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How safe do you feel in your Corrado?

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ahh that would explain the door bar then!


Interesting that the mountings are there for them on early rados but they weren't actually fitted! :shock:

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I feel very safe in my Corrado. Its taken a few knocks which are barely noticable compared to the damage its done to other cars (not always my fault).


I think the biggest problem is that new cars are packed with so many safety features that people see it as a green light to drive like an idiot. The potential benefits of any safety features are offset by the false sense of immortality that comes with 5 NCAP stars.


They can make cars as safe as they want but as long as the inherent selfish " i'm alright Jack" attitude is with us, the number of deaths on the road won't go down.


(Guess who's been cut up too many times today?)


My peace. Consider it said. Kate

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Just on the door bars note!


I have a spare door that came with the rado I bought form Bcstudent, and it's fitted with a side impact bar!


I don't think they were an option, but the mounting holes are there to bolt one into the door of my red valver.

I bought that door from a guy on the forum who was breaking a late G60 that he'd recently crashed. I didn't realise it had a side impact protection bar in it though! You learn something new...


I never felt unsafe in my Corrado but getting used to driving a new-ish car, built under modern crash-protection legislation, makes me realise how unprotected I was (comparatively speaking, of course).


Did anyone happen to see that episode of Fifth Gear where they crashed some modern super-mini into an old skool Volvo estate? Supermini 1...Volvo 0!

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After what I experienced tonight, I feel as if I can maneuver around many obstacles in the road, so I feel safe in that aspect. I've not heard many encounters of accidents besides what I read tonight, but I usually feel pretty safe in it.

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That video does make you think. These new cars - especially the Renaults are strong little buggers.


It's probably just as well there's no Corrado crash footage.

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Pretty sobering stuff..... just shows that older cars might be tough and strong, but that ain't what you really want if your going to survive and good shunt.


Technology and impact design has sure moved on recently. Can't wait until we have cars like in Demolition Man, the one when the whole car fills with packing foam when you crash, cool!

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Not a very good pic, but this is the Corrado that saved my life back in 2004.


Hit a taxi head on at 60mph - tax was turning right, across our lane, facing us, doing about 20mph.


I was in the passenger seat and took the brunt of it as the driver was trying to steer round the car, the angle of the car meant the passenger side hit first.


Although I ended up with a broken collar bone, that peirced and punctured my lung, internal bleeding, and crunched up foot (gearbox came through the footwell) I was alive!!


Any other car and I'd be a dead person :o


So yer, if I crash in me rado... I do feel safe in the knowledge that it can take a good old shunt!


in a moden car the gearbox will not break the fire wall !! and the pedal box in new cars breaks away to protect your feet and legs. if you were in another car of that year then yes you would be worse off !!! thats for sure...


but cars are alot more safer now compeared to a corrado !


PLEASE WATCH THIS VIDEO ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0XPbydQPIo


That's what I'm saying - if I was in my mk3 polo or similar car, having an accident like that with a combined speed of 80mph, it would have been ALOT worse, so I thank god for the Corrado..

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A Corrado would be a death trap by NCAP standards, seriously. It might be made of heavy stuff, but it's all in the wrong places.

The biggest problems are in the interior. The headrests are utterly ****, you WILL have whiplash, the seatbelts are just about functional, as for side-impact protection .. you'd better hope you were in the back when it happens and the wheel takes it.


Do not be under any illusions.


Drive like your life depends on NOT being in an accident, because in reality it does..!


I must disagree with the comments on the interior (although the rest is very sensible advice). When I was in a crash at about 50mph which involved the Corrado going upside down and rolling down the road, I both the driver and I came away with no whiplash and minimal bruising. The seats and their belts did an excellent job in restraining us both.


Not sure if the Golf would come out as well (but then the diesel lump would steamroller everything in its path out of the way)!

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I have to say, since having my first near-fatal accident in 2003, I dont really feel safe in anything that isnt VW (any age) or anything that isnt new unless I'm driving.


In '03 whilst driving my old mk3 Golf, I hit a motorway sign pole at about 55mph and after rolling 3x down a slight embankment, I also managed to hit the electrical box for the sign. I walked away from the car with a bruised calf, knuckle and shoulder and a slightly dented shin. The reason for the story: I really do believe if I wasnt wearing my seatbelt or was in any other make of car of that year I wouldve died (check out the pics if you don't believe me!)... Can I also say, my driving skills have improved ALOT since then - well over 100,000miles under my belt in 5years and not so much as an accidental dent since the accident above ;)


*edit - few pics of the Golf:

Hours before:








As for the Corrado, I feel safe in it because it *feels* strong and sturdy to drive, it sticks to the road and the body doesnt lurch around corners. I know my limits, I pretty much know the Corrado's limits (weee, oversteer in the wet :D) therefore Id like to think Im safe on the road in it at all times.

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Hmm...hardly the fairest or most scientific test with the Modus Vs Volvo, but you do kinda see their point. Car safety technology has advanced dramatically over the years, especially with the contraversial advance of the pedistrian safety value of a car.


Compared to my old toy, Renault 5 GT Turbo (Phase II), I feel much safer in my Corrado VR6...however, I'd prefer to be in a modern Volvo if I ever were in a crash!


For an older car the Corrado looks like a safe car, considering its age, and I can only hope that the fact that is a VW pays off in the unlikey event of me crashing.


P.S. Ignore my awful spelling

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well back then it wasn't really about crumple zones as much as it is today. VWs are generally built like fecking tanks, so yes I do feel safe in mine. When having a head on at high speed you need luck on your side no matter what you're driving!


The only nick I've had in mine was when someone pulled out in to the road whilst I was reversing. clipped the rear bumper at say 5mph. Slight paint rip. The vectras bumper was completely smashed :D. Might help save your life but not yah wallet chap lol



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