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Lucky Bunnie

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Im afraid theres been a nasty development in my Corrado Ownership.


Was approaching a roundabout near my place earlier @ about 65-70 and suddenly had no brakes! Its a reasonable sized one, stormed onto it at like i say, 65-70, ploughed into the brickwork, bounced off, over the triangle bit where ajoining road joins, straight into kurb on other side. Needless to say, its made quite a mess. Drivers side wheel has been ripped from the driveshaft and lower ball joint, passenger side wing has big crease in it, drivers door doesnt fit right, wing is bent, rear offside wheel is toeing in at bottom and windscreen is coming away drivers side! Sounds like a twist in chassis so not looking good.


I cant actually believe how lucky I am. To not have stationary traffic on my approach. To not have traffic on roundabout. To not spear into someone at the other junction on roundabout. To not have anything at all solid in my path. I consider this a stroke of luck and am now seriously reconsidering what I want from a car.


Still, at least I am ok, and no-one else was involved. Metal can be replaced. Flesh cannot. :?

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Sounds like a nsasty one but you're right to be pragmatic about it - as you no one else involved and no one hurt - sounds like another Corrado has gone to the scrapyard in the sky :(

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I only had a small prang this week (rear ended at red traffic lights. see "Storm damage" post) but I know how depressing a feeling this can be. Keep your spirits up and all those people are right about you being more important than the car. Funnily enough (or not) my accident happended in Watford (close to your heart judging by your avatar)


Hope you can get back behind the wheel of a Corrado soon.

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no xbones, I'd kept a close eye on that. Im also using Goodridge hoses, doesnt seem to be anything to do with them. Funny thing is all the brake system looks to be ok, just no brakes :?

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Christ, that was lucky, you not been using some of Phat's patented brake fluid?


Seriously though, you are quite right, you are fine and no harm done and that is the important thing in the long run.

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Bloody hell! :shock: sorry to hear this mate! Atleast no-one was hurt though. You must be gutted, i would be if it were me :cry:

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did your boxers fill up with the brown stuff??? mine did when it happened to me, but i was more lucky that you. but like ya said mate, metal can be repaired/bought. a new set of legs etc etc are more difficult to get hold off.


really sorry to hear ya bad news.



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Whoa scary stuff!


Glad to hear you're ok and hope you can work out what caused the brakes to die :?

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Cheers guys. vwdeviant, it was pedal straight to the floor, nothing there at all.


The cars being taken away to be assesed tomorrow morning. I'll let you know if they find out what went wrong.

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Had the same thing in my Splittie heading to the back of a queue at the M4/5 interchange... Thank god for empty breakdown lanes.. managed to pump up some pressure and stop but only after I'd shot past a line of traffic.. bet they all thought "what's he up to? Queue jumping?"


Mind you made it all the way to Newquay and back, was a lot more (even more than usual on non servo brakes) careful after that.... Turned out to be Master Cylinder seal had gone...

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Damn shame.. loved your car. Still you were incredibly lucky.




Lottery tonight... may I suggest a trip to the newsagent.

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hehe, good idea!


Just got my courtesy car.....its a bloody Citreon C1!! :?

Think I may just use my 20yo Polo again..... ;)

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