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Pete Griff's 'Rado R32 - (Not quite!) Alive at last! :D

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defiantly get the bonnet sprayed mate, when i had mine fitted all the local chavs used 2 say was sick bonnet :censored:


:lol: :lol: :lol:


oh Karl - i feel for you bud!


yeah i will get it sprayed asap cheers (not fitting it until it is sprayed). was just going to get the top done and leave it bare carbon underneath (might get them to put and extra coat of laquer underneath, but that's about it) for that nice effect when you open the bonnet :D


did you manage to make it to UD in the end today pal?

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Cool, agree with painting the bonnet. Only the top though.


If you dont mind could you out up some photos/details of adaptor once installed. If I still have the car I should really do this as well.

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Cool, agree with painting the bonnet. Only the top though.


If you dont mind could you out up some photos/details of adaptor once installed. If I still have the car I should really do this as well.


cheers bud.


all i did was to go to my local hydraulics place, take them the sender (so they had the thread required to work off) and say what i wanted - just a flexi hose so i can run the oil temp and pressure senders easily.


by running the original VR temp sender i can still have the MFA oil temp function as it should do. the reason i went for the elaborate adaptor is because i couldn't fit the new pressure sender in for my gauges without removing the crack pipe. even then it would all have been very close and looked as though it could have still fouled (didn't bother to check for certain, just knew what i wanted and that adaptor seemed the easiest way to allow me to run the temp sender as well)


(if you have a decent hydraulics place near you, take them a sender and a print out of my pic off here - you should get it sorted no worries :) )

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no mate i didn't bother as it would have depressed me even more, but went and looked at a couple of bull terrier puppies instead with the missus.


oh, how did you break your wrist? was you never told 2 swap hands after 50 tugs :lol:

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oh, how did you break your wrist? was you never told 2 swap hands after 50 tugs :lol:


clearly i missed out on that vital piece of "education"!


hope you had fun looking at the hounds... you in any danger of getting one? (i love dogs - they're quality pets. cats suck!)

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yeah i hope so mate i have always liked the bull terriers. plus it's either a dog or another child, so it's a dog for me as it will leave me with more cash 2 spend on old vw's

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Good to meet you yesterday Pete...Im looking forward to having a good look round yours when I get the chance theres some nice engineering going into this project

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Good to meet you yesterday Pete...Im looking forward to having a good look round yours when I get the chance theres some nice engineering going into this project


cheers pal, good to meet you too. absolutely loving the work so far on your car; i could never be bothered with all the trouble of a smooth bay - good effort! :D


thanks for the kind words on the car, i'm pleased with how it's gone. ideally i would have liked to have a bit more time to do certain things on it, but what with work etc this is just how things have panned out. i'm very happy with the overall product, just can't wait to drive it now with no more problems!



as for progress, hopefully i'll have some more news on it after weds...

won't be fitting my shiny new bonnet until i've got the car back and mopped/polished it up etc. i have a friend who works in a fantastic paint shop who sorts me with mates rates - he wants to see the car before painting the bonnet just to get the colour match spot on.

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i had a good goosey at that bonnet while i was there, if i had been a bit better off in the money dpt i would of purchased! just didnt have the spare cash, well tbh i didnt even have any cash that was tied up. im just fecking broke!

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I've got it back :clap: :clap: :clap:




in true corrado style it decided that it missed the recovery wagon, so threw a fit on the way home.

it shedded both rear carrier bolts on the nearside about 15 miles from home (at 11.45 at night!). had to sit there and wait for ages for the recovery vehicle :(


my rear pads have been shredded and the seal on the piston on my calliper and one of the seals on the carrier-sliders has also been given the good news

got the new bits arriving at vw tomorrow, so hopefully get it sorted and road-going again by the end of the morning.


anyway... the car itself...... it really is chuffing quick!

i've still got to get it corner weighted/setup properly, but it really has put a massive smile on my face! so pleased to FINALLY have it back.


will update the thread again properly a bit later on, i'm over the moon i've finally got it back though :D :D :D

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congrats on that Griff. Any idea on how much you've spent - perhaps best not to think about it though. I would love to see this some time, as would many others, so make sure you put some nice pics up soon. Well done for hanging in there.

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Good news Pete,24v of pure bliss 8)


How did you manage to strip the rear caliper bolts? where they loose ?


guess they worked loose pal??? the threads look fine! (strange - they were defo torqued up correctly)

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One of the cars in Germany had a loose rear caliper carrier while we pootled around. Quickly nipped up on the side of the road in a busy part of Osnabruk though. :)

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The wheels really do look good. Where does the cold air feed route go from your BMC?


cheers bud :)


i haven't fitted a cold air feed yet, but the end of the bmc sits about 12" away from the rear corner of the headlight, so i'll probably just get a short piece of the flexi pipe that comes with bmc's and route it into there.


edit - will try and remember to get a pic of the engine bay in it's more or less finished state tomorrow...

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That liquid metal Snap-On box makes me slightly moist...


The car looks superb, really tidy install and you weren't joking about the amount of new parts on the phone the other evening!


Got the clutch sorted I see - did you manage to get a new one?


You were lucky with the rear brakes - could have been much worse, I'd check that torque wrench and other bolts if I were you, those allen head ones at the back should be 65Nm IIRC, maybe do them to 70.


Looking forward to seeing this at a show later this year dude!

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Nice!! Shall I ask Jon about doing corners and gyros sometime soon? It all looks the business Pete, including the toolchest, you must be chuffed :D

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That liquid metal Snap-On box makes me slightly moist...


The car looks superb, really tidy install and you weren't joking about the amount of new parts on the phone the other evening!


Got the clutch sorted I see - did you manage to get a new one?


You were lucky with the rear brakes - could have been much worse, I'd check that torque wrench and other bolts if I were you, those allen head ones at the back should be 65Nm IIRC, maybe do them to 70.


Looking forward to seeing this at a show later this year dude!


thank you very much for that - i'm really chuffed i have to say; pleased to be somewhere near the end after all this time.


as for the clutch master; they have all been superseeded at the dealers now (as of the end of last year) - all new clutch masters for corrados will be the type i've got with the gay square plastic retaining clip; you have to get hold of a new pedal as well! also if you're after one of those pedals thety are currently on back order from germany!

very luckily the next day from when i spoke to you there randomly happended to be an old passat on an m-plate in the scrappy near me which ad the pedal in i needed. £5 lighter and i was a happy boy! :D


i'll definitely take it to at least one show once it's all finished and up together, but i don't think i'm a particularly "showy" person! i really enjoyed UD's this year (first real show i've ever been to), and despite the fact i like to keep on top of keeping my car clean, i doubt i'll go to more than a couple of shows a year - guess we'll have to see how much the show bug grabs me!




Nice!! Shall I ask Jon about doing corners and gyros sometime soon? It all looks the business Pete, including the toolchest, you must be chuffed :D


hey pal, thanks very much again. will try and get a vid up before long i promise. as it stands now the car will hopefully be going to get the gearbox done on fri, so if that's not finished the same day, it "should" be by monday evening. tuesday night as long as it's all sorted, i'll be coming down to see the girlfriend, so i can take you for a spin then! :)

also if Jon has a free slot on weds that might also be a good time...


thanks again bud (and yes i am very pleased :D )

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