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K and N Induction kit

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Quick question fella's thinking of fitting the above on my L94 VR purely for engine tone to be honest .Are they just as good as all the others or is there another one I should be thinking of grabbing.

Let me know .Cheers..

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depends what you class as good imo, i'm not a believer of aftermarket filters, well most of them anyway.


to me a performance "filter" would be one that filtered really really well, not one that is freeflowing.


i fitted a K&N panel filter to mine, but took it back off again after looking at the depth of filter material and comparing it under lights to the standard paper one, i just doubted it too much, read loads about dodgy MAF's etc and mine has run fine for 155,000miles with a paper filter, so didn't see the point and didn't want to risk ruining anything.


i'll probably get proved wrong :lol:

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No point in getting one that sits in the engine bay. The VR produces loads of heat, which will just get sucked into the open cone, actually reducing power and potentially damaging the MAF with filter oil.


Go for a BMC CDA (cone filter in a lovely carbon fibre airbox), Carbonio (open cone, located out of the engine bay, behind front bumper) or similar. These are a bit more expensive but worth it.

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No point in getting one that sits in the engine bay. The VR produces loads of heat, which will just get sucked into the open cone, actually reducing power and potentially damaging the MAF with filter oil.


Go for a BMC CDA (cone filter in a lovely carbon fibre airbox), Carbonio (open cone, located out of the engine bay, behind front bumper) or similar. These are a bit more expensive but worth it.


I'm sorry but that's just a load of cobblers. I've run both a 57i and a BMC and frankly there's hardly a bit of difference in performance. If you run a 57i there is loads of air circulating through the engine bay when the car is moving so heat soak will never be a practical issue. Not only that but frankly you'll never feel the difference in performance between "cold" air (which in the UK is around 10-15deg C and "hot" air (which will be around 35deg C) in something with a Corrado's power - it's just a housewife's tale. If you're really stressed about it then a simple heat shield cut from a piece of 22x32cm will shield a K&N almost for free.


If you've never had a big engine note before then just chuck the 57i under the bonnet, save the money and have lots of fun. Who cares if it's 1bhp less (or whatever)? Hell if you want to do it economy style, just drill the bottom of the airbox out - you can always tape over the holes if you get bored.



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Calm down, John! :lol: Cobblers, cobblers, cobblers!


On my VR6s there was a small but noticeable improvement power-wise when I swapped for the BMC. I also noticed improvements on returning to the stock airbox/paper filter and also by using a K&N panel filter. This is my personal experience with 3 different VR6s.


I think if you dyno'd them on the same car back to back, I'm pretty sure the BMC would out perform the K&N every day of the week.


I agree with you about the sound 8) , and yes they are a cheaper option worth considering.

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Didnt mean to cause a row fella's.Had one fitted to my old golf vr and the roar never failed to put a smile on my face .So for the sake of £60+ I may grab one.

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I would love to know how much hot air stays under the bonnet at speeds above 50 mph, I would bet a fair amount that the diference between inside and out is not great enough to make a noticiable difference to power.


I have a K&N and love the sound, It has done 40k and no damaged MAF so far.

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Oh it wasn't a row. Using words like "cobblers" is just friendly banter on this forum.

Of course "you're talking bow-locks sunshine" is a bit more confrontational but I havn't seen that in a long while.

We're all friends on here... probably LOL

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You could always feed some ducting up from behind the lower part of the bumper too, that would get you some extra "cold" air in the bay :wink:

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I think if you dyno'd them on the same car back to back, I'm pretty sure the BMC would out perform the K&N every day of the week.


The BMC is worth a dyno proven 7hp on a Golf VR6, which Vince tested quite extensively a few years ago. Even he was surprised by that. The "cold air chicken feed" makes feck all difference, also dyno proven ;-)

Fitting the pipe alters the intake path length, which merely quietens induction roar and nothing else.


I have tried every filter imaginable, even no airbox at all with just a stainless mesh and tights over the MAF intake, and the BMC is the ONLY filter that demonstrated tangible differences to my "bum dyno".


Even with my turbo, the difference between a BMC and an open element is very pronounced. Low and mid rpm throttle response is much better and smoother.


Filters, as with oils, brake pads, socks, pants and sandwich fillings are purely subjective, but you can't argue with dyno plots ;-)

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The BMC is worth a dyno proven 7hp on a Golf VR6, which Vince tested quite extensively a few years ago. Even he was surprised by that. The "cold air chicken feed" makes feck all difference, also dyno proven ;-)

Fitting the pipe alters the intake path length, which merely quietens induction roar and nothing else.


I have tried every filter imaginable, even no airbox at all with just a stainless mesh and tights over the MAF intake, and the BMC is the ONLY filter that demonstrated tangible differences to my "bum dyno".


Even with my turbo, the difference between a BMC and an open element is very pronounced. Low and mid rpm throttle response is much better and smoother.


Filters, as with oils, brake pads, socks, pants and sandwich fillings are purely subjective, but you can't argue with dyno plots ;-)

I don't disagree. But a K&N 57i give you around 5bhp so the difference between that and a BMC is only a couple at best.


Of course the point of this wasn't to re-ignite a flame war, but more to simply set up a punchline (which is) that if your "bum dyno" can feel the difference that 2bhp makes, then you must have a sensitive bum (har-har-har). I hear you can get ointment for that kind of problem :D

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LOL, I kid you not though..... with doing nothing but swapping from my K&N cone and the BMC, the mids and lows come alive with the BMC. Not sure why as there's nothing miraculous about the BMC what so ever, but something they've done to it seems to work! The cone feels flat by comparison.


Improved throttle response doesn't always mean there's loads more power though, I agree.

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My VR measured 192bhp with the K&N and 197bhp with the BMC... I'll have to dig out my plots.


Isn't the actual shape of the cone inside the BMC quite different to a regular cone? Think they are supposed to create some sort of 'vortex' (sounds like something off Dr who :lol: ) and have more surface area.

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Those figures sounds about right. The BMC is the only filter I've seen that produces repeatable gains.


The air sucked into the BMC is pulled over a plastic cone which is supposed 'squeeze' the air through the filter a bit quicker or something. Sounds like a load of bollards to me but it seems to work :-)

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No point in getting one that sits in the engine bay. The VR produces loads of heat, which will just get sucked into the open cone, actually reducing power and potentially damaging the MAF with filter oil.


Go for a BMC CDA (cone filter in a lovely carbon fibre airbox), Carbonio (open cone, located out of the engine bay, behind front bumper) or similar. These are a bit more expensive but worth it.


I'm sorry but that's just a load of cobblers. I've run both a 57i and a BMC and frankly there's hardly a bit of difference in performance. If you run a 57i there is loads of air circulating through the engine bay when the car is moving so heat soak will never be a practical issue. Not only that but frankly you'll never feel the difference in performance between "cold" air (which in the UK is around 10-15deg C and "hot" air (which will be around 35deg C) in something with a Corrado's power - it's just a housewife's tale. If you're really stressed about it then a simple heat shield cut from a piece of 22x32cm will shield a K&N almost for free.


If you've never had a big engine note before then just chuck the 57i under the bonnet, save the money and have lots of fun. Who cares if it's 1bhp less (or whatever)? Hell if you want to do it economy style, just drill the bottom of the airbox out - you can always tape over the holes if you get bored.



hi have to disagree with the warm to cold air theory its not a wifes tale cold air is denser thats a fact so you get more air in the engine ,go out on a really cold night and a hot summers day and tell me the car does not feel more responsive in the cold

but i would use a panel filter in original box over the cone as the original box retaines it factory cold air feed

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the oil feckin up the mafs is a myth i believe,as kn put there money where there mouth is and challenged anybody to prove damage caused to a maf sensor,and no one stepped up so go figure.i use a bmc cda 85-150 on my mk2 1.9 sounds the dogs,but even that doesnt sound as good as the drilled standard airbox with standard paper filter imo,as the box resonates and makes the car sound like its got more balls than it actually has,but its a lump that has lots of induction noise anyway which is why i guess the put that stupid snorkel at its air intake.

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I've just put a Pipercross VR6 induction kit/filter thingie on my Corrado and it sounds fantastic, especially above 3000rpm. It feels a bit more responsive, but I admit that might be more physicological due to the sound...at the end of the day, I haven't noticed ANY loss in power, but an improvement in sound. Jackpot for £70 if you ask me.

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I'm also thinking about a BMC.


not because I think it's going to add 37bhp to my car.. but I genuinely do think that the pick up seems to be better with a decent induction kit.

From having a read of the BMC bumf about the way the filter works, they say (as previously commented) that it's almost like a "supercharging" effect because the air is compressed slighty due to the shape of the internal cone and the vortexing effect.


Maybe not, maybe so.. if you never try.. then you'll never know ;)



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I'm also thinking about a BMC.


not because I think it's going to add 37bhp to my car.. but I genuinely do think that the pick up seems to be better with a decent induction kit.

From having a read of the BMC bumf about the way the filter works, they say (as previously commented) that it's almost like a "supercharging" effect because the air is compressed slighty due to the shape of the internal cone and the vortexing effect.


Maybe not, maybe so.. if you never try.. then you'll never know ;)



then make sure you let us all know your results good or bad :)

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