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New key needed for 16v

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Ello all, somehow I've managed to lose my spare so need a new one cutting.


Is this a dealer only thing or can I buy a blank and get it cut at a normal locksmiths?


If so, any idea which type key they are for 1990 valvers?



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I bought one from my local place, including chip programming came to £22. Car is a 93k 16v, not sure if the early ones had the chip though.

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a 1990 would just be a plain key, couple of quid or you're being ripped off :lol:

might be worth filing the sharp edges of the new key v slightly as your existing key and lock may be well worn

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i just bought two keys from a guy in america,they r the original vw key blanks............


No good though if your car has the standard immobilizer

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No chip - just buy a standard AH from VW (£3) or you could go for the MK3 one with the light or the 16V one in it's own case (£15ish if still available)


VAG always used to cut these for free but most don't have the kit anymore or know how to use it - local places and supermarkets will do it for a couple of quid...

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Didn't think even 2.0 16v's had a chip in them? Thought that was exclusively for late VR's?!

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Didn't think even 2.0 16v's had a chip in them? Thought that was exclusively for late VR's?!



Just realised have to get round to this... lost spare too!!! sure 92 G60 doesn't have chip or anything right.. just a plan key????



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Yeah G60 has a plain key, imob was an option on Late 2.0 16Vs, if your not sure then take the cowling off and you will see the extra reader coil thingy with a flat ribbon cable going to it...

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