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M15 VW

Guess the part...

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can you match up anywhere in the car thats got a joint between the smooth and textured plastic? might help narrow it down a bit.

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maybe part of the centre tunel trim or under dash as suggested or from the inside of the boot, looks like an access panel cover or maybe a seatbelt cover from the rear door cards... a bit dark now to climb all over the car but have you gone over every panel inside?

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Well Im clueless. A bit worrying as I dont think I have one of those on my rado :lol:


Yeah i dont have a sandwich box in mine either :roll: :lol:

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A hah! The Radom Brand Hatch Part thred at last...


I was talking to Dave about this there... the only clues we have is that it "Appeared" in the boot... But that doesn't narrow it down as it may have been hiding there for a bit... We looked at a number of boot areas and couldn't see an obvious place and from memory I don't think it had a part number either...


Mind you I think some-one else said "Yeah one of those appeared in my boot too!"

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A hah! The Radom Brand Hatch Part thred at last...


I was talking to Dave about this there... the only clues we have is that it "Appeared" in the boot... But that doesn't narrow it down as it may have been hiding there for a bit... We looked at a number of boot areas and couldn't see an obvious place and from memory I don't think it had a part number either...


Mind you I think some-one else said "Yeah one of those appeared in my boot too!"



hahaha funny thread


ive got a huge box full of random bits of trim from when i swapped out the interior, might take a few bits to some shows and deposit them in ppls cars, get some heads scratching hehe

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doesn't hide on the underside of the bootlid shut area does it.. if that makes sense.

I can't check on my Rado as its in another Country to me at the moment....

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doesn't hide on the underside of the bootlid shut area does it.. if that makes sense.

I can't check on my Rado as its in another Country to me at the moment....


nope. Those bits are bigger than that and thinner.

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this does look exactly like the recess trim off a mk3 golf boot lid shut, the bit you grab when the boot is open to pull it shut. Ive borrowed my dads over the weekend and it looks exactly the same as that part.

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Whoops, apologies due for not getting back sooner!


Part has no number on it and was found inside the car and it only lives in the boot because I do not know where else to put it. If it goes into my garage it will never be seen again, unless I do not need it any more. This is the way of things stored in garages in my experience.


I am a bit confused as to why the car should be lighter with the bit stored in the boot rather than inside but then I am not an engineer.


One way to find out what it is would be to throw it away. Then it would suddenly become obvious!!





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