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What did you name your C?

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I know we all name our cars :lol: I searched for a thread bout this already but didn't find one, so I thought I'd start it.


What did everyone name theirs? Mine somehow adopted 'Red' as its name.

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Pretty much every name under the sun.


None of them nice.


All very nasty.


But i still miss driving the fecking thing :lol:

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Over 5 years its evolved into Beast. :lol:


As Riley says though its been called lots of nasty stuff but i miss driving mine too.

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Mine is called Bosun. I try not to call him anything nasty - it gives him an excuse to break something else....

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When I had my Chavalier, it was called "The Cav".My C is now known as "The Rado". I need to get more original me thinks....


My 3 year old calls if "Daddy's super fast sports car". I like that!

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:lol: my 4 year old Daughter named mine "Inky" even though its Aqua blue! i call it the flying howling wedge personaly!, my old VR6 golf i just sold was called "Violet" and my sportline cabrio is called "Jimmy" after the last bit of its number plate "GMY" :D


The Rallye i had was thoughtfully just called "Rallye" and my old Lhasa green mk1 was called "HINKY" as that was HNK289Y


Its sad giving cars names but it does give a way of identifying which car your going out in especially if you have more than one :D

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I don't really give it a name but Ruby has sort of stuck from when it used to be owned by Laura / scarlett on here :)

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Gooney! But then, it wasn't me who named him.....Nikki? Gav?


Due to the no. plate of course. We cant actually be held responsible for that one as it was someone who posted on our thread who thought of it.


Mine is called Zed, due to the Z-supercharger.

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If I copied you guys and named mine after my plate, I would get some weird name. I'm not even sure if you can make something out of EFG? :lol:


Before I got mine I was looking at buying a classic Opel GT, and the girl I was dating at the time was nicknamed Red (long story :lol:). I was joking and told her that if I got another red car I'd name it Red because I thought it was sweet. We broke up and about 7 months later I got my C, and still for some stupid reason ended up naming it Red.


The Porsche is just The Porsche.

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At one point (when it spent a prolonged period at my folks place while i was away) mine became 'The Skunk' as it seemed to attract birdsh*t like a magnet...


Wife calls it 'the black one' as she distinguishes the fleet purely by their colour (bless) :)


As with others it's also been intermittently named all manner of derogatory terms, curiously these occasions tend to co-incide with something not going so well... e.g. 70mph in outside lane of M1 in the lashing rain, en-route to a wedding, when the high speed wipe decided to just park?!!?

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