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Jim Bowen

A new home for the corrado

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seeing as i have the 306 to use for work i don't have to get the corrado out and as mucky anymore (roads to work were terrible single lane mud fest jobbys)






note my buggered wheels i got tucked up on :(

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that's not a garage - that's a mansion :shock: I was chuffed cos I rented one for mine in May but it's so small, it's a mission to park the car so that I can close the garage door and still get out of the car :roll: I haven't scraped the car yet, but I live in fear...

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Thats a coincidence. My play thing is a corrado and the work a day shuttle is a metalic red 306. The pug is amazingly entertaining and the steerings is about as perfect as it gets. Goes round corners with zip to.

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Man, i would love a garage of that size, could get so much more done to the car... :(


Lovin the C though mate, think thats the 1st of seen of it, looks schweet... :D

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thanks for the comments :)


i find the 306 horrible to drive, it makes funny noises, hitting bumps feels like your sat on a plate of jelly :lol:


i want to get some better lighting in the garage, strip lights maybe, whats best? all there is at the mo is 1 normal light bulb

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