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new mobile phone law

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just had this sent to me



Drivers Face Mobile Phone BAN




Starts December 1st 2003


Using a handheld mobile phone while driving is to be made illegal. This new offence is to take effect from December 1st this year, with offenders fined £30 initially - rising to a maximum £1,000 if their case goes to

Court. Those caught breaking the ban would also get THREE penalty points on their driving licences for each offence.


didnt realse this law carried 3 points aswell :?

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unless they have video footage how can you be cinvicted?


I'm sure that if two policemen testify that you were using a phone then it would stand up in court. Just like it can do with speeding.

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yup, the points thing is real.... :shock: It's about the only way that they'll get people's attention from their phone long enough to obay the new law if they realise that they could loose their licence, job, etc, etc, etc if they don't stop using a hand held while driving! :? :lol:

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so why isnt not wearing a seatbelt an endorsable offence then??


You can get fined quite a bit for it, but I think it's because you're not putting other road users at risk by not wearing a seatbelt. AFAIK all points endorsable offences are based around causing risk (or actual damage) to others around the vehicle...

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Its about time this law about mobile fones came into place, the amount of people you see driving in the fast lane of the motorway driving dangerously :mad: on there fones!!! GRRR!!!

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As I understood this, there are no points associated with the offence *at the moment*. Initially it's just a £30 fine for car drivers and much higher for coach/HGV drivers.

They are planning to bring in 3 points for it, however.

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I got sent a press release about this a week or so ago, and it was saying that you can even get gripped for using phones with hands free kits, if, you have to manually type the number in.


This is why more in car kits and mobile phones are getting voice recognition software, because,


You are not seen to be paying due attention to the road if you have to press the buttons and look at the screen to make a call.


I'll try and find the article I was sent.



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It's about bl@@dy time... the number of people on phones who have nearly knocked me off my bike (whilst I legally filter through traffic) is unbelievable. I normally do a little shake of my finger but they either look at me blankly or become obusive. Ban them straight away, that's what I say.

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Its on the BBC news site Here


What about hands-free kit?

Using hands-free equipment will not be an exception, if you still have to hold the mobile handset to dial a number or even just to press the "receive call" button when someone is ringing you.



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