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motorway driving

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i dont do much motorway driving, but travelled to & from glasgow today along the M8, so maybe this is just normal behaviour fro m'way drivers. i was amazed /bewildered at how many people undertake. yep maybe its the person who is sitting at 55 in the outside lane who is the reason for their frustration but those who undertake are just as bad IMO. if it was the chavs in their 1.1 corsa it wouldnt surpise me, but judging from the car types, it really seemed to be people who should know better. :?


small rant over.


on a better note the C never missed a beat. :)

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I fully understand why people undertake on a regular basis. I drive over 1,000 miles per week and the brainless dimwits who sit in their own little world in the midle lane seriously get on my t*ts.


If they have space to move over to the inside lane (not the slow lane) then I flash my lights, this usually gets one of three responses:


1. A finger

2. A move over in to the inside lane and then straight back out once I've got past

3. Zero response because they have not got a clue that there is someone behind


Middle lane hoggers are a serious problem on the roads and the police don't seem to give a stuff - the view seems to be that travelling at 80mph makes you a dangerous criminal but driving without due care and attention (as it surely is) and causing untold hold-ups and frustration is perfectly acceptable - if they did not see it as acceptable the they'd be doing something about it.


Undertaking IMHO is a symptom, not the problem itself

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I have to agree. I don't venture onto motorways much but went down the M40 to High Wycombe this weekend and couldn't believe how many people were dawdling along in the middle lane when the left lane was totally empty and free of traffic for some distance.


Why do people do this?!

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ahhhhhhhhh another motorway driver rant post... why is it as soon as people pass their test they forget that the right hand lanes are simply for overtaking, your 'allowed' to go 7- in the far left hand lane... o and personally i overtake cos i cant be arsed to wait for a middle finger or other pleasant gesture and then an exadurated slow move over into the next lane, i have my lights on always (not fogs) so theres no danger of not seeing me and always flash and indicate on the way toward the lane hogging 'special' people!

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I undertake all the time as I am not prepared to sit in the 65mph train running down the outside lane. If people cannot be courteous enough to move over it's not my problem, I move over for anybody who wants to pass me (not that it happens too often!) as I feel that maybe the next time they'll move over for me. We must be one of the worst countries in Europe for ignorant motorway driving, most other countries manage with mainly two lane motorways that flow at a higher speed than ours, I wonder why that is?

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I have to agree. I don't venture onto motorways much but went down the M40 to High Wycombe this weekend and couldn't believe how many people were dawdling along in the middle lane when the left lane was totally empty and free of traffic for some distance.


Why do people do this?!

Because we told them Jim.. :lol:


Have to agree TBH.. You know who the best people are for "Lane" manners? Van Drivers.. Mostly

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Now that I have to commute from Stowmarket to Ipswich every day I have to say the people that hold me up the most are 40 something men in people carriers. They always get my undertakingometer in the red. They just refuse to let me past. Jealous because their lives have past them by and I'm still young and enjoying my little coupe. Well I would be if they'd get out of the f*cking way! :evil: :D


I don't get it really. If someone pulls up behind me at outside lane motorway speeds in a 911 turbo or something I just pull in and let them past. They have a faster car than me therefore they get to travel faster. What am I going to get out of holding them up?

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I don't get it really. If someone pulls up behind me at outside lane motorway speeds in a 911 turbo or something I just pull in and let them past. They have a faster car than me therefore they get to travel faster. What am I going to get out of holding them up?


A feeling of superiority from within your (Company owned) BM.... :fist:

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I travel back up North regularly via the M4, M5 & M6, and at times i undertake. I know its not best practice and all that, but if i'm travelling at 70, 75 in the nearside lane, i would rather not then have to cross 2 lanes to overtake a 2nd lane hogger, to then cross back again over 2 lanes to where i was. Only to do the same again a few hundred yards down the road. I actually find sometimes that by undertaking the hogger they move into the nearside lane once you have gone past. Almost as though they had not realised they were hogging or travelling slower than the first lane.

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I'm not really one for road rage but sometimes middle lane hoggers infuriate me! I sometimes make the kind gesture of overtaking and then sweeping violently across their bough into the left hand lane, failing that i'll sit behind them with my lights on full beam in a somewhat futile bid (they're obviously not going to check their mirrors, but one does live in hope) to make them move over, then if all else fails i'll use a fourth gear, pedal to the carpet, redline sort of move past them in the left hand lane and change into fifth as soon as my back bumper is level with their front bumper so the backfire from my exhaust (here's hoping again) wakes them up. I'm all for tough love :)

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We must be one of the worst countries in Europe for ignorant motorway driving, most other countries manage with mainly two lane motorways that flow at a higher speed than ours, I wonder why that is?


It's the way the people in this country are.


There should be selective culling imo. Those that annoy everybody else, serve no useful purpose on this planet, use up all the resources and don't return anything should all be surgically removed from the globe and shot out into space.

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We must be one of the worst countries in Europe for ignorant motorway driving, most other countries manage with mainly two lane motorways that flow at a higher speed than ours, I wonder why that is?


It's the way the people in this country are.


There should be selective culling imo. Those that annoy everybody else, serve no useful purpose on this planet, use up all the resources and don't return anything should all be surgically removed from the globe and shot out into space.


Summerised in 3 letters...







































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We must be one of the worst countries in Europe for ignorant motorway driving, most other countries manage with mainly two lane motorways that flow at a higher speed than ours, I wonder why that is?


It's the way the people in this country are.


There should be selective culling imo. Those that annoy everybody else, serve no useful purpose on this planet, use up all the resources and don't return anything should all be surgically removed from the globe and shot out into space.


I'm struggling to think of another forum I go on where a mod would write that. :lol: I love this place.

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Mod or otherwise, I reserve the right to express my opinions and I may edit yours :lol:


So long as I don't call any CF members any rude names, it's all good in my book ;-) :lol:

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But its ok for us to call you names though :lol:

























old barsteward

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