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More damage to my C. Now they wanna write it off.

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I'm starting to get very depressed with my car. It seems to be target practice for whoever feels like coming along and taking chunks off of it. Its been broken into, had the fogs nicked and now I find that someone has driven up the back of my car and then legged it. I phoned the insurance company who said that I would lose my no-claims as there were no witnesses and no-one to claim from. Are they right in saying this? I don't think I have protected no-claims, but surely my full comp would cover it? Luckily it seems to be only the back panel and the Corrado badge that has been biffed.

What a sh*tter.








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sorry fella. but they are right no one to claim from = paid for your insurance comany = loss of no claims.

always a bugger when it is not your fault. Try and work out how much your insurance was without no claims then decied if it is really worth claiming.

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Yeah.. you can tell from the ride height it was more than likely a Chelsea Tractor. Someone who can afford to drive some £50,000 slab of crap can't afford to stop and leave their details after stoving in your pride and joy. How good of them!

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That's sickening :( Defo a 4x4... Check out all the 4x4s in your street for red paint on the bumper/bull bars ;)

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I reckon it was probably a bloody illegal immigrant student lesbian traffic warden daily mail reader wot did it guvnor.

I hate bigots. They should just all bugger off back to biggo-land or wherever it is they come from.

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if it makes u feel any better mine has been hit 6..yes 6 times in 6 months..4 times when its been parked (smashed headlight, dented offside wing, and both rear quarters have been dented..and twice someone has gone into the back of me! no jokes! beginning to think the car is cursed..so basically..i feel your pain!

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I feel your rage, that is bloody annoying. Worsened by the fact you now have to sort it off your own back! Sorry to see it :(

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agreed, that is really poor luck you've had with the car recently.. they say bad things come in 3s though, time for an improvement? hope you get it sorted ok for not too much.

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if it makes u feel any better mine has been hit 6..yes 6 times in 6 months..4 times when its been parked (smashed headlight, dented offside wing, and both rear quarters have been dented..and twice someone has gone into the back of me! no jokes! beginning to think the car is cursed..so basically..i feel your pain!


Bejazuz, that's bad luck. I'm thinking my car is cursed too, I'm actually considering getting it blessed! I'm not religious but you never know. The insurance people haven;t got back to me yet but I don't think I'm going to claim, luckily I've got a bit of spare cash hanging around, so I'll fix it myself and change the insurance to protected no claims!

Haven't been out to scout the 4x4s yet, but I think it was someone reversing round the corner, as mine was the last in the row and there were roadworks on the road it leads onto. I'm still fuming, but as duke_st says, bad luck comes in 3s, so hopefully....


Oh yeah, and there's two slight creases in the boot. Buggeration.

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Bejazuz, that's bad luck. I'm thinking my car is cursed too, I'm actually considering getting it blessed! I'm not religious but you never know..


haha..lets do it!! :lol:

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Possibly Merc M class? They have the spare on the outside on a big cradle thing with two bars spaced about that far apart?


Gutted for you mate, any money it'll either be a co car or some daft bird who can't drive the mahosive tractor her rich hubby bought her for transporting their one child about in! (apologies to the ladies, not generalsing, but you know the type I mean..)

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Protected no claims...... cost you about 50 to 60 quid even though they tend to drive up the excess to about 300 quid. If you claim on normal insurance for no fault/no witness/vandalism etc, the insurance goes up by about 40 quid..... . Hmmm seems a win win by the insurers to me. unless of course you have many claims for first person (your fault.)... I'd love an insurance company, it is a license to print money.....

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Totally feel for you. Last year the car started to pick up a few dings - people seem really careless. I try my best to avoid dodgy spaces etc. If Im in the car, I will watch the person parking next to me like a HAWK.


Last year the car picked up too many dings, where finally on xmas eve I came back to my lonely car (having only been gone for 2 minutes) to find a huge dent in the wing; hardly a mere scratch; they must have arrived and left in one foul swoop. Decided to get all bodywork fixed at a mere £900 (this is from a car that was practically mint 18 months ago).


Now in May and Im getting hacked off again finding lots and lots of small scratches - with the knowledge that my car has only been on my private drive or in the office carpark where some dishonest ****** has leant against the car, or placed thier bag on the bonnet - cant say anything as I know I'll blow my top as everyone in the office will deny it.


The joys of owning a car you like !!

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Well, it seems that the insurance company want to write my car off, as they reckon it'll take 1600 quid to repair and the car is only worth 1000. I'm considering getting a part payment from them and paying the rest myself or should I just scrap it, get the money and buy another C? I've been wanting an upgrade for a while, but also don't want to see another scrapped when it still works, but has body damage.

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bad luck dude, had a feeling that might not be too cheap to fix..


i would say if you were thinking about an upgrade then dont be too sentimental about it getting scrapped, if you get to buy the salvage then someone with access to a bodyshop could probably get it back on the road anyway. guess it all depends on what the better financial option is for you but (if you're honest about it) its not a super rare colour/engine combination which needs u to lose out in order to save it.


good luck with what you decide, but you did say you wanted a vr! :)

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bad luck dude, had a feeling that might not be too cheap to fix..


i would say if you were thinking about an upgrade then dont be too sentimental about it getting scrapped, if you get to buy the salvage then someone with access to a bodyshop could probably get it back on the road anyway. guess it all depends on what the better financial option is for you but (if you're honest about it) its not a super rare colour/engine combination which needs u to lose out in order to save it.


good luck with what you decide, but you did say you wanted a vr! :)


you make a good point and yeah, there's a very tasty blackberry vr on the trader for @4k that's been catching my eye. i would love to keep my valver, but i do feel the call and my savings are aching to be dipped into....

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Write it off then buy it back, i need a tornado red front panel and bonnet :lol:


:D You wanna buy the whole thing off me? Had considered breaking it, but have nowhere to store it as I live in a first floor flat and have no drive. I can't even park outside, I have to go two streets away.

Its actually in pretty good nick, everything works and the paint isn't too pink either. Bummer. Seems like such a waste considering how rare the Corrado is, especially as it seems like a lot have been broken up recently.

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Write it off then buy it back, i need a tornado red front panel and bonnet :lol:


:D You wanna buy the whole thing off me? Had considered breaking it, but have nowhere to store it as I live in a first floor flat and have no drive. I can't even park outside, I have to go two streets away.

Its actually in pretty good nick, everything works and the paint isn't too pink either. Bummer. Seems like such a waste considering how rare the Corrado is, especially as it seems like a lot have been broken up recently.


I might be interested,any more details or pics pls?

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