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Lupo Wipers

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Oh wow I fitted my Lupo wipers last night. What a fit they are awesome. had my mate spray a hose on the car whilst playing :lol: . Oh wow they rock they wipe they work, I just want it to P*** down now :lol: I know its sad and he just couldn't get it. We all know how bad the originals are...


What is the best bit about em.....? The way the blades attach..Wohoooo no more have I got this blade with the correct clip nevermind the wright way round.



I'm sorry its dead sad but I just thought they were great.


There thats done, Felt like a therapy session had to get it out.

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I know what you are saying. Mine were crap before i swapped them over. It feels like you were the last person to know about "the other side" I've had mine ages now and they still work like the first day.

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People go on about "judder" with lupo wipers, etc. Yes, I do get that on older blades but as soon as it rains a bit that stops and they start working a treat. At the end of the day they are infinately better than original Corrado wipers so worth doing any day!

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Strange I must be the only person in the world with good original Rado wipers. They only "miss" a 2-3 inch section in the middle, and that's just a light smear....


However am tempted to go the TT wiper route....

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Yeah TT's are good, they look a lot better as well. The standard ones that were on mine were fine for 'town' driving, but as soon as i put on a swift pace on a carriageway they lifted clear of the screen!

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Ive had 2 corrado's, both originals and thought they were both good. I 'bent' the arms alittle so they would put more pressure on the screen and they work well

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Strange I must be the only person in the world with good original Rado wipers. They only "miss" a 2-3 inch section in the middle, and that's just a light smear....


However am tempted to go the TT wiper route....


I have OE wipers, but I did the dremel fix on them, and ground down the little nodule (quality word!) that prevents them touching the screen.


they work OK now

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oh yeah, definately, but grinding that nodule (:D) down and giving them a bend makes them useable.


noel looks like he has the OE ones in that pic 8)

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I do love noel though, and he has said "oright" to me before in Oxford :)


he's tiny though, comes upto my nipples!

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Yeeeeess it was raining this morning to work...waheeey those blades are the nuts perfect.


I bent the arms on my old originals made little difference but these are a totally different world.


top stuff. :D

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