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clutch going?

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Argh... middle of saving up for my bike carbs and my clutch starts to judder as soon as I'm in traffic for a few minutes and it gets hot.


Pressure plate?


Any other ideas?


I'm uprating everything that breaks so is there a better one than OE that can be recommended then please say.


Also, is there anything particularly troublesome with swapping out a clutch on a c?


Thanks guys

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Biting point is about 3 inches from the top so it seems like there's some life left in it.


It's holding it's bite ok from cold with the handbrake on but goes weak once you're on and off the clutch in heavy traffic.

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I knew it was time for a clutch change when it started slipping when I gave it some in 4th. Not good if you're overtaking on the country roads. Also got the timing chains and tensioners done whilst the gearbox was dropped. Think the standard clutch is pretty good equipment.

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ya' see it doesn't do that... It's fine giving it some welly in any gear and doesn't slip at all.


Boiled clutch fluid maybe?

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did you ever resvole this issue?? mine is doing the EXACT same thing and want to make sure it is the clutch before i replace it!

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Mine's been juddering a bit lately, and i've narrowed it down to 3 possibilities:


1. Shagged clutch

2. Cold Weather

3. New Shoes!


I don't know if #2 is relevant, but its been juddering ever since the mornings got dark again.. but i'm hoping in my case its #3 :D

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Is the clutch smooth as you press and lift the pedal..? Could be the master/slave cylinder breaking down, or the fluid in them needs flushing.

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mine is smooth but there is a creak when it is depressed and then lifted up again! guessing thats the release bearing?

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A recognised sound coming from the car if the clutch is going is a small gru sound when you pull away from standstill.

Ask a mechanic to give you the actual sound, you would recognise it immediatly.

Very difficult to explain sounds in the written form. :lol:


Anyway - just collected my car from Stealth, new Clutch , head gasket, chains and tensioners, CV boot, starter motor, brake fluid change, spark plugs and a hefty bill - but oh my God - its like a new car. It's quite hard to believe how used to the ckutch I had become - the new one is like a feather to surpress.



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not exactly sure if i'm getting you Wendy but if by gru you mean a kind of tuneful graunching sound then I think my long planned overhaul is taking a step closer!

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