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Peanut has the hump

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Right apologies for the rant but im not a happy teddy bear.

As a few of you might know i sold the goof and bought another rado. Hurray! Cut a long and tedious story short.....i did a deal with a guy on e38 for a complete charger kit for the vr. Done deal only issue s being hes nr wigan, we're in Kent and the charger is still on the car, i paid for the charger and arranged to go up ther last fri.

Beginning of the week my phone starts to play up, not holding a charge etc etc, come friday its dead. This guys number is on the phone not the sim so i know dont have his number. I pm'ed him off e38 explained the situation and to get in touch to arrange where id be meeting him the next day. Cue Nikki and i driving up to wigan.

Fri comes and goes and we still here nothing, no internet access so Grade a helps by lgging into my e38 account and checking if the guys been online onr read the pm. Nothing,m he was online thurs morning and thats it. Friday down the pan we go home to sunny kent.

I pm him again asking what the hell is going on....fuel, hotel and a days pay gone for feck all. No reply. I then contact the guy he bought the car off which im getting the charger from, asking for contact details and explaining the situation. No reply. Grade a posted on e38 asking if anyone had his contact details but nno ones posted. Its monday now and ive heard bugger all, he's not been online since thurs night. For his health id better not have been scammed but its looking more and more that thats the way this is going.

Please dont post up "well you should have know better ....dont trust anyone...blah...blah blah. Hindsight is a wonderful thing.

My fault, shouldnt have paid in full and should have noted his number and addy donw somewhere other than my mobby, just very angry at the moment.

If it comes down to it i have avenues i can look into for finding people through people i know but it takes time.

Who know....i might come home one night this week to a pm from the guy saying his pc has died or a genuine reason for the lack of contact...but i have a sneaky feeling i have as much chance of that happening as kylie growing another booby.

Sorry for the rant, ive just got the hump


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Sorry to hear about this - I guess it's still early days though so it may turn out OK - fingers crossed for ya!

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I'll help you beat him if/when the time comes mate :)


Still need to take out my frustrations on someone at being ripped off by ze germans for a 4mo engine :(

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6.5 yrs in the prison service and 5.5 yrs in the air force, theres certain things ive learned how to do and get away with

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is there anything i could help with as i am only around the corner really from wigan. i will send you pm with my contact details.

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People can say "you shouldn't have paid up front, yatta yatta" but as has been said on here before you expect dub club and forum members to be honest folks. Its just a crying shame that this sort of crap is going on.


Good luck retrieving your item(s) or your cash.

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if i didnt have his contact details i wouldnt have paid, my fault that i only put them on my phone and not somewhere more secure. Just frustrating tis all, trying to get hold of a couple of friends who are in the police to get his addy from the reg plate on the golf, (presuming of course he registered it in his name) but sods law no ones picking up there bloody phone today


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Mate that's really awful. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Don't give up on it completely yet - these things often do sort themselves out.



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Crappy luck Gav, let's hope it all manages to sort itself out.


Does this mean if you do get the charger kit that Kylie's gonna have another boobie tho?! :D

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Gav, did you call him on your phone? Can you get his number from your itemised bill? Possibly even available online before you recieve your next paper one?

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aye thats what im doing at the moment mate, Between nikki and i we've managed to work out one of the days i rang him and roughly what sort of time. Fingers crossed he answers his phone


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Glad you've finally made some contact anyway.


I'll give you a call tonight to see what's happening, oh abd by the way...



M15VW said yes so soon she'll be MRS VW...


Congrats to both of you :)


Can I be a bridesmaid???

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by all means mate, we're getting married in jockland so you can wear a frock and if anyone asks just say its a kilt...at least thats what i do :?

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just had a very shamefaced phonecall from aforementioned pee nas. Aparently his phone br4oke, his pc broke, his dog ate his hoework and the green men melted his brain. Will be going up soon to pick it and another few choice bits up


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just had a very shamefaced phonecall from aforementioned pee nas. Aparently his phone br4oke, his pc broke, his dog ate his hoework and the green men melted his brain. Will be going up soon to pick it and another few choice bits up



Loving the new signature babe ;) :D Is that Mrs Vw or Mrs Peanut ? :lol:


(.....Toad, of course you can be a bridesmaid - what's your most suited colour of dress? :lol: )

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