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Porsche seeks Judicial review

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Porsche intends to seek legal action in the form of a judicial review of the Mayor of London's plans to introduce a £25 congestion charge for Band G cars. A letter to this effect was delivered to the Mayor's office on Tuesday and you may have seen media coverage of the announcement


Anyone wishing to express interest, support or oposition to this action, please visit:






and give Porsche your comments.


Thank you

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Thanks for the link Zippy. Hope you dont mind if I throw in my 2 pence, even though it doesn't necessarily support Porsche themselves 100% :)


I live less than a mile from the zone and in all its years of operation I have never actually needed to drive into it, although I have chosen to on occasion. The hours of operation are clearly aimed at people that either choose to drive to their workplace, or drive to go shopping or, less justifiably, those who are running a business in London. I have no argument with the intention to reduce the number of the first two groups but do believe there should be accomodations for the latter.


While the new rules don't affect me in my VR any more than currently, potentially they dampen any R32 ideas I might have :). Again though, Monday to Friday, I have no need to drive in central London for pleasure before 6pm and it seems that there is a lot of indignance (eg. on Pistonheads) from people who seem to think that they do have that "need". Lets not forget if you are crossing London there is a charge-free route north-south as well.


The big issue is the residents discount being removed. I have also lived within the zone in the past and although I don't drive often, to pay just to drive out of town from my home would have been very unfair and hence the discount is entirely appropriate. Again, how often this is necessary during the week is debateable but for those who drive every day with children it clearly is. Even only £8 a day would be pretty unfair on them but £25 is absurd. The arbitrary bands are also clearly not appropriate given some of the cars captured in the higher one. More notice of the introduction of the change would only slightly alleviate that issue.


So suffice to say, as someone working in London and therefore able to use the plentiful, if not always pleasant public transport system, I have no problem with the "congestion" charge in a reasonable form, which it currently is with some exception. However, while I don't agree with some of the uses that some people will still enjoy if the judicial review is successful, I certainly support Porsche in challenging the arbitrary change in the Charge's purpose and fairness and the speed and non-consultative manner in which it has been altered.


Wonder whether I need to duck and cover now :lol:

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Actually you make some very good points, it seems old Ken is set on generating a larger source of revenue while not really thinking properly about the consequences of his new rules.

Yes, while it may reduce the congestion it is not properly thought out at all. As stated it the Porker website, it may force people into selling their one big car and buying two smaller ones and does not discriminate on useage - one flat fee no matter how far in you go, be it a few yards or to drive to London Bridge. They estimate it at £6000 if you drive every day! That is going to cripple any small business that have a few vans.


Public transport is a workable alternative, but what with prices shooting up in the last few years with no real improvement in quality or quantity of service; coupled with fact it is already at breaking point in rush hour (ever tried to get on a bus at Brixton or a tube at Victoria? its more akin to rugby scrum) leaves masses abandoning their cars no cheap or stress free solution. And public transport rarely delivers you door to door. (except in my case! 30 yards from bus to Traf Sq, 3 mins from train to Viccy and LB :D )

But none of this applies to me anyway as I don't work in the city anymore. No fighting the crowds! WOOO! :D

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Yep, good points, as it's difficult not to agreed that the charge should be tempered with common sense and some form of fare usage policy for businesses, but... the idea that Porsche is not indulging in the most blatant and self serving profit protection and that they give a tupenny damn about congestion or pollution is laughable. And they dare to potray it as anything else, and as some kind of citizens charter. Bunch of lying swines. Their behind-the-scenes lobbying obviously did not pay off. They must regret the leaving of Backhand Tony. In fact, come to think of it, everyone driving a Porsche into London should be charged double. Especially if its silver. And triple for Clarkson because of the size of his head.

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And triple for Clarkson because of the size of his head.


Yes, the London congestion charge could be based on the world's first phrenological tax banding!

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Porsche are more concerned about losing "London" based customers here more than about the unfair tax on the motorist.............

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Agreed /\


The judicial review would have more clout and a higher chance of success if the likes of BMW, Ferrari, Mercedes, Audi etc joined in. In other words, all the brands sold by Scotts of Sloane Square :lol:


My VR6 came from their originally ;-)


Livingstone is hardly likely to listen anyway, the bearded twat.

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I still don't understand why folks going into London need something like a 500BHP Cayenne just to sit in traffic. Charge em the £25. If they can afford throw money away on that sort of indulgence, another £25 a time isn't going to make a blind bit of difference.


Something needs to be done about the taxation on folks who need to run businesses in those areas though!

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It costs you £30 a day to park in central london and that doesn't discourage anyone, so an additional £25/day won't make the slightest difference either.


I do think it's unfair to slap it on residents too, and businesses, but for everyone else, who cares? Get the tube you lazy arses!

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Residents of a "certain area" are the worst offenders of these fekking things.. I can't see the point of the 4x4Porker, really.


As to the We'll sell and buy 2 other cars, great and where the feck will you park them? Mind you 2 smarts take up less road space than a Range Rover...


TBH if you can afford to buy one of these monsters AND can afford to live in London then Bugger ya! Pay £25.00 ya tight fekkers. There's NO REASON why you should be driving Between 7AM and 6PM.


Yes there's public transport (I use it every day) and no it doesn't "drop you at your door" but that is what feet and legs are designed for!


It's not like the Frikkin Cotswolds FFS! No where in Central London is more than 1/2 mile walk from some form of transport... (I walk 1/2 mile to/from my Tube station!).


Sorry for ranting but working in the "Square mile" the number of times I almost get run over by one these chinless tw@ts in their Barbour-jacket-styled off roader is about 2-3 times a day.


Oh and while we're at it lets shoot cyclists who don't obey red lights, and anyone who "hogs" the middle lane of the Motorways too! :mad:


I love Mondays! :lol:

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