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My 91 Rado G60, 1.9 rebuild finished (no 56k)

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Cheers :D , If Oliver wasn't such a good bloke and offered to help so much i would be in complete sh*t tbh. Having a mate that knows pretty much everything anout rado G60's certainly helps :D


Cheers again Oliver :D your a ledge :D



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Well, it's not what you know, it's who you know. Your mate Oliver is obviously a very handy person to now! :D Seeing this I can't wait to get stuck into my G60! It's a hard slog but it'll be worth it in the end mate.

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i was thinkin how nice that blue looked on the charger :lol:

i need a house we garage so one day i can do the same as your,would love to have a blast

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Well, i think i just ordered the last part i need for the Rado, so hopefully we should have everything in the next few days and we can get on with putting it all back together :D Woo.


Watch this space people :D

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Started on some more bits on the rado last night, We and Oliver started cleaning the newly bored out block, and cleaning out the crap left in the rocker cover from the powdercoating :D


Heres some pics of the block :D all nice and clean now a 1.9 :D






Heres the other block that we didn't use ing the end,




After all was clean and no machining dust and crap could get in the engine, we sorted out all the bits that i had been buying over the last month.






100's of pounds worth of stuff there, but its all needed :D


We then had a look at the bits i've had powdercoated and realise they didn't tape off all the bits that i wanted, oh well, me and Oliver use a stanley knife and cut off the powdercoating in the unwanted areas, and all id well again lol.


Oliver hard at work...





Next time we should be able to start putting it all together :D Woo, just waiting on a downpipe, and some bits from VAG, and we're ready to go :D




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Well, it seems like life has shitted on me once again.


Me and Oliver got started on rebuilding the block thursday night, all was going well, Oliver got all the upwards oil sprays in, all the MAIN bearings and the crank all in and lovely. While olly was sorting out the bottom end i was cleaning a windage tray and baffeled sump that Jim had kindly let me have (cheers again nasey :D ) the sump was pretty battered but after a clean, rub down and a couple coats of hamerite it looked good as new :D .

Olly then removed the old pistons from the top of the rods takingoff the circlips and sliding out the pins. Then i gave Olly a hand removing and replacing all the rod bolts and nuts which was a pan in the ass, but we got it done :D .

Then came time to put the new (monkey's) 83mm pistons on the G60 rods and.... ****! .... The pins are different sizes.

It turns out that the pistons from Monkey are forged 1.8 8v pistons, and not G60 ones after all :( So the gudgen pins are smaller then the G ones and they can't be used. So much for me not having to shell out for new pistons :(

Anyway, after alot of swearing, and wanting to beat the living shit out of something to release my rage (i'm not angry at monkey, he's a ledge, just a pain in the ass), me and Oliver decided to do some more work since we were there and already dirty.

So Oliver grabed the charger and comenced to crack it open to have a good look at the bearings and seals to make sure the oil on the outlet was not a bad sign.

Thankfully all was ok in the charger, and Oliver stripped it down into three pieces (not sure what the middle bits called :? lol) and we cleaned all the crap out of it that the crappy cone filter had filled it up with.

taking out all the apexi seals very carefully and cleaning very carefully we got all of the gunk out and re greased it all up and replaced the seals again.

Now is as good as new and making a new slopping sound when turned lol.



I have already rung Darren and new pistons are going to be £490 :-S.




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It looks like this user, FILOFILSEM, is setting up to sell a car he doesn't own, please beware people!


Yes, it is shocking. If i wanted to spend 6k on a car i'd have bought an S2.

Mine might be going up for sale soon. Thinking about a turbo'd E36 M3 project or Sport Quattro replica.

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It looks like this user is setting up to sell a car he doesn't own, please beware people!


Yes, it is shocking. If i wanted to spend 6k on a car i'd have bought an S2.

Mine might be going up for sale soon. Thinking about a turbo'd E36 M3 project or Sport Quattro replica.



Eh? Please explain.

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Eh? Please explain.


Walsey follow the links here and that Yalan's stuck up to the S2 forum.. all will be revealed..


In the meantime... Dave it's been a week any updates? Recon you may make to Ed yet? Would love to see this in the metal if you do!

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Cheers, can we now keep this thread about the build - it's a fantastic thread that we don't want ruined :)


Any updates then Monza?

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Right 'O, i guess its time for an update on this overly long tale on woe :(


Well, after finding out that the pistons that monkey had were not G60 pistons after all (they were miss sold to monkey in the first place :? ), i have phoned Darren at Gwerks and ordered a set of Wossner 82.5mm pistons, So thats that problem solved. But now the block that i have had bored out has too large a bores of the wossner pistons, so yesterday i had to go out the elworthy's and dig out the other bottom end (the original block that was in the car in the first place) and clean and paint it ready for boring out (again).

theres no pictures of us cleaning and painting because it looks exactly the same as the last one lol.

So, should be getting the pistons delivered today, and then the block and pistons can go down to scratch tomorrow for machining :D


I also got this through the post today, well happy with the quality :D should do the job jsut fine :D




and just got these through too :D









fingers crossed all should be back on track and the build can continue soon :D

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Got the pistons from Gwerks on wednesday (cheers Darren and Rob), and got the block bored yesterday, took it down to auto service and spares 7:30 in the morning and they had it done by 4 in the after noon :D


Heres some pics of the block and the new pistons :D









heres a comparison of my new wossner pistons against Joes motorcross bike piston :D




The builds back on :D Woo.

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Just spent half an hour typing out a detail description of the weekends events, but firefox crashed and i lost it all, grrrrrr so heres a cut down version.


The bottom end was built up over the weekend, Sunday me and Oliver got up hungover and went out to start on the car.

We started by stripping the crank out of the old block and transfering it and the bearings etc over to the new one







With the crank in Oliver stared fitting the pistons to the rods,






after that he stipped the rings on and we fitted them into the ready and waiting block.






We then flipped it over and fitted the windage tray (cheers Jim) and VAG oil pump





Screwed the baffeled sump on (cheers again Jim) and it was finished :D




heres the money shot :D



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well me and Oliver took another trip out to Cotley last night to get some more bits on the Rado done :)

The head was the task of the night, to build it and get it on the block.


Heres a couple pics of the underside of the head, as you can see its just a standard one, new seals and guides, reseated valves, like new :)





next we got the head gaskets out to check the clearence with the new 82.5mm pistons, and we were presently suprised to find the gasket was the exact same size as the bored out bores :D





Then we threw the head onto the block, and bolted it down it some new head bolts






We then put tappets in that had been soaked in oil for the last mounth, then the cam and cam end caps went on and were bolted down in sequence




So much easier then building a 16v head lol.


chucked the rocker cover on and we were done





Then we went down the gym for an hour and gave it death :D Woo



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well well well, the time has come once again to get dirty in a garage in the middle of the country side :)


Me and Oliver vetured out to cotley on Saturday morning hungover again and carried on where we left off before the ring trip.


Here comes pics :)


We strated off with bolting up the auxiliaries onto the lump,


Water pump




some brackets












cam belt



exhaust mani on with new studs and nuts






Changing the belt on the charger



Bolting up the charger



inlet mani on with all new bolts





Alt on and all the pulleys




throttle body on



new water flanges and some old hoses (my new ones aren't here yet :(



Olly and Al playing russian rulet with the charger belt tensioner (it has to be compressed to get it on)



Tensioner and isv on




oil filter and cooler sandwich plate on



And thats how we left it, everything on and ready to go in :D


To be continued...

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Update lol,


Once again me and Oliver drive out to the countryside for some more greasey action, this time i drive Olivers Bora due to Oliver drinking far too much the night before and still being half cut in the morning lol. the nice guy i am i even made him a bacon sandwich and a cup of tea to get him out of bed lol.


anyway, theres loads of pics, so site back and watch you computer struggle to load them all lol.


First of all we moved the car out and jacked it right up so Oliver could have a good look at the exhaust, and what needed to be done,





after a little bit of hammering and wiggling we got the old down pipe off.

This down pipe has been fully bodged, welded up and messed around with more times the Jordan lol.





quick pic of how the engine was left over night




Oliver wasted no time in climbing into the bay to sort out the lamba wiring, i bought a water proof connector block to sort out the stevey wonder wiring, so we wouldn't have to worry about that again.




We whipped the old lamba out of the bodged down pipe and screwed it into the new cat bypass pipe i bought :)



While Oliver was playing with the wiring i went down and finished cleaning the gearbox, it was pretty clean, but i wasn't completely happy with it. so after some Jizzer and a pressure washer the results were




Then we whipped the engine crane out again and tided the engine up and took it off the engine stand so we could get at the gearbox end




Heres Olivers finished wiring job,



clutch bolted on,



Oliver changing the bearing in the gearbox




Gearbox on



Me doing yet more cleaning



New second hand downpipe in place



Me and Olly playing around getting the engine in,





Some goodies that will go on in the near future :)



ass shot



Me sorting out the gearbox mount




I was then sent under the car to do the dirty job of doing up the drive shaft bolts,





And its all in :D Woo








I'm thinking of getting one of these next... lol.



Still loads to do, but we'll crack on during the week with all the wiring, sorting out the crediton bodgetastic powerflow exhaust, the ic, rad etc. Shoudn't be too long though :D


To be continued (again)

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Fair play guys, just read through this, and all I can say is 'Dave you have some schitt luck' but fair play you've got some good mates to give you a hand. Extremely good work, and loving all the piccies.


Should go well, when you're done!

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great thread,jus skived at work for an hour reading it. Rotten luck at times but its great that uve carried on with it,my rados jus like urs with luck. Get one thing sorted and another fault arises. Great dedication to getting it done and cant wait to see the end result

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Cheers guys :)

It has been trying at times, but i'm lucky that i have such good friends. especially Oliver, how without i wouldn't have a rado at all, i would have broken it into piece as soon as it started.

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Really good to see the engine going back in! :D I must say those pictures are going to be really useful to me. You have a library of what the inside of a PG engine looks like!

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Didn't get it started last night, but got a load of work done, and it should only be one more nights worth of work (fingers crossed).


First Olly had a good look at the exhaust to work out what needed to be done to mate the old Powerflow system to the new cat bypass i bought. It turns out that the center section is going to have to be chopped up and the silencer moved back so it all fits together nicely. We're doing this so when i have a few £'s spare i can buy a new back box and centre section and it will fit straight onto the cat bypass.


Heres the exhast after its been taken off.


Centre section,




Derv style back box,




While Oliver was fighting with the exhaust i was attacting all the water pipes to the engine. I have a set of venair hoses on order, but they will go on later, give me a perfect excuse to flush the water system at the same time.




Then Olly joined in adn we reconnected all the wiring loom to the engine :) . Then i bolted up the IC and boost pipes :)


Standard IC




A couple with all the boost hoses connected





One last one of the car flying :) and thats how it stayed until next time :) lol.





Stay tuned...

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