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@#*!! Someone drove into me!!

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Can't fookin believe it! Parked my car outside my parents place being careful to leave plenty of space to allow people parked across from me access in & out (you could have got a bus past the C & parked it). Come back 20 mins later to find some complete w@nker had decided it'd be a great idea to drive out of his parking space opposite & drive straight into the driver side door, then pissed off without leaving any insurance details etc. To say I'm bouncing doesn't come close. :bad-words:


Been to the police to report it, but can't honestly think that'll do much good.

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i actually know how you are feelin mate!!!luckily a passer bye recorded the culprits details an where the car was parked after my incident,hope you get it sorted mate :?

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Thanks guys, hopefully one of the wardens (my parents live in a monitored area) will know who the tosser is as apparently they are a regular visitor. All I know is that it was a silver people carrier, so getting my dad to check out every one that turns up. :) I'll get the fooker!!!

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Been to the police to report it, but can't honestly think that'll do much good.

Wrexham police are pretty useless when it comes to things like this, when the stereo was nicked out of my crappy old astra they wouldnt come to take finger prints as they didnt think it was worth it (£200 car £600 stereo), until i took clear photographs of the finger prints that had been left all the way across the top of the drivers window where it had been pulled down, i took them into the station and they imediately sent the guy out to dust for prints, it led to 3 guy's being put away for 3 months over christmas as the same night they had broken into 6 other cars and emptied the tools out of a couple of vans down the road.


hope you do find out who did it though, get their registration and if they refuse to pay up just get someone to call the police and say they witnessed it happening :lol: .

I would be more than willing to help :lol: .

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.. get someone to call the police and say they witnessed it happening.

I would be more than willing to help.


An interesting attitude to perjury.

Your lies in this particular case would be rather easier to disprove than the idiot in question who drove into a car then didn't leave their details..!


Clearly you're not serious. In the meantime, if the original poster does find CCTV footage that shows the car in question arriving/leaving around the right times, then you are easily on the way to getting the police interested because of circumstantial evidence, or maybe if the silver people carrier comes back in a day or two with a matching dent ..

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.. get someone to call the police and say they witnessed it happening.

I would be more than willing to help.


An interesting attitude to perjury.

Your lies in this particular case would be rather easier to disprove than the idiot in question who drove into a car then didn't leave their details..!

I was partly joking (will add a smiley to clarify) but a friend of mine has done this before and got away with it, I'm afraid someone leaving the scene of an accident without leaving thier details and leaving someone to pick up the bill is a bit worse in my opinion, (not necessarily in the eyes of the law ) people like that are ****ing scum, i had the same happen to my mk1 MR2 when some gypo scumbag in a hilux reversed into it and left me to pick up the bill.

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I was partly joking (will add a smiley to clarify) but a friend of mine has done this before and got away with it, I'm afraid someone leaving the scene of an accident without leaving thier details and leaving someone to pick up the bill is a bit worse in my opinion, (not necessarily in the eyes of the law ) people like that are ****ing scum, i had the same happen to my mk1 MR2 when some gypo scumbag in a hilux reversed into it and left me to pick up the bill.


I've had people drive into my car on my street and leave no details on three separate occasions, I'm no stranger to the annoyance and cost involved. Apparently because the car is black it's invisible.. :roll:


And I wasn't accusing you of being *worse* than the original offender, of course, just *easier* to find and disprove, and as you say perjury is a far greater offence in the eyes of the law than failing to report an accident.

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i bet its a woman about 35yrs, two kids, no job, shops at sainsburys and is middle class with a husband who works in retail :lol: i don't stereotype :lol:


if its a people carrier, they the worst drivers on the road, woman in 4x4's and people carriers, they can't drive a small car well even, why on earth give them something big, it really annoys me how they just drive off :x


some woman banged her door into my car only yesterday, because she must of parked too close and couldn't get out of car :x

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I dont really think it has anything to do with them being women, it more to do with them being d***heads :) i see just as many people carriers and 4x4's being driven badly by blokes.

Although the 4 accidents i have been involved in have all been women driving into the back of me while i was stationary in traffic, two of which where doing their hair at the time (saw them in the mirror) and one of which was reading a map on the passenger seat at 70 mph on the m6 (she admitted). none of those causes had anything to do with being women and everything to do with being idiots.

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i still blame woman tbh, the amount i come across driving down the middle of narrow roads and not attempting to move over a little when your coming the other way, get forced into hedges/mud etc, they don't even slow down


maybe its just where i live, the woman are stay at home lonely types, the husbands all work away in london all week, so only woman around i guess :lol:


my neighbour has a ford galaxy and its got more battle wounds than Bruce willis in die hard

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My Dad has an Altea and came about a credit-card width from hitting my C outside my house last year!!


tbh though, i got in his car afterwards and the seating height and headrests in his car almost completely obscured the C, so i can see why so many have people-carrier issues :?

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I dont really think it has anything to do with them being women, it more to do with them being d***heads :) i see just as many people carriers and 4x4's being driven badly by blokes.


Couldn't agree more mate. Seems to me that they think they've got the right to basically do what they want on the roads cos they own a bigger vehicle. Really pisses me off. The amount off accidents I've seen involving these types of cars is unbelievable, especially in car parks.


BTW, thanks for the offer of helping me out coolrado, much appreciated mate :)

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