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Disturbing Discovery

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Yeah definately don't worry about it. If i had the cash i would buy it. Be cool to have another Rado especialy with that mileage.

It would almost be like Top Trumps " Mileage 124,000" " Ha Ha mileage 200,000, hand it over big boy"!! :D

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It would almost be like Top Trumps " Mileage 124,000" " Ha Ha mileage 200,000, hand it over big boy"!! :D

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Hehe as the other guys have said - I wouldn't worry about it too much - you've just joined a club of exclusivity 8)


If you did want to see if you can find out if/when it was clocked, you can use the £5 RAC vehicle data checker on their website - http://www.rac.co.uk/web/vehiclechecks/status_checks/


It shows you all the history of the car - how many owners it's had, when it changed hands, what mileage it had at the time, what mileage it had at it's MOTs, if the number plate has been changed and if it's ever been reported stolen or written off.

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^^ where does RAC get their info from? If the mileage reading is taken from the V5 / DVLA records at time of sale to a new keeper, then that information is optional and I don't know many people that actually fill it in? :?

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Most of it's from MOTs cos they have to log the mileage. Otherwise it's taken from the V5 info.


I always fill it in when I buy cars because it's an extra bit of tracable history on the car.

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I ve spoken to VOSA today about the actual mileage and they only got data from mots from 2005' Is there a way to get this info any other way? because I want to find out who knows the actual mileage



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If you did want to see if you can find out if/when it was clocked, you can use the £5 RAC vehicle data checker on their website - http://www.rac.co.uk/web/vehiclechecks/status_checks/


It shows you all the history of the car - how many owners it's had, when it changed hands, what mileage it had at the time, what mileage it had at it's MOTs, if the number plate has been changed and if it's ever been reported stolen or written off.




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i've done a check with the RAC and nothing has been discovered, also spoke to the national mileage register and they have no info for before I bought the car. The is no records of the mileage ever, I dont know where to go now.

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Dont worry about it, theres nothing else you can really do, unless you trace previous owners or old mot`s, which if the mileage was known to be hooky reading then they will have been launched long before you got it!! also someone may have sold it to the guy who you bought it from and he may have been worked over too regarding the mileage?


as long as its still a good car and you like it just keep it! as said there are worse cars with 50k on them!

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If I wanted to sell would anyone buy a 20200 mile car? even when I think its in great condition for that amount of miles

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My Raddo according to the clock has done 230,000k!!!! Actually done 100,000k less than this!!

The clock worked fine according to previous owner (he had it for a few weeks only)...until he took it to a show and it sat in the hot sun for 2 days...then the clock went haywire.

I have all the service history and this shows the car has actually done the 130k it was sold with........

If I leave the car for a while and not run it or use it, the display actually goes back to normal and shows the correct mileage, then when i run it again, slowly it goes back to the wrong mileage. with almost all of the display missing bits.and with the 1 appearing as a partial no 2

Have spoken to a couple of garages about this and was told that excessive heat can cause this......so instead of everyone jumping on the 'sold a clocked car' wagon......maybe this is the simple reason why this has happened.

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I'd like to think its only done done 10200, I cant tell either way, and there is no way to find out. Apart from the clock saying 20200, and its a 92'. I reckon it could do 300k

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I'd like to think its only done done 10200, I cant tell either way, and there is no way to find out. Apart from the clock saying 20200, and its a 92'. I reckon it could do 300k

well mines a 92 and its def a fault with the clock...my display is rubbish...as i said the whole thing is messed up with bits showing and wrong numbers, and as i said before the previous owner left it sitting in the hot sum for 2 days and this is what happened, previously it was fine and all adds up to what is on the history etc......and looking at your pic of the clock mine is worse than that is.

Just because everyone on here says 'ohh its been clocked!!' you shouldn't take it as said.

Displays do go wrong like everything else, and lets be honest here if it had done 200k then you'd be able to tell...I know they can run forever but parts tell a different story as far as I am concerned.

When I have mine MOT'd I have to tell them about the display and have photos of the damm thing showing the correct mileage....although have to leave it without running for a few days prior for the display to get back to normal

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I've not left mine long enough to find out about the clock, unfortunately I got no history, and the previous owner doesn't know either. I cant tell if it's done 100k or 200k really. whats the deal with your clock? looking at the inside etc its hard to say its done 200k

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according to the garage I use, cos it was left in the sun for a few days , the heat buggered up the led display........so its shows random numbers now even the bit below which shows the miles is affected....in order to get it sorted i would have to find another with almost the exact mileage and change the whole clock display......

I found out that it was this last winter as i had it off the road for a while and as it was winter it was cold ....got into the car and the diplay was showing normal as it should.....started the car and slowly as i drove and the car heated up the display went back to the rubbish it has previously..thats when i took it to the garage...

i wouldn't worry about it too much...especially with the mileage anyway......if my hubbys golf can do 230k onthe original engine then we've not got a lot to worry about...and thats still running :D

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not sure about the heat with LED, mine is in the shade mostly, I imagine its done the mileage but its been looked after even with 9 previous owners. I don't think I'd sell it ever cause its my first corrado. I think I'll keep putting money into it

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Just embrace high mileage. Like this guy....



I'd like mine to go to 0 like his

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Just embrace high mileage. Like this guy....



I'd like mine to go to 0 like his


Well, it probably will once the clock gets to 300,000 miles. Better get driving mate! :wink:

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this a very common problem with corrado and mk2 golf MFA displays, its the carbon/rubber contact strips on the back of the lcd display not making a decent contact, very simple to sort out with a cotton bud and some alcohol, i have sorted this on about 8 set of clocks so far and it only takes about half an hour.

Usually worth doing the reverse LCD mod or LED illumination at the same time.

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Just makes me wonder how many others there are out there with incorrect mileage. But seriously Kempy I wouldn't let it bother you. I'm picking up a rado tomorrow and I couldn't care less how many miles its done. Because as soon as I get paid at the end of the month it's going straight into our workshop. Mileage on a 17 year old Rado is irrelevant. At least you know yours hasn't sat in a hedge for 5 years.

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I've had mine 2 years now, not spent much on it for things I wanted to do but spent loads on keeping it on the road, I've not been able to spend the money on the things i'd like to. Being a student dont help but I'm finished soon. I'm not going to worry about the miles, just the way it looks and goes

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this a very common problem with corrado and mk2 golf MFA displays, its the carbon/rubber contact strips on the back of the lcd display not making a decent contact, very simple to sort out with a cotton bud and some alcohol, i have sorted this on about 8 set of clocks so far and it only takes about half an hour.

Usually worth doing the reverse LCD mod or LED illumination at the same time.

thats really handy to know...gonna try that this weekend...thanks for that

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If anyone has this problem with their clocks and doesn't feel confident enough to fix it themselves, I'm more than happy to do it FOC as long as they cover the postage.

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