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Jim Bowen

My first detail, write-up

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This morning it had been arranged for me to travel down to dorset to detail this cup with tea, the owner use's this cup at weekends as a bit of a garden table toy.


Arrived at 7am


First i filled the kettle with 0ppm RO water, while the kettle was boiling i concentrated on the teapot device in which i'd carry out all my mixing, i used the one teapot method and warmed it up with a microwave.


800w for 1min on full power, i just did the one pass, as the microwave is of the orbital variety




With the kettle now fully boiled, i prepared the teapot with a spoon of loose tea, i use the full caffine stuff which i buy in bulk, you could try out some tea bags.


Once the tea was applied to the internals of the teapot i then applied the boiling water straight from the kettle.





I find it best to give the tea and water mixture a quick stir, this helps to start the reaction




Leave both products in the pot while they infuse and create the dark brown colour we are looking for, its worth noting that this can be done in direct sunlight, but do not allow products to dry to a haze.


Next i use a milk solution (semi-skimmed & pasteurised) i buy this in 5 gallon vats due to me being in the trade. I apply that directly to the base of cup, then immediatley apply the mixture from teapot, i strain mine as to avoid any swirling or contaminents in the cup.




Sugar is optional, this client requested i apply a teaspoon of sugar, which he supplied, he had bought it the year before but not yet had the time to try it out himself.






this really doesn't do the cup justice, but the customer was over the moon and thought it was a new cup, due to it being empty before.


I shall be going back early next month to detail his coffee mug and cereal bowl.




**this isn't aimed at anyone, or taking the mickey, just a bit of silly fun**

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Oh and i thought that i was the master at making a cup of tea but i take my hat off to you sir :lol:


Did you clay the cup first to get rid of any bonded contaiments attached to it that could effectively change the taste of the tea?? :wink:

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Excellent write up.

Just wondering if there is a particular direction that the,tea and water mix has to be stirred. :?:

I have heard varying reports of differing directions depending on which hemisphere you are in.

Perhaps our antipodean friends could give confirm the mix and direction in which their stirring takes place :?:

All in all some good tips there well done :wink:

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Good skills.



BUT IT'S ONLY A CUP OF TEA YOU GIMP!!!!! Why bother getting someone to drive miles to detail your tea. You can't polish a turd....



If it had been a pint of stella I could have understood, but it's a cup of tea, it's no different to what mums drop their kids to school with. and it was new. If it was a 47 year old cup and tea pot, then I would have understood :mad:





Sorry, got a bit carried away.

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Oh FFS it's just a Matalan cup, and a brand new one at that, whats the point! :mad:


My Denbeigh Mug with added coffee charger is much better even if it is 200,000,000 years old, at least it has style...


I could see the point if it was a Wedgewood Bone China Supercup... but FFS...




"and cue.... Jim's defence of new tea cups"


:edit: Beaten by a sick Toad, d'oh! :brickwall:

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I do hope that wasnt the milk going in first...


I was led to believe the proper way to make tea was:


Tea, then sugar (if needed) and the milk last....

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:edit: Beaten by a sick Toad, d'oh! :brickwall:


Haha.... Fom my deathbed and everything....


You snooze, you lose.

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Well, I'm disappointed to be fair. You have clearly haven't followed the correct British standard for making a cup of tea


See BS 6008:1980 for more details

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i gather everyone has their own technique, i usually customise the service to suit the clients preference.


i know its just another mug, but the client like that one best out of his little collection (hence the viper stripes), he let me move some around too :! oooo the sound, was crapping myself

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Haha.... Fom my deathbed and everything....


You snooze, you lose.


Well at least I haven't go a golden kn*b on my shoulder... :lol:

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Haha.... Fom my deathbed and everything....


You snooze, you lose.


Well at least I haven't go a golden kn*b on my shoulder... :lol:


Lol... You're just jealous, it's a symbol of my general excellence. I was thinking about a silver Parrot, but I saw that in the shop and knew I had to have it. Just wait, Gold c0cks will appear in all the big rap videos instead of fat arsed girls and cars with spinners.... :wink:

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you're not that ill then... just sick















in the head



Lol.... Yeah, I'm a wrongun.

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Any chance of seeing a coffee detailing in the near future mate? Was hoping you might including the grinding and brewing of the beans, not just using coffee granules.. :)

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I do hope that wasnt the milk going in first...


I was led to believe the proper way to make tea was:


Tea, then sugar (if needed) and the milk last....


I put the milk in after but i think thats only really needed when using a teabag in the cup because if you put the milk in first the milk clogs the bag thus not letting the tea leaves release their flavour as much when the water is added :wink:


I would also like to see a coffee detail at some point in the near future, would be interesting to see how to get the perfect comprimise of coffee beans and milk :lol:

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Also what is your views on biscuits after a cup of tea is detailed? Is there a certain amount of time to wait before dunking the biscuit or can you pretty much dive straight in? I usually inspect my biscuits for any cracks and general signs of wear to make sure that it wont break off into my freshly detailed cup of tea :lol:

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i would recommend the two cup method, then you have one for dunking without contiminating the other cup.


wouldn't catch me using a biscuit anyway, can lead to serious crumb deposits, i only use a mermaids finger for dunking

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Im liking the idea of the 2 cup method, will have to remember that ... now actually as i have my choccy digestives and about to get a cuppa to go with them mmmmm :lol:


Oh and ... mermaids finger :wink: thats brilliant :lol:

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