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Starting to think

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Hi guys,


I am starting to think about my situation for when i go back to uni in October this year. I am keeping the C even if it means locking it up in the garage and declaring it SORN its staying end of!! Which i shouldnt need to do because my insurance id due end of August which i shall save up for over the summer and pay off the full year which will mean not having to wrry about it during my time at uni, i just need to top the tax up and occassionally put some V-Power in it. So my plan is to still be able to use the C at weekends but get a little cheapy shed to use for uni and back and general driving.


So i was cruising around in the C a lunchtime with the windows down as its such a nice day and i spot a lovely little Mk1 Golf come past and i have a big soft spot for the mk1 and that got me thinking, what about a little small engined cheap to run mk1 golf, with no tax if get one old enough and classic car insurance so cheapy cheap cheap :D That way i can stay in the dub scene and own 2 of my fav cars both with tons of personality. I would look for a golf that running wise is superb but is maybe a bit of a state body wise which i could clean up.


So that would sort me out for uni, a cheap mk1 golf for daily and the beast Corrado VR6 for playing with at weekends and nice days when i have a bit of money in my pocket. But what about when i finish uni??? Well that got me thinking some more :wink:


Here's my plan for after uni: Get back working in a high paying job as i would then have my degree etc. Get the corrado back out as my daily and then put the golf away in the garage and gradually get looking pretty and driving nicely etc. THEN stick the VR lump from the corrado into the golf and put a nice shiny R32 or 24v etc lump in the corrado making it more reliable for a daily driver and making the golf a pure show car!! :twisted:


So thats my plan, now i just want to know what people think :D and also any advice on mk1 golfs as well as i dont know much about them, im guessing its a cheap option? And there's not a lot to them to go wrong etc??





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Now THAT sounds like a plan Rob!


Love it. I'm thinking very much about a similar sort of plan. Well, to run a Golf as a daily driver and keep the 'rado for weekend fun and for a once or twice a week blast to work. Except that I'd want a Mk II and I already have a job and it's never going to pay the big money!


What degree are you doing mate? Something I.C.T. related?



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Sounds like a great plan, the only thing id imagine that to get a MK1 that would be worth bothering with over a long period will not be cheap..


They are just about extinct apart from solid ones which seem to fetch reasonable prices, id say in comparison to a MK2 as there are loads of them about it copuld be a more expensive option...


Having said that you could land an absolute bargain...


My personal advice would be to buy something non VAG that you wont want to fiddle with while you finish your studies off and the when its all finished start spending your hard earned cash....

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that was my initial plan for My corrado and the golf, use the Golf for daily running and the corrado as a show car, but then one will usually get forgotton about and you find it hard to justify keeping 2 brilliant cars and not being able to use them. Hence the reason im selling the Golf. The corrado is where my heart is at, even though its all in pieces at the moment, and driving a car like the Golf on a daily basis is just wrong, she deserves better than that, plus it gives me more money to spend on the corrado!

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What degree are you doing mate? Something I.C.T. related?


Yeah im doing a degree in Computer Science but i specialise in web based programming which is what im doing at the moment and will continue to do when im finished the degree. So it pays quite nicely, plus doing some private websites and a bit of car detailing in my spare time for extra cash to add something to the cars :D

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Sounds like a great plan, the only thing id imagine that to get a MK1 that would be worth bothering with over a long period will not be cheap..


They are just about extinct apart from solid ones which seem to fetch reasonable prices, id say in comparison to a MK2 as there are loads of them about it copuld be a more expensive option...


Having said that you could land an absolute bargain...


My personal advice would be to buy something non VAG that you wont want to fiddle with while you finish your studies off and the when its all finished start spending your hard earned cash....


I was thinking the same thing, people know now that mk1's are a sought after car and whack the prices up so it will be hard to find one where as i could walk down the road and find a nice cheap mk2 (or just buy my sisters when she's finished with it :lol:) and if all else fails i might just go for a mk2 BUT i much prefer the mk1 to the mk2 and if i search around i could possibly find a bargain ... anyone see last months PVW??? :wink: A guy found possibly the mintest most original mk1 which some old bint owned and he got it for pennies so its possible :wink:

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Get a Corsa and drive it with as much hate as you can muster :lol:


It'll be cheap to run and make you appreciate the Corrado so much more.


That'd be an awesome plan with the MkI tho, but as others have said - you'll have two money pits begging for your cash...

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There was a cheap ish MKII Jetta valver on sale here a while back... Good car, pretty quick and if you pull the valver badges off it looks like a pipe and slippers car that'll be safe in the Uni carpark...


Mind you, you'll probably end up fiddling with it...


MK1's are getting pricy now.. and the 1.3 isn't worth bothering with TBH.

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Well i wouldnt care how quick it is as i would have the corrado for speed (which hopefully by then will be charged so LOTS of speed :twisted:) it will just be basically for the shell etc and over time (im talking quite a bit of time here!) will gradually do up and then drop the vr lump in and then it will be plenty fast :D


I was also thinking of just getting something completely crap that i wouldnt care about and agree it would make me appreciate the C more, but lets face it an old mk1 with manual steering and no luxuries at all etc is going to make me appreciate driving the C as well but i can still admire the looks to a certain extent and also stay old school VAG :D

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Happy days. Rob with no money for a while!! Perhaps I can stop drooling every month when you post pics of your latest upgrades!! :lol:

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Happy days. Rob with no money for a while!! Perhaps I can stop drooling every month when you post pics of your latest upgrades!! :lol:


:lol: there will still be upgrades to the C when at uni if money allows as im staying at home and commuting sharing lifts with a mate in his diseasel. Only need to detail a few cars or make a website and that would pay for some tasty mods 8)

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Get a Corsa and drive it with as much hate as you can muster :lol:


i had a corsa for 5yrs before my Corrado :lol:

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So i was cruising around in the C a lunchtime with the windows down as its such a nice day and i spot a lovely little Mk1 Golf come past and i have a big soft spot for the mk1 and that got me thinking, what about a little small engined cheap to run mk1 golf, with no tax if get one old enough and classic car insurance so cheapy cheap cheap :D







sorry to burst yer bubble a bit but no mk1 Golf will be Tax exempt.......as the earliest will be a 1974 a good year over the limit

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Great plan.Just what I thought. Dosnt work though..............

I now own a half finished G and a Mk1 16v cabby. again half finished and I have only had the G for 2 years and the Goof for 1 year........

2 money pits now........

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jonnyboyo, come on. Surely as a policeman you know it's illegal to beat the kids? Even if they've interrupted your Corrado plans!

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sorry to burst yer bubble a bit but no mk1 Golf will be Tax exempt.......as the earliest will be a 1974 a good year over the limit


Ahh well, i didnt know that, still its not going to cost much to tax one anyway!

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edit. sorry thought that was insurance..........Until you declare all the mods. You really think you could keep it standard for long????

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Also to add to my plan, once finished my degree and am in a job i plan to do an evening mechanics course so i can do most work myself on both cars, as at the minute i get so depressed that i know in theory how to do most jobs mechanically but when it comes to actually doing something i dont know where to start :cry:


I actually wanted to do a night course this summer which i might find out about, but not at the minute as i have coursework etc to be doing but once my placement is officially over which is end of May i will be free until October. Maybe a beginners course this summer and then a more advanced one after my degree :D

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edit. sorry thought that was insurance..........Until you declare all the mods. You really think you could keep it standard for long????


Well im crazy enough to think about supercharging my corrado and paying the insurance, im sure a bit more wont hurt when im earning better :lol:

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I had a Corsa for 3 yrs!


admittance is the first step on the road to recovery :lol:


i think i'm still in denial :oops:

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