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Jim Bowen

Ford focus with a skyline engine

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Thats the only Focus id wanna be seen in...especially if its 450bhp - 800bhp like other true Skylines.

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I hope the skyline the engine was taken from was a write off, otherwise WHY!?



why not ? its never been done before, plus its cool as fook 8) one less skyline is no bother.

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no focus at all really, i think its a fibreglass shell and the whole thing is space framed


But what is the regular Focus if not a 'Focus' body plonked on top of a common floor? Same with the VW group. All their cars are the product of insestous breeding in the factory :D


I think the engineering is awesome and I admire folk who do things like that 8)

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Not Really Much Focus left though is there????


That's what makes it so good.... :lol:


I did actually Lol at that :)

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