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60mm drop excessive??

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Excessive is when your suspension settings comprimise the handling of the car rather than improve it. On a C I'd say 60mm is about as low as you'd want to go before hitting that point.

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On a -60 drop and 15's (Estos) a little harsh but not uncomfortably so.... Mind you your splitter will take a real pounding over speedhumps...


Personally I think it's where the Rado should have sat from the factory as the wheels fill the arches without scrubbing or catching.



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At that drop on a 16v your wishbones are above the horizontal point, the bushes and geometry weren't designed for that and a standard car will have better handling.

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Mine is lowered to around that level, maybe a shade more and the car is dramaticaly better in all departments, looks and handling, high speed stability.


It is a firmer ride but in a reassuring way as the KWs are excellent...

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Worth noting that Goldie's Storm being a late VR is 20mm higher than older cars so 60mm is really 40mm


My TDI is 50mm and it's deffo too low for comfort, G60 still looks a little high at 30mm so I reckon 35-40 is perfect

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At that drop on a 16v your wishbones are above the horizontal point, the bushes and geometry weren't designed for that and a standard car will have better handling.


Nope mine are pretty much horizontal, if not slightly below... And handles just fine... TBH you'll only notice any difference right at the limit anyway..

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mine 30-35mm perfect to drive but could be lower for looks just at the front


new one 50-60mm and is too low, ride is ok but splitter has worn down to a knife edge

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Totally depends on your suspension choice and what you're after.


My vr is lowered 70+mm and i never really had any problems with that - apart from the odd splitter issue :)


My suspension is rock hard so the lack of travel means rubbing etc is minimised.


I imagine my wishbones are at a ridiculous angle, but the car handles excellently and is incredibly stable.

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At that drop on a 16v your wishbones are above the horizontal point, the bushes and geometry weren't designed for that and a standard car will have better handling.


Nope mine are pretty much horizontal, if not slightly below... And handles just fine... TBH you'll only notice any difference right at the limit anyway..


You'll most likely notice it in the form of bump-steer. The suspension geometry isn't correct, so going over a bump will tug the steering wheel to one side, depending on which side of the car hits the bump.

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I agree with Dinkus, it might not be noticeable unless driving hard but I suffer from bump steer due to my car being set low (I've no idea how much by). I knew that I was going to be trading some handling for looks and accepted that.


I guess it's a case of finding a healthy balance between what you find acceptable for handling/looks. Try a few different options out and see how you get on.

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also if u use brand new lowering springs, it will sit at a height for a while untill the springs "settel" so bare this in mind when you lower as after a few weeks it will sit a tad more lower (prob nothing noticable by the eye)

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Im lookin to lower the rado 60mm on 15's (until i get some Borbet A's)

is this excessive?


You wouldn't ask the question if you didn't want us to say "YES"! ;)

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Just do it and see what you think mate. If it sucks bring it up a bit :)


My car, lowered 70+mm, definately suffered from the odd bout of bump steer as discussed above. But I'm wierd, and I quite liked it! At the end of the day you are the only person who knows what you like. I reckon the majority of the folk on here would have hated my rado for being too hardcore for the road, but I absolutely loved it.


Suck it and see dude :)

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Im all for an uncomfortably hard ride so i think it will be ok lol,

i dont think it will handle any worse than it does now to be honest it feels like a 4x4 compared to my old mk2 which was on its ass!!

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