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The Nugget - what to do with it if I go to Dubai

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With the prospect / opportunity of moving to Dubai becomes more real by the day I'm starting to thing about what I'd do with the G60, currently toying with four options:


1. Sell it - leat preferred option but would be the least hassle option


2. Take it with me - not sure how suitable a 16 year old car with no air con is for Dubai


3. Store it for when I came back - fairly straightforward and at least car would not deteriorate if stored properly


4. Store it but put it through a gradual refurb process involving a total re-paint, engine re-build including Rotrex charger etc - would be in a position to afford some good quality refurb work and would be great to have use of a top quality car whenever I came back for holidays etc


As always, your comments appreciated / considered

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hi andy if it was me and i could afford to keep the car as well as go away then i would do that as you have put some good work into that car and if it was me i would be gutted to see it go!


only thing is if you went for option 4 and came back every so often and drove it would you be able to leave it behind then when its been fully restored? of course you could add air con to the list of things you would have done to it then ship it out to dubai!!! :D

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My friend has gone to Dubai and cars are so cheap out there and fuel is so cheap it's not really worth shipping your car out there and as you've already said it'd not really suitable for out there.


If I was you I'd probably sell it or store it!

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i think if your making a new start,u might be best sellin it mate,sure it would be nice to take a few extra pounds over with you?

plus we what i've seen of your car it would be a shame for it to be just locked away,let someone else enjoy the pleasures of the rado 8),unless your plannin on comin home quite often then i'd keep it :lol:

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option 3 would be my first thought... i remember how stoked i was to liberate the VR from storage after i spent time in India in '05 and Australia last year

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My favoured route is Option 4. - would hope to be able to be back at least twice a year and would want to use it whilst over, would allow me to get the car how I've always wanted to get it as well

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option 3. why? you'd regret selling it. plus i think for such major work, you'd prefer to be there while it's all happening, so i'd choose 3 over 4. unless you have a liking for another car, don't go with option 1. and no 2 isn't an option really

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Trust me, non air-conditioned 'rado in Middle East, totally 100% forget it! Couple that with the standard of driving out there, doubly forget it. Got to be 3 or 4 only.

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