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respraying cloth seats?????

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Has anyone done this??

I got a set of recaro's (rs turbos) but want to change colour from Dark grey to black, Seen the other thread about colouring leathers, but wondered if you could do the same with cloth?? an if you use the spray can dye, can you do it as seats are now without removing fabric???




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a guy on ukpassats sprayed the inserts on his doorcards and his headlining black with fabric dye in a spray can, and it did look really neat. Only thing id be worried about is the dye coming back off on your clothes, cant see the gf being too happy when youve dyed her white jeans grey lol

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i personally would take the seats apart and do the dying properly, ie; in the washing machine at the proper temp. this will clean your fabric 100%, and you will get a much more uniform colour on the seats.


it's a piece of p to take the cloth off the seats etc etc. if your gonna do it?? do it once, do it properly :)



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Lufbramatt, I was thinking the same, she's never happy most of the time let alone with a nice dye stain on her 'arris :lol:

(you dont have a link do you??)




KADVR6, I was kinda guessing i'd be going down this route, as the seats could do with a little stiffening up anyhow. When you remove the fabric, does it just slid off like a glove(sort of) or do you need to undo stiching?



......(runs off to look at your thread again)

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the fabric on the bolster is held on by 8/10 metal clips (easy) the seat base/back section, is held on by metal clips/plastic retaining clips (easy but fiddly) the only hard bit will be the side bolsters, some are sewn on (right b******d) but some are also fitted by sewing/metal clips (complete b*****d) but its not out of anybodys means to do it though. if i can do it!! anyone can.


if ya get stuck?? send me a pm.



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had a go at removing the fabric today, an guess what?...........i done it!!! :lol:

first seat i took me time on (1hour), cos when i try an do somthing i usually balls it up or break it. So slowly slowly catch the monkey was order of the day, an it worked,second seat took me no more than 10mins to strip (i kid you not!)

V happy :D .

So question time...


Im abit worried about putting it in the wash machine as it still has some plastic an wire sitched on (removing this is not an option).

Also it was stapled together when i removed it, so i take it i can just staple it back together? KADVR6 did you staple yours? what stapler did you use?


Need to also get some new foam bolster etc.... Anyone know the best cheapest place to get these???

was thinking of making my own with a large slab of foam??


What fabric are the seats???? polyester???

Anyone know of a good dying kit???

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not sure where to get hold of a new bolster, from the pics these look like recaros?? What i would advise is getting some foam and rebiulding the bolsters from within and coevering with parcel/gaffa tape, reshaping will be phenominally difficult and getting the right strength foam will be difficult. I filled the holes in mine with some similar foam that remade the shape of the bolster, you cant notice the difference once the covers are back on. Tim

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Hello, Yes there recaro's out of a rs turbo. Ive seen one place for bolsters but that'll be £85 for all 4.(is this a good price?)

I'll re foam the bum an back bit myself as there just pretty much oblong slabs. But like you say the bolsters will be hard to shape :?


Did you just stuff foam in the split/holes when you done yours then?

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see i told you it was easy :) you can get the bolsters off e-bay for not much. you could also be surprised by going to ford, and ordering them through them.


and yeh i had to staple the plastic retaining clips back on, if you pm me your address, i can send you a superb staple gun. and if i remeber right the fabric is a polyester/cotton mix, as for dye?? Dylon is the best, and you can get this from Woolworths. just make sure you follow the instructions to the letter.



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stuffing is the word, but i kinda rubbed all the powdery broken foam out of the middle of the damaged parts first, then cut foam to fit the holes with a little extra and then stuffed and covered the hole with tape, i would be wary though as i used parcel tape under my leather as it stuck to the foam the best, but if ur putting it under material it might be better to glue some other material over the top to avoid rubbing any tape off witht the movement of the material over the top. Not sure how much of an issue this might be. Tim

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Right, screw paying £85 sheets for some bolsters.......Im gonna make my own :shock: :? :lol:

just payed the small sum of £40 pounds for 6 slabs of extra firm foam from here http://www.efoam.co.uk/index.html :D

So that should do the bum,back an bolster bits. Bolster bits will need a little shaping but the other two should just pop in :)


Will keep you posted :D

Cheers Tim,

Karl you have pm.

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ooo, look what turned up today?! :)

made a start at cutting an trial fitting, backs dont need touching,bum bit will need a section at the front (crudly showen in photo) an bolsters need shaping (show in photo). wont be cutting notches out until all bits are glued together.


Let me know what you think, good or bad.



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godd effort, did u have fun getting the plastic bits out of the top of the front seat uprights where the head rest slots in. I fully screwed up my fingers until i worked out that u have to use the right size socket set on an extension to push the splay pieces together and the shove hard!


Looks like ur on to a winner with the foam, good luck carving out the inners!



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Ahhh, i did wonder how they come out. will hopfully be dying them over the weekend :? . Some thing that did have me scratching my head tho, was the headrest!!! i was pushing an pulling em like no tomorrow!!, trying to press secret buttons that werent there!! it wasnt till i got the inserts out that i noticed they've got an R clip holding them in!!! :multi: :cheers:

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Dye didnt take, I used dylon dye, done it all by the book an nothing :( it might be a tiny bit darker but not alot. On the up side tho (like the misses helpfully pointed out) there now VERY clean after being washed 3times :lol:


im gonna try an build the seats back up over the next few days so will post some pics. :)

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built one seat up yesterday, doing the other next day or so,

But untill then heres a game for you its called guess which ones been dye'd?!? :lol:

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i have found you some polyester dye, http://www.dharmatrading.com/html/eng/1 ... aints.html you do it the same way as dying cotton, but you have to use very very hot water, leave it to dry, then iron on the opposite side that you will be sitting on.


it may be worth trying this before you put all the seats together??




AHHH!!!! just put em back together!! :lol: ah well thanks for finding it anyhow. tbh i dont no if stiches would take many more washes. but thanks.

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well all done now, might not be dye'd totally but,......DAMN!! there snug! :D

I put an extra piece of foam in the back for lumbar support. didnt get any build up pics,cos i quickly built em while the misses was getting ready to go out last night. :lol:

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