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Lady hit my Corrado this morning! UPDATE: In paint

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Hello all,


I am new to this forum but have been browsing for a while.


I recently (about a mont ago) bought a dark bungandy pearl 16v corrado. Completely standard and I love it! It has numerous problems - doesnt start when warm/makes a loud whining noise when over 40mph ish/ tracking off etc etc - but I still love it!!


Anyways, I'm driving to work this morning going through a tight road with cars parked either side when all of a sudden a woman turning right, out of a junction (into my lane) pulls out and hits from my drivers door right down to the back lights. She has caved in my entire rear arch, managed to scuff my bumper and dented the whole rear quarter really badly.


She was driving a Corsa C, she had a little scratch on the bumper but nothing more. She hit my car so hard that it went from being in this position ----- I ------ to being in this position ------- / -------- facing the oncoming traffic.


I got out after parking up, in a right state because this car is my pride and joy, and she says.... wait for it, wait for it - - 'Didn't you bloody see me!?' :shock:


I then replied with 'last time i heard, someone turning left or right from a minor road onto a major road HAS to give way to oncoming traffic travlleing down the main road, so I shouldn't have had to see her. The fact that she saw the whole front end of my car (and rados aren't small!!) clearly means she saw me just didnt stop!


Anyway here are some pics of the damage - I have been to a body shop and they have quoted me £250 to repair it (through her insurance of course)













This is what it looks like -




Thats a photoshop, but its standard and not dropped.... yet :lol:

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Not good - looks more than £250s worth to me... hope you got her details!


Welcome to the forum by the way, think i saw your car at e38, whats goping on with the 16V badge on the grill?

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The whole front end was resprayed before I bought the car and the grille was sprayed and a badge stuck on. The grille is going though and the rear badges :?


I got her details - cant believe she tried to blame me though as if I should have given way to her!?

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I got out after parking up, in a right state because this car is my pride and joy, and she says.... wait for it, wait for it - - 'Didn't you bloody see me!?' :shock:


I think if she said that to me, I would have gone back to my car and got the Fist-to-Teeth serial adapter out of the glove box.


That's the way it is these days on Great Schittain's roads. People are just cnuts, the lot of them.


They don't know how to use roundabouts. They create gaps for themselves on motorways. They drive out in front of you and EXPECT you to give way to THEM, even though it's your right of way. They pull over in stupid feckin places to 'legally' talk on the phone. They do 40mph in a 60 and 40mph in a 30. They close up gaps or speed up to stop you overtaking on single lanes.


If it were legal I'd happily kill all these morons to death with a small collection of hell fires.....and then I'd kill them again with an MP5 just to make sure.

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I'd quite like a gun, any sort of gun, mounted on my dash so I could just blast em off the road. I drive alot, and do quite a few hundred miles and I used to have patience but now I hate driving round towns because I can't stand the way people drive.


Although I do love motorway driving because although there are a few idiots holding up lanes, you can usually just overtake and get on with your life :D

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I got out after parking up, in a right state because this car is my pride and joy, and she says.... wait for it, wait for it - - 'Didn't you bloody see me!?' :shock:


I think if she said that to me, I would have gone back to my car and got the Fist-to-Teeth serial adapter out of the glove box.


That's the way it is these days on Great Schittain's roads. People are just cnuts, the lot of them.


They don't know how to use roundabouts. They create gaps for themselves on motorways. They drive out in front of you and EXPECT you to give way to THEM, even though it's your right of way. They pull over in stupid feckin places to 'legally' talk on the phone. They do 40mph in a 60 and 40mph in a 30. They close up gaps or speed up to stop you overtaking on single lanes.


If it were legal I'd happily kill all these morons to death with a small collection of hell fires.....and then I'd kill them again with an MP5 just to make sure.



fella maybe you should see someone about these homicidal thoughts?!!

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give it a few days and get to your doctor.....whiplash normally doesn't show for the first couple of days.......

that should ease the pain :lol:

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Haha, no I wouldnt do anything like that.. I think I might nip to Steve Dentons place and get a little quote though...she'd be none the wiser 8)

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I'm fine Steve, LOL!


You know by now I'm only kidding with my anti-people rants :lol:


I'd still kill them though, but maybe just with a few precision guided grenades..... the Hellfires are a bit expensive this time of year 8)

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Yep prices rocket (no pun intended) this time of year, every1 wants 1 on the run up to christmas or their teenage kids to "have some fun with"

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lorns gutting too see that the car looks nice


if you can get that done for 250 id get it done wouldnt like to chance the ins with a quote


if you ever need some help witht the valver gimme aq shout



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ooo another rado in sunny northampton, shame some folks dont look when driving!!! bloody morons, hate driving around here as peeps just seem to be in there own world when driving, 1 second they look like there friving ok and then bang, they decide they wanna be on the piece of road where you are!!! idiots. anyway, hope ya get it sorted lorns. and if you do visit steve denton, dont say to him you have plans for ya rado, it will come out looking loads different!!!! :lol:

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have to feel sorry for anyone in that situation. Sorry to hear it.


£250 is cheap. Make sure they do a proper job, as its a claim, and it gets back to 'as before'. Ensure the colour matches. I know a place that does £250 per panel including blending into the panels either side - your door seems to be dented too? A better place still I know of would want to spray the whole side of your car and would be more like £900+.


Good luck and be thankfull you weren't on a bike (although in that case you may have given way to her)

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The bloke quoting me didnt include VAT and labour i dont think. It's currently sitting in Premier Power in Northampton gettin fixed (engine probs) and they'll leave me a written quote in the car for the damage. I'll make sure its a proper job though. Wangled in a few rust patches to get sorted too. It's gonna look the titties once done. No the door isnt dented although the paint is chipped.


It's just one thing after another I tell ya! - ben - thanks alot i'll be sure to come on here all the time asking for advice!

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Good job Kev doesn't have to drive in London! :lol:


Lorns.. gutted.. will you have it back for Friday? If so pop down to South Mimms.. PM Heristies if you want a driving buddy! He's local..

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I've driven in London loads of times dude, used to live there :lol:


Everyone just gets on with it, no one takes things personally. It's out in the sticks and smaller towns where people have Prunes for brains and think they own the roads.


You should drive in Florence, Rome or Paris mate.....PMSL.... it's crazy!

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True, yesterday, had some W@nker in a "Red-i" goof GTdi block me at 70 when I was approaching at a greater velocity, so flashed him and what does he do? Lobs the Anchors on! "Oh I know instead of using the empty inside lane I'll cause a pile up!"


And guess who was behind me and flashing when I left the station last night?


Yup! and did I do the same? Nope, just dropped it a gear and hoofed it!



Ruddy Yokels... :lol:

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lorns get your behind down to uncle steve at stylehaus, im sure he will sort you out :lol:


bloody morons on the road, if i had a pound for every time i was cut up id be a millionaire, every morning on the same roundabout at riverside


it needs to be slammed as in that pic :lol:

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Well, it's now running sweet as a nut thanks to Premier..


Got a written quote from them so gonna get things moving before it rusts to peices..


I think I'm gonna leave it with premier cos I like Bill and Dave, they sorted me out with me car! wink wink (the engine problems i mean) so I'm sure they'll do a good job, plus I had a nose around and they have some pretty little motors in there right now!

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You could bung them a few extra ££ and get the rear smoothed off, the rubbing strips removed etc etc...


I did that when I managed to reverse into a post in a multi storey... doh...


Make something good come out of something bad...

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It's a thought isnt it. Need to get it moving though Im gonna ring the bint later and see how she feels of doing it outside insurance otherwise, f8ck her in the asssssssssssssss :norty:

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Any word on this? there are far to few corrado's out this way so it seems a shame for one to get damaged! i usually try to get to the shoe county meet up at the turnpike near j16 and theres only ever been 1 other corrado there :( out of intrest did you used to drive a lil green polo with a black bonnet?

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