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old people!!!

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don't get me wrong i love my lodies but some of them truly believe us young ones owe them some kind of favour, i got up this morning went out to my car (private car park) so know everyone who parks there to find the old boy parked right next to my c opened the door not only dented it but removed a load of paint :mad: so you can imagine my anger only had the a week so i sent my girlfriend to get him (to angry to talk) and he came out and completely denied knowledge and IT WAS'NT ME so i asked for the keys and opened the door to find it match my new paint work perfectly still IT WAS'NT ME he's 82 and got a stick what am i supposed to do (other than saw his stick into) oh and to top it off it's a faded light blue sierra ( i F****** hate fords) got a qoute from a local guy and the whole door has to be done and it's gonna be a oner unbelievable i tell ya what a start to the weekend oh he's gonna pay there is no way i'm paying for it no matter how old, if it's not jealosy it's stupidity whats a guy gotta do!!!

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OH NO WAY!!!! :monkey: I take it you have his registration? I don't mean to be cruel to the old either but frankly he has to pay - if he was 25 you would not feel bad about making him pay! He must have insurance anyway. I would insist on getting it done through him - otherwise it is COMPLETELY unfair!

Happened to me once when I had my Golf but he was an ageing friend of the family so I had to deal with it! :(

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i know it's just not on but he is'nt going any where so it can wait and my girlfriends dad has known him for a few years so he is gonna sort it out which i think is cool but not sure whats gonna happen yet but he better start saving!!! i just don't think the world turns the right way sometimes i really don't :?

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Personally, I'd be basing it on how well off he is.


If he's just about surviving on a pension and gets his shopping entirely from the Safeway Savers section then I think I'd just accept it as one of those things. I'd also fasten pillows to his doors :D


If he's pretty well off, I'd either ask him for the money or pursue his insurance Company.

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Claim off his insurance, he's probably got a million years no claims bonus.

Its funny cos an old git in a sierra dented my wing too.

I dont think you need to get whole door done, there are places that do smart reapair, wot colour and how big is the scratch?

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it's aqua blue and it's not just a scratch it's also a nice 50p dent too, i don't agree vr6, too many people just lye down and and let young, old black, white fat, thin get away with situations, that one is obviously not your own fault, and it's the typically english thing to just not kick up a fuss, each to their own but if he is capable of driving he is also capable of nowing what is right and whats wrong, say he crashed into me and IT WAS'NT MY FAULT theres no way i'ed let it go and he has his own shop. but thats just my opinion i'm not out to victimise anyone but at the same time i'm not paying for other people stupidity.

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Maybe at 82 he shouldn't be driving anymore ??


I'd hate to think what his reaction time would be in an emergency situation !!


For the safety of all road users, I think there should be an annual, mandatory test for all persons over a certain age.

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i think you're being a bit unfair on the old boy with respect to his driving abilities............afterall by the sounds of it he has done the "classic" opened a door too far and hitting someone else car as a result of it which isn't really a reflection on whether he can drive or not more like its a case of sheer clumsiness and ignorance.....as believe me i've had a perfectly able-bodied 30+ woman do similar to mine and funnily enough she also totaly denied it even tho getting her to open her door to prove it was her resulted in her hitting the exact same place...........anyway thats another story.........i don't know if your insurance will look at it either as technically he wasn't driving his car........but if the old boy is only "scraping by"(pardon the pun) then discretion might be the better form of valour......if however he has his own business and seems to be doing ok then threaten him with small claims court etc

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My remarks were general in nature, based on many seperate incidents and not relating specifically to this problem.


However, I do stand by everything that I wrote & beleive that is the way things should be.

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Don't get me wrong Steve, I think that a mandatory test for people once they reach a certain age, would be a superb idea. And at a regular interval thereafter.


I don't think it should be a full driving test, but perhaps just a few basics like reaction times, general judgement of situations and a few basic manoevres.


Old dodderers, who have no place behind a wheel, annoy me as much as the next person!

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Old folk, bless em :lol:


I came out of Sainsburys once and saw this old boy with his car door pressed firmly against mine! He was negotiating his bags into the back seat and bumping his door against mine a good few times in the process.


I don't think he even realised he was doing it to be honest. I looked at him and said "Do you mind?" eyeballing mine and his doors, and he was very apologetic.

There was no damage to my car as luckily both our rubbing strips aligned.


Sometimes you just have to be diplomatic and cut the other person some slack. For all I know his ticker could have packed up if I'd shouted at him and you shouldn't really have a go at old folk anyway as they're not able to defend themselves.


If a young person arrogantly flung their door open onto mine, then it would be a different story, but old harmless biddies that basically saved us from the evil intent of Hilter, well, give em a break.



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Isn't it annoying how those rubbing strip rarely align?


Anyway, just wanted to say, wherever possible I park away from cars in a car park - space allowing of course - that way if anyone does park next to you, they don't get too close. However, sometimes I come back to find I can hardly get into my C!

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Isn't it annoying how those rubbing strip rarely align?


Anyway, just wanted to say, wherever possible I park away from cars in a car park - space allowing of course - that way if anyone does park next to you, they don't get too close. However, sometimes I come back to find I can hardly get into my C!


I saw some experimental car park in Autoexpress that had long rubber plinths on both sides of each bay to prevent knocks. By all accounts it was a success. At the end of the day, a car park knock can cost you dearly because the claim always goes 50/50, and that's dependant on you seeing them do it anyway, which is rarely the case.


My car is always the one parked miles away from the supermarket entrance all on it's todd, and then low-and-behold, there's cars next to it when you come out again!



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old harmless biddies that basically saved us from the evil intent of Hilter, well, give em a break.




Very good point Kev.

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My car is always the one parked miles away from the supermarket entrance all on it's todd, and then low-and-behold, there's cars next to it when you come out again!





Why is that always the same when you go to the cinema, you try to sit away from every1 else and low and behold people then start to sit right next to you when they can choose to sit in any of the other empty seats in the bloody place!


I think that old people shouldn't be aloud to drive after the age of 75

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Personally I think there should be automatic, annual basic testing for driving, if one of the following things happens:


- you reach around 70 years old

- you have a serious driving conviction (at any age) - tests for the next 5 years say for DUI

- your doctor orders it (perhaps due to eyesight, diabetes, epilepsy, heart troubles etc etc)


There should be no automatic license cut-off age, unless ill health causes it.




Compare to the pilot's license: you have to have a re-test every year anyway, regardless of your health, and you even have to show that you have flown the required number of hours each year to retain the license. Driving should definitely become more of a priviledge than a right... But for those that have earned that priviledge there should be more freedom (less stupid speed limits!).

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I worked part time in a garden centre for 4 years. I'd rather leave my Corrado in Kidbrooke than it's car park! You can imagine the clientelle, amiable green fingered old codgers made up at least 50%. The car park was made up of seperate rows of parking with room for cars each side, and each row was split by a small barrier of horizontal 6 foot, 4by4 fencing posts. Well these posts got a battering!, I can remember having to replace 4 of them in one month! The crazy thing was that I can remember an old boy totaling one of them while i was watching. I'd just loaded some turf in the back of rover which he then proceeded to drive into this barrier, he then backed it out and drove away, The car seemed fine, the barrier had a huge deathcrack, and i was pissing myself! It was a very weird experience as I'd just spoken to the guy and he must have been 80 but was fully compis mentis, but as soon as he was in his car he was just oblivious to what he'd done, even the 2 old ladies with him (dirty bugger) didn't bat and eyelid even tho it was a fair impact.

Fortunately I had 'special space' between a container and a tree out of the way which was safe as houses. :D


The funniest thing about that place was an old lady who must have been in her 70's. She would come in at least once a week in her Scooby Impreza with full body kit!!!!! :D I was 17 and driving a Citroen AX :oops:

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