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3.5yrs driving.......first crash

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Well, it finally happened. After 3.5yrs of driving without any crashes, points, or runs in with the coppers, i've had a crash. Not a major one, but it could have been alot worse.


Was driving down the dual carriageway, then pulled off onto a single carriage way that joins with another (one of those slip round sort of things). Anyway, comes onto the slip round, signs tell me to slow down, i ignore them. So 60/70mph into the corner, crap tyres, and wet road = a spin out. Felt the car starting to skid, the back end flips out, the car spins 180 and ends up going backwards on the gravel at the side of the road. Some how it then spun a further 90deg with the front end heading for the barrier. Almost managed to stop before hitting the barrier, but failed. Luckily it only clip the front wing of the car, nothing else. So now it looks like this:







I also have a dirty squeeking sound coming from the front left wheel, possibly wheel bearing or could have knocked the brakes out of line. Either way its going down the local garage after work tomorrow for a once over. Then i guess it'll be new front wing time.


Looking back it was very foolish and i certainly have more respect for the road now. It was bad luck to happen, but could have been alot worse. Some of my friends were in the car and if we had of hit the gravel sideways the car could have easily rolled over.


Just after all thsi talk of dangerous young drivers too :(

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The dangerous young drivers are the one's that can't except responsibility or learn from thier mistakes dude,at least you don't fall into that category! it'll make you a better driver! :)


Luckily no-one else was involved and no-one was hurt 8)


Hope nothing's been fecked from the bump, and it doesn't cost too much to sort out.

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Gutted for ya but could have been worse.


I too spun mine before cahsing an evo on a roundabout in the wet, he had 4 wheel drive and i didnt lol, anyway spun on the roundabout 180 degrees and stopped without hitting anything, sorted the direction out looked in my rear mirror and saw 207 headlights, instantly thought crap, knew it was a 50 car, sure enough got pulled they saw the whole thing, by chance they got an emergency call and just said slow down and off they went.


Pooped mysely and relieved at the same time.

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Yep, first time for everything! Not that its exactly desirable, especially with the rest of the population wanting to use the roads too(!), but, by definition, these things happening guarantee that you learn lessons about either your ability or your cars limits (normally both). Short of getting a free track day included as part of your driving test (how cool would that be!) then making a mistake and properly scaring yourself without affecting anyone else does wonders for your mindset and approach in the future IMO.


Hopefully you can get it fixed up ok and you're counting those lucky stars its only a busted wing!!

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Glad you are unhurt and the damage is quite minor compared to what could have happened.


The squeaking could be the result of some of that gravel getting into a brake caliper or being jammed into the back of the wheel - worth taking the wheel off and having a good look.


Best wishes



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Good to see you came out unscathed.... and minor damage to the Rado too..


My first was a biggie.. not on speed as I was only doing about 30-40, swerved to avoid what I thought was a sheep (turned out to be a stray dog), however the force of being stopped dead by a ditch wrote off my mom's brand-new Rover!


Still she got a new one and they upgraded the model in the meantime so all's well... sort of...


Been generally quite sensible from then on....


Like Walsey said the dangerous drivers are the ones who DON'T learn from their mistakes, no matter how small or big... and still drive like loons...


The local donkey in Yellow/black Supra with a busted front end is the prime example.. chased me down a slip road and onto a duel carridgeway (sp) at 80 with a cumpled bonnet held down with Bungees and tie-wraps! :shock:

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doesnt look too bad, and you should be able to get a replacement wing in the correct colour without much hassle, most likely cause of the grinding noise is a bit of gravel between the metal brake guard and the disk or maybe the metal guard has been slightly bent and is now touching the disk.

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Glad both you and the car are mostly ok.


To be honest if you have got through 3 and half years of driving and this is your first ding then I would not be too worried, at least you know what the corrado is like on the limit and have gained furthur experience of just how crappy some road conditions are.

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Its definately made me realise when to show more caution. Ive had to take it steady recently due to the engine rebuild, so ive been playing with the cars handling, taking corners a little faster, throwing it into bends down country lanes etc, i guess this time i just found the cars limit. After 3.5yrs though something like this was definately due. Luckily it was 11:30pm, so there were no other cars on the road and afterwards i just restarted the car and drove on, to get out the way incase anything came.


I've got the afternoon off work to try to sort the wheel out. I've rang 3 local garages and they're all mega busy, so im just going to pop the wheel off and take a look around myself. The squeeking doesnt change in pitch or anything when the brakes are applied, so hopefully it will just be a stone, because i did throw up some gravel! As for the wing, they're easy enough. Although now ive said that i bet i wont see any early red rado being broken for aaaages.

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signs tell me to slow down, i ignore them. So 60/70mph into the corner, crap tyres, and wet road = a spin out. quote]


No sympathy to be honest, own stupidity with the quotes above...


Lucky wasnt a lot worse for yourself or indeed taken out some innocent motorist

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