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Restoration project K931 RBV

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James, if you aint gonna make it I'll put a set of stickers to one side for you as numbers are limited.



That's very kind of you. Went to see the doctor today and he diagnosed Lumbago. The tablets and Radian B he prescribed have made a notable difference, though I'm going to leave it till late on Thursday to decide whether we attend.


I'm staying positive at the moment. :)

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just looked at this thread , lovely car ,and the underside .......wow :notworthy: i have had mine resprayed ,most of it went back to bare metal. have been thinking about the underneath for a while ,you have inspired me now to get on with it !

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This is amazing chap. I agree with some of the previous comment about keeping a few corrado's completely standard as most have a few mods these days.


That underside is just too clean lol. I'd love to get mine done sometime!


Anyway, keep up the good work!

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Great show at the NEC, simply too much to seepassat climatronic wiring diags.pdfNEC 043.JPG[/attachment:3muc17b4]climatronic wiring-Golf from May 01.pdfNEC 046.JPG[/attachment:3muc17b4]2.8l 24v Climatronic system.pdfNEC 047.JPG[/attachment:3muc17b4]Tucked up for winter, NEC 055.JPG[/attachment:3muc17b4]I feel the next winter project coming on having seen some amazing engine bays. Apparently diy zinc plating kits are available, hmmm, buckets of chemicals and electrodes :shock: how hard can it be :nuts:

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The corrado fitted in then dave, Looks all nice and snug ! All you need now is your bed in there too! He he

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I feel the next winter project coming on having seen some amazing engine bays.


And I thought your bay was already top drawer !


Nice to meet you on the Friday.


Here's some pictures of my slam panel as promised (Note the air con bolts as discussed):


climatronic wiring-Golf from May 01.pdfP1040228.JPG[/attachment:3mc33vss]


2.8l 24v Climatronic system.pdfP1040230.JPG[/attachment:3mc33vss]



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Hi Joby, Great show mate, memorableto say the least :lol: Caroport is a bit of a squeeze so no room for the bed, but the next size up might not have fitted in the shed :shock:


James, the improvements to my bay are essential having seen the Mk1 Golf bay :notworthy: and diy kit available...watch this space!

Thanks for the slam shots will compare now. Still think it would be great to see your campaign on the stand next year, carry on the great work. :salute:


Abdul and robrado974, thanks for the comments guys, trouble is you never really get it finished, its a slippery slope once you start :shock:

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Dave your car is ridiculously clean - exactly what you can do to further it's cleanliness is beyond me!


it looks absoluetly fantastic in the photos though pal - a real credit to you and your efforts



what have you got planned next after the zink plating - surely you must be running out of things to do by now...

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mmm gold ................... good work bruny and i like the car-coon i think it going to get serious next year so count me out. give me a buzz if you want the paint sorted ready for show season.

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That is a good deal mate I look at them a while ago when my friend was considering getting one. Shame the bonnet doesnt go up fully.

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Hey pete-griff, good to hear from you, hope all is well with you :wave: All fasteners and clips will get some treatment, need to research what finish is applicable, body shop is lined up to sort paint issues, new windscreen needed, still a list to do really!


drewie99, you set the ball rolling with the plating issues!! but you're quite right, some serious contenders for next year and beyond, probably never get a winners trophy :(


Chris, yep, a good buy, dont think the bonnet not going right up is a serious issue, side zips make access to move in and out of the tent a doddle, and now with all 3 fans going it really moves some air.

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Quick update on my diy plating project:

Kit supplied by gateros plating in Lincoln, a helpful chappy. Having seen a quick demo prior to purchase, I bought the pickle cleaner/Zinc dip/ clear and yellow passivates/ heater and aerator and resistor. The power supply comes from my old battery charger.

I soon learnt that temperature is pretty crucial so I moved into the boiler room, the workshop was too cold. Also crucial is the use of a hair drier to finally dry the parts.2.8l 24v Climatronic system.pdf002.JPG[/attachment:19x2h0w1]


Parts were bead blasted, finer finish than sandblasting

Thoroughly degrease before dipping in the pickle cleaner

Rinse well before hanging in the zinc plate bucket for 20 mins or so

Proper rinse in warm running water, I used the shower but dont tell the my other half!

Then dip in clear passivate for 15 seconds before dipping in yellow passivate for same time

Quick dip in a bucket of warm water and dry with the hair drier

To finnish off after hanging in a warm room for 6 hours or so I gave them a quick waxing


After 4 attempts this is the result, think the bonnet catch needs to be redone, a little too yellow [think I over did the zinc coat by leaving it in too long resulting in a rougher finish]001.JPG[/attachment:19x2h0w1]

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£70, probably need a better power supply though, difficult to manage the amps with a charger! and you need a blasting cabinet too!


you cant beat being self sufficient though :D

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Good work Dave !....you really do like to "do it properly" a man after my own heart. sorry i've not had chance to pop over for a chat...it's on my to do list though :) in the new year def. My G60 is tucked away for the winter too...which could be a long one !

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:lol: bit quiet at work then Dave? will be round with some metal objects soon then Lol! Chargable of course :salute:

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Looks great :clap: but don't over do it, not all fasteners and clips were this bright or finish as standard some selective restraint will give the best overall look.

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Very impressive pal, I've been tempted by a plating kit but chickened out thinking I wouldn't get a good result, how wrong I was!! You whole car looks about as close to new Corrado as you'll ever get 8) The only thing I'd say is it might be worth putting new striker pins on, the door shuts better with the plastic bits round the pin, unless there is a way of getting them on that I don't know about!! I bought some new cheapo pins of ebay and threw the washers away as they are really thin, but the pins are good.

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Thanks for the kind comments and advice guys, the kit is cheap enough but very time consuming. It helps with my OCD though :lol:


Shawshank, will be good to catch up soon, didnt have much time at the post office meet, hows the paint fund going, on schedule for spring still?


OSV, you are right about the finish. I'm hoping Crazy Dave is sorting some original bay shots for me for research purposes, also happy to except advice from other sources. There is a choice of passivate colours including olive green, yellow, clear and black. defo need more research but hope to keep it as near to original finish as poss.

Have another rado in the shed to refer to as well, thanks Paul :wave: and yes it is quiet now the loading shovell has finished clearing the snow :shock: pretty bad here!


KipVR, I'm hoping I can sort the door pin plastics, I bought some new pins off bay but they are crap so back to original. There must be a way to sort it, perhaps shrink wrap :shrug:

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I've got brand new VAG bonnet catch and pins if you need pics of them for reference, although I realise it might be a bit late?

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:clap: That would be brill KipVR, just what I need. I'm quite happy to do them again, cant do much else with all this bloody snow :shock:

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