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Hmmmm... I appear to be down to my last

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Very much doubt it - the leon is the most exciting car I've had the pleasure of driving regularly and I know I'm going to miss it massively... have already run through all the 'maybe I could afford to keep it' options and there just isn't one!


New company have offered to pay the difference between what it sells for and the outstanding finance though so that helps a great deal! They've insisted replacement has to be an estate so I'm planning to push for a Passat Sport tdi 170 in black - could always moonlight as a hearse in my spare time with it then :lol: )


:lol: Heeding Wendy's advice already! Mmmmm.... new Passat.... If I ever get an estate it'll be one of those bad boys.

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I'm in that same boat at the monent, I recently started a new job which pays less money, a fair whack too, but I was starting to hate my old job and it was affecting me so I quit. My new job is more interesting and should open doors for me which means I'll be on better money eventually. Short term pain, long term gain... well thats the hope anyway.

It's been quite strange having a job I look forward to despite the overtime payment system is pretty rubbish, alot of travel required, early starts and late finishes but I'm happier, plus I'll be working abroad with this job, which is something I've always wanted from a job.


When I left my old job, I was paid a reduced amount as I was leaving early, I then had 7 weeks untill I got paid again and lower than I previoulsy earnt, its been a real struggle the last 9 weeks (was hardly comfortable before that aswell). I take care of nearly all the bills at home as my girlfriend is on a low wage, so I've felt the pressure at times, being young I've barely had any savings and now they are pretty much gone.

I've also got to have a company car with my new job, does work out well though, I've not used my C for over a month now, its just costing me insurance money at the mo - £40 a month, but I'm pretty sure I'll have to sell it in the new year. I cant stand struggling to meet bills. With the money I'll clear my debts which will reduce my outgoings and give me some money to put back im my savings. At the same time though I cant believe I'm thinking of selling it, I've never had a car so long, liked a car so much, spent so much on one - time and money. I've put loads of effort into it, supercharging it, rebuilding the engine and I love driving it.


But I need the money and the company car scheme is good with my company, you can have pretty much any car you want you just pay the money over the base model. So I'm thinking sportback A3, brand new, fully expensed, any problems with it are not my problem.

I've got a Mk 1 Golf which is SORN'd and parked up in my neighbours garden, so that can be my dub toy if I do sell the C.


Oh and good advice Wendy!

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Yeah, I can think of ways I could keep the Rado. But I've got a few credit cards, nothing big just niggling really. It would feel good just to get shot of those. They're never gonna get paid off if I keep the G60. So with the money I get for the Rado I could pay those off, insure myself on my girlfriend's car, and put the rest into savings. So I can put that towards another Rado or something else when the time comes.


I am trying to remember a time in my life where I just considered a car to be a means of transport. It just is so much more somehow. And that is gutting because the corrado has been my favourite car since I first laid eyes on one and I wanted one for years. Now I'm having to get rid of my first one 6 months into owning it. I'm glad my girlfriend has good taste in cars too though! I'd rather have use of a Celica than something like a Corsa.... :lol: So it's not all bad.

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Nah, nothing that fun. Basically, on pheasant and partridge shoots I'm one of the ferrets who move the birds around and get them to fly over the guns. Only really do it to help friends out, as I can't stand the maority of people found on either side of the gun hedge at most shoots. Get £20 - 25 per day, sometimes free food and drink, all the game I want, and It's pretty good exercise fighting through brambles in the rain. At the end of the year they give the beaters a days shooting, which has given me the opportunity to have a go at some of Britains top partridge shooting without the cost (£25ish/bird).


A lot of people will not approve of this, and will probably get certain opinions of my character because I'm involved in field sports, therefore I don't tend to mention it a great deal.


Must admit. I thought you were talking about the kind of beating that involved a little pot, a private room at a clinic and a copy of house wives monthly :lol: £20 a time was sounding pretty good to me. I was already pricing up what I could get a week.

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Nah, nothing that fun. Basically, on pheasant and partridge shoots I'm one of the ferrets who move the birds around and get them to fly over the guns. Only really do it to help friends out, as I can't stand the maority of people found on either side of the gun hedge at most shoots. Get £20 - 25 per day, sometimes free food and drink, all the game I want, and It's pretty good exercise fighting through brambles in the rain. At the end of the year they give the beaters a days shooting, which has given me the opportunity to have a go at some of Britains top partridge shooting without the cost (£25ish/bird).


A lot of people will not approve of this, and will probably get certain opinions of my character because I'm involved in field sports, therefore I don't tend to mention it a great deal.


Must admit. I thought you were talking about the kind of beating that involved a little pot, a private room at a clinic and a copy of house wives monthly :lol: £20 a time was sounding pretty good to me. I was already pricing up what I could get a week.



lol ....chuckle

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I'd love to rent out a place or whatever so I can move out of my parents place. But with costs these days I might aswell stay at home. :(

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Well, driven the rado properly for the last time I reckon. It's on ebay at the moment. Had loads of interest on there (to be expected really) including one girl who offered to swap her scooby! Wish I could take her up on that....


It's now parked up at the back of our driveway and I'm getting a lift with the girlfriend to work tomorrow, and then we are down in Eastbourne for the weekend. I already have my train tickets for next week sorted so I don't think I'll be driving it again. Auction ends next Wednesday. I'm surprisingly upbeat now because I'm just concentrating on what I'm going to buy next year when I get the job situation sorted and I've cleared all my debts. :D Whatever it is it will involve more than four cylinders. 8)

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shame your having to sell buddy. i can fully sympathize with your situation, im currently working for not much money at all, was out of work for almost six months this year so completely blew my savings on rent car insurance etc my parents have always offered for me to move back home but i just couldnt do it, so finally got a job sorted and have been doing it for almost 6 months now it pays just enough to cover my outgoings so times are hard at the moment.


my corrado hasnt been on the road in almost 18 months now and im slowly getting it uptogether, its difficult with the money situation but im slowly getting there, and there is potentiol in the new year to work for a differnt company for more money etc........ so in my honest opinion gotta keep your chin up as things can only get better!!

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