device on it. There was also the usual camera symbol on the van, and on the side of the van it said "Camera Partnership", not "Police". My question is how do you know if they are checking tax discs or checking speed? My gf's a bit worried - they always catch the safer slower drivers!


Thanks for any help.



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hard to say with out having seen it myself tbh mate - generaly if it's a unit on a tripod then it's tax and insurance... speed camera units have them inside the van pointing out through open flaps/windows. Thats how it is here with Surrey Police anyway - can't really comment on how Sussex do it though :?


Fingers crossed for you though...

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Camera partnership's are still able to do you for speeding even tho they are not technically Police Officers,all they are doing is gathering evidence as it were

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Most speed enforcement is carried out by authorised civillians now, the only question is whrther you were caught.

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Cheers for your help guys. I just found out from the sussex speed camera website that it was a speed camera. Oh well its done now. Just not sure if she was doing over 35 or not when the camera will have caught her. I know they have quite a long range. All of the speed camera detectors on the market will pick up mobile cameras but only after it is too late as the mobile camera range is so large.


Someone told me spraying a certain hair spray partially on one of the letters or numbers on your number plate blocks the mobile camera properly reading that digit but its still visible to the naked eye. Surely this can't be true and must be against the law even if only partially sprayed on one digit?


Does anyone know how long it takes for the letter to arrive in the post?

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Someone also told me if she does receive an NIP to ask them for the calibration certificate for the camera. And if they can't produce it then they can't do anything. As apparently they are supposed to calibrate them once a year. Anyone heard of this?

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yeah...........and they do this religously,to save ppl having a get-out,it should also be calibrated for every tour of duty/shift it does,again they also do this religously now,thats what I found when I was done a year ago

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Don't sign the NIP when it comes through! Go to peipoo or something and you can get what is basically a get out of speeding fine letter!

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I've tried this, got done this year (3pts, 39 in a 30, that I thought was a 40, recently changed, my bad) ...


There's quite a few ways to get out of it, but to be quite honest, it's more trouble than it's worth unless you're on 9pts, real lot of hassle.

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The letter has up to 2wks to get to you. If it arrives after this then they cant do owt. And if 2 wks has past and you aint received one then your in the clear. You should be fine at 35mph though.

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They actually have 28 days to send out a letter or NIP (Notice of intended Prosecution). And at 35 mph in a 30 mph zone, he is "sailing very close to the wind". They would be quite entitled to charge him for speeding at 35 mph. "Normally" it's an unwittedn rule, but you are allowed 10 % roughly, i.e. 33 mph and above they will do you. I have friends that have been done for doing 34 and 35 mph in a 30 mph zone.


In Scotland, apparently there is a loophole, in that civilians (the majority of "scamera" van operators are civilians) cannot appear against you in a court of law to give evidence for a speeding offence, therefore you cannot be prosecuted. Allegedly, I haven't had personal experience of this but have heard of cases where it has worked.


As also stated above, they must also be able to produce a certificate of calibration for each morning of the day on which a van is in operation, otherwise all readings are null and void.

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They dont send out the letters recorded delivery.

Wheres the proof uve received anything in the post!!

Within the last 2years ive known 3 young lads - 2 on bikes. who never replied to the notice.

They never heard anything!!! Fair play to them. LOL

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