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Project Plum - The Plan of Attack

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after the last 2 posts, I conclude that this is not the best day I have ever had...



But not the worst either! :gag:


After the rad replacement, I have a few spares if you let me know what you need I'll have a look and try to get it out to you.

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Dohh! Did the blown hose leave you stranded?


Not this time luckily. I had just run a carload of stuff (literally - fitted my bike in the back!) over to Prod's as I'm moving in for a while before my new house is ready in Oct, and I just got back. Parked up on the drive and saw the steam - slight deja vu moment really!


Popped the bonnet but the steam was still thick and I could taste it which was obviously bad, so I let it cool down. I'll go out and check on it soon.


Cheers Jon, I'll try to see which hose it is and let you know if i don't have a spare :salute:

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hey there my friend, sorry to hear your having these running issues - it is a corrado after all! :lol:


hope you manage to get it all sorted - sounds like an easy fix though.


if you haven't put those shocks on the car yet, you might want to consider whipping them apart again quickly and putting the bumpstops underneath the boots where they are supposed to be - it will make the boots last longer and do their job better...


hope it all goes together ok anyway :)

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Hi pete,


i don't think the pic is very good, the bump stops have their bottom lip inside the boots as per normal (i think they have a little ridge specifically for this purpose?) so they're kinda sleeved up inside the boots and sticking out the top if that makes sense.


Hose Update:


It's the same hose as before :o :O :o so I don't have a spare (funnily enough). This time it has fatigued to failure along it's seam which is obviously the weakest part. I wonder whether the pressure in this pipe is particularly high?

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See page 17 of this thread for the pipe that broke previously as it's the same one again. It's the one that goes to the bottom of the head flange, and the oil cooler, and perhaps the stat housing? not too sure...

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jeeze...page 17 eh...you don't make it easy on us! :tongue:


I'm pretty sure I have one of those hoses in the attic which you are welcome to have.


Seen as it's happened twice on the same hose.. it may be worth checking for a blockage downstream of this hose that would be causing higher pressure?

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i'd link to the pic but i attached them in those days like some kind of media nooblet!


Dude, you would be beyond cool if you could sort me out :D


Very good point. I guess I should expect some issues on a £400 corrado huh. The car will be up on axle stands from October, so I will probably pull the whole front end out, engine too if I can get use of the crane and stand.


p.s. if you search this thread for "Bob Fossil" I will edit the p17 post so this shows up :D

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Yup....after a quick rummage through the attic....I have the hose in my hands! Looks in deecent enough nick, and is a proper O.E VW one. 8)


PM me on your address and I'll stick it in the post to you tomorrow morning. :wink:

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if you haven't put those shocks on the car yet, you might want to consider whipping them apart again quickly and putting the bumpstops underneath the boots where they are supposed to be - it will make the boots last longer and do their job better...


He's got them right for the early bits, but year the later stuff keeps things tidier... front bump stops don't really wear tho

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So, the pipe came from Dec on friday (Man, that thing is good. I wanna be friends with it) and got round to fitting today, after someone pinched my Sebrings and left me some bald BBS's for the day!


The pipe is on, and I swapped out the 'stat as well too (first time I had to do one in 15 cars? crazy) which Prod helped with, but no discernable solutions as to why that pipe keeps bursting. The last one was VAG too, but off my low miler engine.


Ran the engine until the stat opened, and then until the fan came on and then took it for a blast around my local 'ring, and it was awesome. gears were quick and smooth, still hesitates at 6000ish but nothing major and she handles ok for now. Did a purposeful L.O.O. wiggle early on just for fun :lol: good times :D

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forgot to say I that Prodigal pulled my plugs the other day just for a look (and despite idling for about 10 mins to check the thermostat, it failed to restart! very odd) and all the plugs were a sandy colour!


Just a nice thing to see when you car has been a bit :| for a while.


But now i'm moved out, I can put on the febi parts (plugs [not needed], rotor arm, dizzy, dizzy cap, ignition coil) and if I can pick up some new earth straps, I think I might just have a brand new ignition system....ish.

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You know what? Having the rear seats down whilst moving out of my student digs has made me think that it's the REAR wheel bearing that making a noise now :nuts:


I am awesome.

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Had a quick think when I popped up the road earlier. Could my pipes be bursting cos they are staying too hot, or are they designed to work at a constant 90+ degrees (may sound like a silly question!)


Also, my over-run rad switch has never worked so I just swapped that out. I doubt pipes like being 100 degrees when they could easily be 90 or less. No idea if this has made a difference yet, I'll have to wait until my next drive and see if the fan stays on after I get out.

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water pipes should be happy at running at a constant 100c and easily cope with 90c the limit should be around 120c. whether this is the case or not (even with VAG) I don't know. Mine sits at 80-90c on 70-90mph motorway driving and 90c spirited country driving but 100c traffic (due to two rads up front). I don't get any problems with all but one pipe, the one that goes from the head to the heater matrix and this one is looking on its way out again, but that is probably down to the fact it is a cr@ppy gsf pipe.

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cool, thanks for letting me know. My car sits at 100 most of the time, but I've known it to hit 104 (this is reading from oil temp as my coolant gauge doesn't work) when stuck in major traffic, although it returns back to 102 fairly regularly.


Perhaps I have just had bad luck with pipes!

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Obviously temperature is related to pressure but the temps that you are talking about shouldn't be enough build enough pressure to blow the pipes .


Are you running the blue top expansion tank?

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PV/T is a constant you are right :D


Yeah i'm running the blue expansion tank. I changed the stat the other day, purely because I thought if it wasn't opening when it should, obviously the water in the pipes would keep getting hotter and hotter and expand and could cause damage to the pipes.


The last 2 pipes broke in the same place which was kinda odd, maybe I had 2 dodgy pipes but then again they were both 2nd hand (one came on the car, and the other was from my 80k mile block)

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